• The South Will Fall Again
• Trump Says Herschel Walker Will Run for Senate in Georgia
• Whither Lisa Murkowski?
• A Famous Name Is Not Enough
• What Happens to Sh** Stirrers When There's No Sh** to Stir?
• A Momentary Lapse of Reason, Part I
No News Is Bad News (for RCV)
It's a good thing that we don't publish in the afternoon, because if we did, we would have had an item yesterday about how the New York City mayor's race was getting very interesting, with Kathryn Garcia (D) having narrowed Eric Adams' (D) lead over her to just two points after the release of the first round of ranked-choice voting (RCV) calculations for the Democratic mayoral primary.
As it turns out, however, the numbers were completely wrong. After they were posted to the New York City Board of Elections' website, people quickly began to notice that the totals did not make sense. For example, Dave Wasserman of the Cook Political Report and NBC News tweeted this less than an hour after the results were announced:
If @BOENYC's unofficial tallies from *both* 6/23 and today are to be believed, these are how the 142,005 newly added 1st-choice votes broke down:
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) June 30, 2021
Adams 12.3%
Yang 11.6%
Write-ins 11.4%
Taylor 10.6%
Donovan 9.3%
Garcia 8.2%
Wright 8.2%
Wiley 6.8%
Umm...something's very wrong.
The specific, glaring problem here is that it is highly implausible that Shaun Donovan and Joycelyn Taylor (2.2% and 0.3% of the announced vote on election night, respectively) would have outpolled Maya Wiley and Garcia (22.3% and 19.5%).
It did not take long to figure out what went wrong. When preparing for the election, election officials ran tests to make sure that they had worked out the kinks. And after, they forgot to zero out the data. So, all the "results" from the test runs were still in the system, and were added to the tallies released yesterday. Oops.
Really, this should be no big deal. It's a relatively small mistake (even if it had very noticeable results). It was caught very quickly. It didn't change anything, since all the ballots were already cast, and the official results aren't due for at least another week. And of course there are going to be wrinkles to be ironed out when an entirely new system is implemented, particularly on the scale called for by a city of 8 million people.
That said, just because it shouldn't be a big deal doesn't mean it won't be. After all, people are still carping about the chaos in Iowa last year (which, to be fair, was far less excusable). Further, although this had nothing to do with RCV, except to the extent that it was a new system being tested, there are certainly going to be people who conclude that RCV is to blame.
If there's anyone or anything that should be a scapegoat here, it's actually the New York City Board of Elections, which has a history of screw-ups. Should the next mayor, whoever they may be, decide to do some housecleaning, they'll have plenty of cover to do so. As to the election results, it's not yet clear if updated totals will be released as soon as practicable, or if the Board will stick with the "every Tuesday" schedule previously announced. (Z)
The South Will Fall Again
When you stop to think about it, it's a bit odd that Jefferson Davis led an armed rebellion against the United States that claimed more than a million lives (military and civilian), and yet there's a statue of him displayed in a place of honor in the Capitol Building. As far as we know, there's no statue of Robespierre in the French National Assembly, nor of Benito Mussolini in the Palazzo Montecitorio, nor of Maximilian I in the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro.
In any event, House Democrats would like to see all of the artwork honoring Confederate heroes (and Confederate-adjacent heroes) removed from the Capitol. There's the whole armed rebellion against the United States thing, of course, as well as the fact that they all owned slaves, or aggressively supported slavery, or both. And so, on Tuesday, for the second time in as many years, the House voted to put the pro-Confederate artwork in the Congressional dumpster. Here's the list of artworks that could be removed:
- Charles Brantley Aycock (North Carolina; statue): He was actually just six years old when
the Civil War ended, but he rode the events of the post-Reconstruction era, the "Lost Cause" mythology, and an unabashedly
white supremacist agenda to the North Carolina governor's mansion, and he played a key role in instigating the
Wilmington massacre of 1898.
- John C. Calhoun (South Carolina; statue): He died several years before the Civil War began,
but he spent multiple generations as the South's foremost spokesman, and almost single-handedly crafted the Southern arguments
for the superiority of slavery over wage labor, and the legality of secession.
- James Paul Clarke (Arkansas; statue): Like Aycock, he did not participate directly in the
Civil War (he was 11 when it ended), but he did ride a platform of post-Reconstruction, Lost Cause-justified white
supremacy to his state's governor's mansion. He was also a U.S. Senator, lingering long enough to serve a few years as
President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
- Howell Cobb (Georgia; painting): A major slaveholder, five-term member of the U.S.
Congress, leading member of the Confederate Congress, Confederate general, and the man primarily responsible for the
creation of the notorious Andersonville Prison. During the Civil War, he was one of the North's most hated figures. When
William T. Sherman, while marching through Georgia, learned that the house he planned to appropriate for purposes of
eating dinner one night belonged to Cobb, the general dined in the slaves' quarters and burned the house to the
- Charles Frederick Crisp (Virginia; painting): He served in the Confederate Army as a lieutenant,
and later served 13 years in the House, including 4 years as Speaker. If any artwork survives this process, it will presumably
be his portrait, since he was not a prominent Confederate and he was Speaker.
- Jefferson Davis (Mississippi; statue): As noted, the president of the Confederacy. Also a major
- James Z. George (Mississippi; statue): He was a colonel, an outspoken advocate for the (white)
workingman, and was a U.S. Senator for 16 years, dying while serving in that office.
- Wade Hampton (South Carolina; statue): Hampton served as a state legislator before the war,
a general during the war, governor of South Carolina during part of Reconstruction, and a U.S. Senator from 1879-91.
Yet another major slaveholder, though he was somewhat less enthusiastic about the institution than some of his peers.
- Uriah M. Rose (Arkansas; statue): A lawyer and judge, he took an oath to support the
Confederacy (necessary for him to keep his seat on the Arkansas bench) and after the Civil War he helped write the white
supremacist planks of the Arkansas Democratic Party's platform.
- Edmund Kirby Smith (Florida; statue): A West Point graduate (class of 1845), he was set to
be a career military man before abandoning his oath to the U.S. and joining the Confederate Army, where he rose to the
rank of full general (four stars). After the Civil War, his military career at an end, Smith was a businessman and
college professor.
- Alexander Stephens (Georgia; statue): A long-serving member of the U.S. Congress, the
vice president of the Confederacy, and one of the most outspoken advocates of slavery, most famously in his
"Cornerstone speech."
- Roger Taney (Maryland; bust): He was Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court for nearly
30 years (1836-64), but he was also a slaveholder, and he single-handedly tried to secure the future of slavery by
persuading his SCOTUS colleagues to issue the notorious Dred Scott decision of 1857. That he remained "loyal" to
the U.S. when the Civil War broke out does not make up for the strikes against his record.
- John Tyler (Virginia; bust): A U.S. Senator and Representative, governor of Virginia, and,
of course, President of the United States before the Civil War, he strongly sided with the South during secession, and
was elected to the Confederate Congress as a result. He died before he could take his seat, however, and is remembered
today mostly for being the first person to assume the presidency upon the death of an elected president (William Henry
Harrison), and for his rather fruitful loins, which produced 15 children and over 100 grandchildren; one of the latter
(Harrison Ruffin Tyler) is still living.
- Zebulon B. Vance (North Carolina; statue): He served briefly in Congress before the Civil
War, was governor of North Carolina and a colonel in the Confederate Army during the war, and served in the U.S. Senate
after the war. In case you are wondering how it is possible that some of these men could serve as both military officers
and politicians, it is because most of the fighting back then was done in the spring and summer, when there was less rain
and snow, and most of the governing was done in fall and winter, when there was less heat.
- Joseph Wheeler (Alabama; statue): He was a cavalry commander in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, though it is unclear if his final rank was major general (two stars) or lieutenant general (three stars). After, he served for 15 years in the U.S. House, and participated in the Spanish-American and Philippine-American wars as a major general.
Some of these, like the bust of Taney, are singled out by name in the legislation, others are (potentially) covered by language that empowers the Architect of the Capitol to review the collection and make judgments as needed. The current architect, Brett Blanton, is going to have some interesting calls to make. For example, booting a U.S. president like Tyler, when he didn't actually serve the Confederacy, will not be an easy choice. On the other hand, the fact that Tyler agreed to serve, and would have done so but for his death, means he committed a monstrous violation against the many oaths he took, including the presidential oath.
In addition, some of the artworks (basically, the busts and paintings) are entirely under the control of Congress, while the rest (basically, the statues) are part of the national statuary collection, and so are partly under the control of the states that donated them. In cases where the state has not already taken action (for example, Smith is already scheduled to be replaced by activist Mary McLeod Bethune), the statue will be returned to the state that sent it, and they will be given the option of providing a non-Confederate alternative. We'll see if any of them tries to push back against the Democrats by sending in a statue of the QAnon Shaman.
The vote on the legislation was 285 to 120, with 67 Republicans joining all of the Democrats. We don't doubt that the Democrats' desire to get rid of the Confederates/white supremacists is genuine, but surely they also know that this vote puts some of their Republican colleagues in a delicate position. On one hand, many Republicans don't want to be seen as tolerant of racism/insurrection, particularly after what happened on 1/6. On the other hand, many Republicans need votes from racists and pro-insurrection voters, as well as from folks who regard any challenge to Southern history as a personal insult.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), who is trying to be elected U.S. Senator from one of the reddest and deepest Southern states, had no problem with his vote, proudly proclaiming that "I support federalism and a state's right to decide for itself who it should honor. As such, I will proudly vote 'No' on H.R. 3005. Alabama, not New Yorkers, Californians, or anyone else, should decide who we wish to honor in Alabama's contribution to the National Statuary Collection."
Other members really had to stand on their heads in order to explain their votes. For example, Glenn Grothman (R-WI) said he voted against because while he would like to see Roger Taney go, he disagrees with replacing him with Thurgood Marshall, since Marshall was "the guy who kind of put the foot on the gas and legalized late-term abortion." Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) also voted against the bill, claiming his "nay" vote was on procedural grounds: "My opposition to this bill isn't because of the goal that we're trying to achieve, but it's the way that the majority continues to skirt procedure in this body." House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) voted for the bill, and explained that he did so because "All the statues being removed by this bill are statues of Democrats." He then launched into a lengthy harangue that blamed the whole statue-removal initiative on...wait for it...critical race theory, accusing Democrats of "replacing the racism of the past with the racism of the critical race theory."
The bill now heads to the Senate. Last year, it did not get a vote, because Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was the majority leader. This year, it will most certainly get a vote, because Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is majority leader. Given that the bill found substantial Republican support in the House, which tends to be more hyperpartisan than the Senate, we doubt that Senate Republicans will attempt a filibuster. Though with Sens. Josh Hawley (R-MO), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) in the room, you never know. (Z)
Trump Says Herschel Walker Will Run for Senate in Georgia
To the extent that he has "friends," Donald Trump has been friends with former football player Herschel Walker for decades, dating back to when Walker was a player on the USFL team that Trump owned, and continuing through an appearance on "The Celebrity Apprentice." On Tuesday, Trump was on the radio show formerly hosted by Rush Limbaugh, and said that he has talked to Walker, and Walker has decided to run for the right to challenge Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) in next year's election.
As is sometimes (often?) the case with Trump, this may be premature. When Walker was asked for comment, he issued a statement in which he said he is "looking at the race closely" and that he will soon be making an announcement. That said, Trump must have had some sort of indication that Walker is close to throwing his helmet into the ring. The Donald favors Walker as a candidate for these three reasons, listed from most to least important:
- He is unfailingly loyal to Trump.
- He is a popular former player for the University of Georgia.
- He is Black.
Meanwhile, Republicans are falling in line behind Walker because:
- They are frightened of challenging Trump.
- He is a popular former player for the University of Georgia.
- He is Black.
Southerners do have a certain affinity for football heroes turned politicians. Here's a list of all the people we can find who played football and then were elected to Congress:
Name | Football Career | Elected From |
Rep. Colin Allred (D) | Played for Baylor and the Tennessee Titans | Texas |
Sen. Cory Booker (D) | Played for Stanford | New Jersey |
LaVern Dilweg (D) | Played for Marquette and the Green Bay Packers | Wisconsin |
Gerald Ford (R) | Played for Michigan | Michigan |
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R) | Played for Ohio State, the Indianapolis Colts, and the New England Patriots | Ohio |
Jack Kemp (R) | Played for Occidental and the Buffalo Bills | New York |
Steve Largent (R) | Played for Tulsa and the Seattle Seahawks | Oklahoma |
Bob Mathias (R) | Played for Stanford | California |
Tom Osborne (R) | Coached Nebraska | Nebraska |
Rep. Burgess Owens (R) | Played for the University of Miami, the New York Jets, and the Oakland Raiders | Utah |
Jon Runyan (R) | Played for Michigan, the Titans, the Philadelphia Eagles, and the San Diego Chargers | New Jersey |
Heath Shuler (D) | Played for the University of Tennessee, the New Orleans Saints, and the Washington Football Team | North Carolina |
Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R) | Coached Mississippi, Auburn, Texas Tech, and Cincinnati | Alabama |
J.C. Watts (R) | Played for Oklahoma and the Ottawa Rough Riders of the CFL | Oklahoma |
As you can see, there are five former football players/coaches currently serving (Allred, Booker, Gonzalez, Owens, and Tuberville). You can also see that "I'm a football player" tends to work for Republicans more than Democrats, particularly in the South and the Midwest. So, this is probably Walker's best angle. As to being Black, that seems unlikely to do much for him up against a Black opponent. And as to being a Trumper, well, Georgia just gave its EVs and two Senate seats to the Democrats, so that might not help him much either.
Whether Trump's support turns out to be a net positive, a net negative, or a wash, Walker does have some other pretty significant liabilities. To start, he has zero political experience, and little experience that is politics-adjacent (Warnock also had no political experience when he ran, but as the leader of a large church, he did have public speaking and executive leadership on his résumé). In addition, Walker is not actually a resident of Georgia; he lives in Texas. That can be solved by relocating, but Southern voters tend to be leery of carpetbaggers. Finally, Walker has mental illness; he's been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. Mental illness shouldn't be a consideration for voters, but that doesn't mean that it won't be. Further, as with a candidate who has a history of heart disease, the stress of a campaign could cause a debilitating flare-up.
Assuming Walker does run, this will immediately become the #1 test of Trump's endorsing power. If his handpicked, enthusiastically supported candidate running in a purple, Southern state cannot win, then the Donald officially acquires black stripes and becomes a paper tiger. (Z)
Whither Lisa Murkowski?
Everyone assumes that Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) will run for reelection next year, despite being in the crosshairs of Donald Trump and his minions. And everyone assumes that she will win, particularly given Alaska's new system, wherein the top four finishers in the primary will advance to a jungle-style runoff in the general election. It should be no problem for her to put together a winning coalition of Republicans who don't like Trump, and Democrats/independents who do not wish to be represented by Trump's favored candidate, Kelly Chewbacca...er, Tshibaka.
However, Murkowski has not actually said she's running. And when she is asked, she demurs. Similarly, because the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) thinks Alaska is in the bag for the Party regardless of who runs, and because they might like to have a reliable right-wing vote instead of an occasional maverick, and because the NRSC is led by a Trumper in Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), they are not pushing her to run, despite reelection being a near-slam dunk.
It is unusual for a senator to give up an office-for-life like this, but maybe the 64-year-old Murkowski is tired of the long trip (it's over 4,000 miles from Alaska to D.C.), or perhaps she's tired of gridlock, or she might not have the stomach for what will surely be the nastiest campaign of her career.
If Murkowski does drop out, then it makes this a very interesting situation, indeed. To start, whatever the possibility of her flipping to Democrat or independent is, it surely increases a lot the moment she decides her political career is coming to an end. Further, Alaska went 52-42 for Trump in 2020, so it's not nearly as red as, say, Idaho or Oklahoma or Mississippi. If Tshibaka runs a poor campaign and/or proves to be a poor candidate, and an independent or Democrat runs a strong, centrist campaign, this seat could indeed end up in play, regardless of what Scott and the NRSC think. And finally, if a Trump-backed candidate wins here, it doesn't say much. But if a Trump-backed candidate loses? That would be even more significant in cutting him off at the knees than a Herschel Walker loss in Georgia (see above). It's not often that all eyes are on Alaska, but they could be in 2022. (Z)
A Famous Name Is Not Enough
Donald Trump has inspired a wave of candidates who tell themselves that: (1) people know my name, (2) I'm very Trumpy, and (3) that was good enough for The Donald to be elected president. So, they conclude that they'll run for a very prominent office with little in the way of relevant experience or skills.
Herschel Walker, whom we discuss above, and J.D. Vance, whom we discussed yesterday, are examples of this. Neither of them has yet declared, so we will have to wait to see how it goes. However, two other folks of this sort made the jump a bit earlier. And for them, the early returns are not promising.
First up is Andrew Giuliani, son of Rudy. He's worked as a sales intern at a capital management firm, tried to become a professional golfer, and served in the Trump administration in a couple of "find something for Rudy's kid to do" positions. Young Andrew (he's 35) thinks that is more than enough to prepare him to lead the State of New York, home to nearly 20 million people, so he jumped into the race, with the very Trumpy Rep. Lee Zeldin (R) as his main competition. It would seem that the folks who run the NY GOP are not buying what Andrew is selling, however. They took a poll of county chairs and committee members, and this was the result:
Candidate | Percentage |
Lee Zeldin | 85% |
Former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino | 5% |
Abstain | 10% |
Certainly, as Trump himself proved, you can win elections even if your party's establishment is against you. But he at least had some support, even from the very beginning. By contrast, beginning with 0% is not what one would call an auspicious start.
Moving on, there is also Mark McCloskey, whose qualifications for high office (in this case, U.S. Senator from Missouri) are arguably even thinner than Giuliani's. McCloskey is an attorney of dubious merit who became a Republican folk hero/Democratic joke/meme by virtue of waving a gun—one he clearly has no idea how to use properly—at a group of (mostly) Black, entirely peaceful protesters. This earned him a speaking slot at the 2020 RNC.
This weekend, McCloskey held his very first campaign rally. And if the scene had been created for a movie comedy (say, something from Adam Sandler), it would have seemed too implausible. Think McCloskey re-creating his 15 seconds of fame, and then autographing guns afterwards. A Deep Purple cover band. A total number of attendees in the low dozens. A keynote speaker (Michael Flynn) canceling, and then his replacement (Rep. Madison Cawthorn, R-NC) also canceling. Writing for a local weekly, Daniel Hill produced an absolutely blistering takedown of the whole affair, coupled with some really depressing photos. This paragraph gives a sense of the tone:
Grievance and untethered delusion topped the menu at the event, with McCloskey and a roster of speakers largely unknown outside the fever swamps of the far right taking turns condemning everything from critical race theory (their newest and most nonsensical bogeyman) to "cultural Marxism" (George Soros' fault of course, but how dare you level accusations of antisemitism) to the "radical left" agenda of (hahahahaha) Joe Biden. The whole gun-and-pony show was in service of McCloskey's deeply stupid run for the U.S. Senate, because if there's one thing that qualifies a man for public office in the Republican party in 2021 it's a willingness to point a firearm at those with whom you disagree politically.
You'll have to click on the link and read for yourself if you want to see the passage that includes the phrase "hump a gun."
In any case, it was hard to imagine that either Giuliani or McCloskey was electable when they declared, and now it's even harder to imagine. One wonders if they will give up the charade, or if they will keep on until the bitter end, like Joe Arpaio did even after it became clear he had no chance of being nominated for U.S. Senate. In any event, once again, it does not bode well for other "celebrity" candidates who might try to run in the Trump lane. (Z)
What Happens to Sh** Stirrers When There's No Sh** to Stir?
There are quite a few websites that are in the business of, for lack of a better description, pissing people off. Most of the news outlets, as well as the "news" outlets, indulge in this sometimes. But for the Federalists and Daily Wires of the world, the politics of outrage is their bread and butter and their raison d'être.
The problem for these outlets is that while critical race theory might be the gift that just keeps on giving, they're actually kinda short on material these days. Joe Biden, who appears to have his own coat of teflon, doesn't give them all that much to work with. And Donald Trump has lost most of his megaphones, not to mention his bully pulpit, so they can't fill all that many hours, or pixels, with him.
Traffic numbers are in for the first six months of the year, and they tell the tale. Pretty much every outlet that engages regularly with politics is down in terms of engagement, since it's lull time in the political cycle, and the weather is better outside, and people are taking advantage of the pandemic's receding. However, the sh** stirrers, particularly on the right, are taking a real pounding. For example, the big newspapers (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today) etc. saw a decline of 18%. Lefty sh** stirrers, like RawStory and Mother Jones, were down 27%. And righty sh** stirrers, like the Federalist and Newsmax, were down 44%.
Readership will undoubtedly climb in 2022, once the election cycle heats up. But that doesn't pay the bills right now. Further, the right-wing numbers are particularly grim given that the opposition party has the federal trifecta. This may reflect an oversaturated market and/or the growing popularity of conservative podcasts. So, it could be that some of these outlets won't actually linger to benefit from the 2022 upswing. (Z)
A Momentary Lapse of Reason, Part I
On Thursday of last week, at the end of that day's posting, we added this note:
Well, it happened again. Without any deliberate planning, we ended up with five items that mentioned notable musical albums, while the other two mentioned notable songs. After noticing that, we went back and added albums to the two "song" items. So, if you'd care to hunt for the seven album names, have at it. We'll list them tomorrow. As a hint, here are the years for the albums, in the order they appear: 1979, 1970, 2004, 1966, 1959, 1972, and 1992.
D.R. in Yellow Springs pointed out, quite rightly, that we missed a chance to get really meta and to lead that with "Oops!...We Did It Again," which would have been a Britney Spears album reference. That said, if we had thought of that, we might or might not have taken the opportunity. For all the other albums, we used the exact title, whereas in that case we'd be altering it from the correct "Oops!...I Did It Again." Plus, given the rather sad Spears-centered drama that's playing out on the front pages right now, we might have decided that now was not the time to incorporate her into a lighthearted exercise.
Meanwhile, on Friday, when announcing that we were going to give folks more time to attempt the puzzle, we added an additional bit of information, namely that there was one more bonus album, from 1971, hidden somewhere in the post that nobody, as of 4:00 a.m. PT Friday morning, had caught. We mention all of this just so everyone's on the same page.
Anyhow, here are the answers we were expecting:
We Have a Deal, Part 29: "The Wall," by Pink Floyd. This was among the more obvious ones.
Supreme Court Justices Are Earning Their Paychecks: "Let It Be," by the Beatles, plus the song "In the Summertime" by Mungo Jerry. Google tells you that "In the Summertime" is an album title, but it wasn't, it was only a single. And it wasn't your average, everyday single; it's actually the third highest-selling physical (i.e., non-digital) single of all time, behind only "White Christmas" and "Candle in the Wind 1997." "Let it Be," meanwhile, was the second-hardest album to find besides the easy-to-miss bonus album, in part because people found the "In the Summertime" reference and stopped looking. We knew that would be the case, which is why we snuck a "Mother Mary" reference in there.
Note that we didn't do that to be tricky. "In the Summertime" was the original album reference, until we discovered, upon double-checking, that it's not an album. That's when we put "Let it Be" in there.
The Day After: "To the 5 Boroughs," by the Beastie Boys, plus the song "New York State of Mind" by Billy Joel. "New York State of Mind" was never an album title; the song appeared on the 1976 album "Turnstiles." Other than the bonus album, this was the hardest one to find.
Another Proposal for Fixing the Filibuster: "Pet Sounds," by the Beach Boys, plus the easy-to-miss bonus album "What's Going On," by Marvin Gaye.
Biden Nominates McCain for U.N. Post: "Kind of Blue," by Miles Davis.
We Have Our First Redistricting Map...and Our First Redistricting Map Squabble: "Rocky Mountain High," by John Denver.
Newsom to Face Recall Election: "Time Takes Time," by Ringo Starr. We don't necessarily write the items in the order they appear; this was actually the first album reference written that day ("Rocky Mountain High" was the second one, and "The Wall" was the third).
As is always the case when we do something like this, many readers submitted answers other than the ones we were expecting. In some cases, we knew the album was there, but thought it a bit too imprecise to be a clear, and satisfying answer. For example, there are more than a dozen albums entitled "Blue," most famously the one by Joni Mitchell, but also from Diana Ross, The Jesus Lizard, LeAnn Rimes, Simply Red (get it? "Blue" by Simply Red), and Third Eye Blind, among others. In other cases, the submitted answers were surprises.
We are going to share some of the unexpected answers, and also a list of folks who "won" the game. However, this post, and this item, are already pretty long. So, we'll do part II on Friday. (Z)
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---The Votemaster and Zenger
Jun29 Pelosi Spells Out Commission Details
Jun29 No Charges for Trump in New York?
Jun29 Maybe Trump Should Be Focused on Some Image Management
Jun29 Political Themes of the Olympics Are Emerging
Jun29 Arizona Audit Is Not Helping Trump
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Jun28 Donald Trump Wants to Make the 2022 Elections about ... Donald Trump
Jun28 Two States Undercut Secretaries of State for Not "Finding" Votes for Trump
Jun28 Dept. of Justice Sues Georgia over Voting Law
Jun28 Barr Dumps on Trump
Jun28 Axios: J.D. Vance Will Announce a Senate Run in Ohio This Week
Jun28 Democrats Have a Gerontocracy Problem
Jun28 Socialism Is Not a Bugaboo with Young Voters
Jun28 Voting Machines Are Black Boxes--and So is the Entire Voting Industry
Jun28 Former Alaska Democratic Senator Mike Gravel Dies
Jun27 Sunday Mailbag
Jun26 Saturday Q&A
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Jun25 ...As Does the New York Bar
Jun25 DeSantis Cements His Claim to the Trump Lane
Jun25 This Week's 2022 Candidacy News
Jun25 COVID Diaries: The Origin Story
Jun24 We Have a Deal, Part 29
Jun24 Supreme Court Justices Are Earning Their Paychecks
Jun24 The Day After
Jun24 Another Proposal for Fixing the Filibuster
Jun24 Biden Nominates McCain for U.N. Post
Jun24 We Have Our First Redistricting Map...and Our First Redistricting Map Squabble
Jun24 Newsom to Face Recall Election
Jun23 It Ain't Over Til It's Over
Jun23 Pelosi Reportedly Ready to Move Forward with 1/6 Commission
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Jun23 Democratic Super PAC Will Pour $20 Million into Voting Efforts
Jun23 Some States Are Making Voting Easier
Jun23 Democrats Vow to Reach Out to Minority Voters
Jun23 Senate Committee Takes Up D.C. Statehood
Jun23 Labor and Green Groups Urge Biden to Reject Watered-Down Infrastructure Plan
Jun23 Judge Rules Against Protesters in Lafayette Square Case
Jun23 Will the Free Market Make Bernie Sanders Obsolete?
Jun22 Sinema Lays Out Her Filibuster Views in Black and White
Jun22 Polling News, Part I: Adams Remains the Favorite
Jun22 Polling News, Part II: DeSantis for President?
Jun22 Trump's Risky Endorsement Strategy
Jun22 Tucker Carlson, Male Prostitute
Jun22 Big News Times Two from the World of Sports
Jun21 More Democrats Are Yelling "Go, Joe, Go!"
Jun21 Catholic Bishops Vote to Draft a Statement That Will Rebuke Biden
Jun21 Garcia and Yang Gang Up on Adams