• Stories to Watch in 2018
• People to Watch in 2018
Assessing Donald Trump's First Year
As the calendar turns from 2017 to 2018, many outlets are taking the opportunity to assess Donald Trump's first year (well, first 345 days) in office. A selection:
Left-leaning Commentators:- Michael Grunwald, Politico,
Donald Trump Is a Consequential President. Just Not in the Ways You Think.:
"The most consequential aspect of President Trump—like the most consequential
aspect of Candidate Trump—has been his relentless shattering of norms: norms of
honesty, decency, diversity, strategy, diplomacy and democracy, norms of what
presidents are supposed to say and do when the world is and isn't watching. As I
keep arguing in these periodic Trump reviews, it's a mistake to describe his
all-caps rage-tweeting or his endorsement of an accused child molester or his
threats to wipe out 'Little Rocket Man' as unpresidential, because he's the
president. He's by definition presidential. The norms he's shattered are by
definition no longer norms. His erratic behavior isn't normal, but it's
inevitably becoming normalized, a predictably unpredictable feature of our
political landscape."
- Eugene Robinson, Washington Post,
Trump's first year was even worse than feared: "We knew that Trump was
narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least
hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his
shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten
worse. By all accounts, the president spends hours each day watching cable news,
buoyed by the shows that blindly support him — 'Fox & Friends,' 'Hannity,' a few
others on Fox News — and enraged by those that seek to hold him accountable. His
aides have had to shorten and dumb down his daily briefings on national security
in an attempt to get him to pay attention. Members of his Cabinet try to outdo
one another in lavishing him with flowery, obsequious praise that would
embarrass the Sun King...To understand how deviant the Trump administration is,
consider this: Since its founding, the nation has treasured civilian control of
the military as a restraint on adventurism. Now we must rely on three generals —
Trump's chief of staff, his national security adviser and his secretary of
defense — to keep this rash and erratic president from careering off the
- Paul Waldman, The Week,
Republicans' absurd revisionist history of President Trump's first year:
"[T]here's an entire generation of Republicans who are going to be tainted by
their support for Trump. They'll have to endure questions about his tweets, and
about his lies, and about Russian collusion. If Trump loses a re-election bid
and winds up one of the most disgraced presidents in history — one of the more
likely conclusions to this whole bizarre episode in American political history —
Democrats will never let Republicans forget it. He will have degraded the party,
if not permanently, then at least for some time to come. The immediate result
could be a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress in 2021, one that will
move with extraordinary speed to undo everything Trump did and inaugurate a new
age of progressive policymaking."
- Michael Duffy, Time/PBS,
Assessing President Donald Trump's first year in office: "Well, this is a
party that is literally cracking open in the president's first year, over
everything from trade, to taxes, to spending, to foreign policy, and who should
be in the Republican Party and who should lead it. They're fighting about all
of that. And for President Trump, who used to be a Democrat, you know, to be
sort of presiding and—now, he didn't start this war. It started five or six
years ago. But he stoked it. And he stoked it in the campaign. And that just
constantly is a—reduces the influence of all the Republican institutions while
they fight about this. So that's just a weight on his ankles. And I don't
think that goes away anytime soon, and it will probably get worse—probably get
- Alyona Minkovski, Salon,
The harmful effects of Trump-era policies: "Trump's accomplishments in
the White House in his first year are making life worse for many
Americans...Immigration policies have already separated families and made travel
and work more difficult for many people. [The] Trump administration's travel ban
affects people from six Muslim-majority countries, legal immigration has been
slowed and arrests of non-criminal undocumented immigrants surged by 250
percent, according to government data. Trump has also legitimized hate by saying
there are good people on 'both sides' after a white nationalist rally in
Charlottesville. Meanwhile, FBI statistics show that hate crimes are on the rise
with increases in attacks based on race."
- Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post,
The 10 best things Trump has done in his first year in office: "The record of
achievement suggests that, despite the noxious tweets and self-inflicted wounds
emanating from the White House, Trump has the potential to become one of the
most consequential conservative presidents in modern American history. The
question is: Does all this good outweigh the bad?"
- Matthew Continetti, The National Review,
Personal eccentricity, political conventionality: "The year since Donald
Trump was elected president has not been without accomplishment. The investiture
of Justice Neil Gorsuch and several lower-court judges, the successful campaign
against ISIS, the rollback of intrusive government regulations, the approval of
the Keystone and Dakota XL pipelines, the precipitous reduction in illegal
border crossings, the decertification of Iranian compliance with the Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action, withdrawal from UNESCO, and the ongoing boom of
record employment and stock-market prices cannot be denied. But those Trump
supporters who assumed his election would inaugurate an era of economic
nationalism and a rewriting of the rules of the liberal international order have
been disappointed so far. The paradox of Trump is that this most idiosyncratic
of men has proven to be a rather conventional Republican president."
- Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner,
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items
repealed: "With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump
administration has scored 81 major achievements in its first year, making good
on campaign promises to provide significant tax cuts, boost U.S. energy
production, and restore respect to the United States, according to the White
House. And along the way, President Trump even outdid his own expectations and
slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama,
including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist
Cuba and effectively killing Obamacare by ending the mandate that everyone have
health insurance or face a tax."
- Carrie Sheffield, The Hill,
Conservatives packed 2017 with victories — push 2018 even further: "While
political correctness had reared its pernicious head in abundantly manifested
ways, the corresponding bombastic, overheated political rhetoric of the past two
years needn't overshadow our discourse in 2018. The political sea change that
was Donald Trump in 2016 created an opening for solutions-oriented conservatives
to unabashedly show American voters how limited government, competitive markets
and robust but realistic foreign policy will make us freer, safer and and more
- Charlie Spiering, Breitbart,
Top 12 MAGA Moments in Donald Trump's First Year as President: "President
Donald Trump had a successful first year, but there were moments when his
supporters felt particularly vindicated about their decision to vote for him.
Those moments are 'MAGA moments,' when it was clear that Trump was keeping his
promise to Make America Great Again."
- Richard Baris, Rasmussen Reports,
Trump's First Year Accomplishments Compiled In Shockingly Long List:
"Looking back on President Donald Trump's first year in office, he has compiled
a shockingly strong record and long list of accomplishments. As was also the
case with his rise to the presidency, President Trump has broken several records
for a first-year commander-in-chief and fulfilled many of his key campaign
promises. Now, that's not to say he hasn't had failures and it's not to mask the
fact that many of these accomplishments were unilateral. But it is also true
that President Trump has faced an unprecedented level of never-ending
obstruction throughout the year. He was the first president in memory to be
deprived of the 'honeymoon' period after Inauguration Day and, frankly,
opposition at times has risen to levels that could arguably constitute downright
- Liz Mair, U.S. News and World Report,
The Trump Presidency: A Success Story: "What would you say if I told you
that Donald Trump is one step away from securing a legacy as the most successful
first-year president ever? On one level, it sounds crazy. The president has
spent year one mired in controversy over crazy tweets involving alleged
face-lifts of TV stars, horrifically ignorant and ill-advised comments about
white nationalists, alleged personal profiting off the presidency, supposed
interference in criminal investigations and the connections of multiple members
of his campaign and administration team to Russia—and more. But when it comes
to actual policy accomplishments tied to pledges he made on the campaign trail,
Trump is actually doing pretty well—whether you like the results or not."
It is clear that most liberals are seeing one presidency—a total disaster—and most conservatives are seeing another—a smashing success. There is no reason to think that perceptual divide is going to disappear anytime soon. The only thing that (most) people seem to agree on is that whenever Donald Trump leaves office, he will be leaving an office and a government that has been permanently transformed. (Z)
Stories to Watch in 2018
The change of years is also an opportunity for various outlets to look ahead to 2018, and to try to read the tea leaves of what's coming next. That includes NBC News, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Brookings Institution, The Observer (UK), Fox News, NPR, the Wall Street Journal, and Forbes. Here's an executive summary, with a few additions from us:
- The Economy: The Republicans have bet big that the
economy will boom in 2018 thanks to their tax plan. Anything less—whether
that's the status quo being maintained, or a downturn (which is coming, sooner
or later)—will be a big blow to Donald Trump and the GOP.
- The Tax Cut: In a related story, the GOP is hoping
that their tax cut, which is currently very unpopular, will grow on people once
they see more money in their paychecks and/or their refund checks. History, and
the evidence, are both against them.
- Bipartisanship?: Congress will need to set a
budget, and presumably do something about the Dreamers, and something about
health care. Reconciliation is off the table, since it can be used only once per
year, and was used to squeeze the tax bill through the Senate. That means that,
like it or not, the GOP is going to need some Democratic votes. A big question
will be how aggressive Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and the rest of the congressional Democrats
will be, knowing they've got a base that has been roused to action and that
loathes the President. A government shutdown (and, thus, a failure of
bipartisanship) is very possible.
- Trade Wars: Trump has signalled an intent to
impose punitive tariffs on some countries or imports, and to (maybe) kil NAFTA,
while the GOP tax plan is actively designed to suck capital out of other
countries and bring it back to the United States. Don't expect China, Canada,
and Mexico, among others, to take this lying down.
- Donald Trump's Approval Rating: The economy has
been very good so far, which should have pushed the President's approval rating
way up. It hasn't. Trump has gotten himself involved in controversies, scandals,
and squabbles at a rate completely unprecedented (and unpresidented), which
should have pushed the President's approval rating way down. They haven't. For
almost the entire year, he's hovered somewhere in the vicinity of 40%. By the
end of 2018, we should know with a fair degree of certainty if The Donald has
the highest floor and lowest ceiling of any modern president, and if there's
simply nothing that can move him far off of a 40% approval in either
- Turnover in the White House: Already, the Trump White
House has had more turnover than any in recent memory, and perhaps any in history
(hard to compare directly between the much smaller staffs of the 19th century and the
mega-bureaucracy of today). More change is coming. Some
in the behind-the-scenes staff are already known (deputy national security
adviser Dina Powell is leaving) and others are suspected (political director
Bill Stepien is likely going to get some supervision). There is also little
chance that the current cabinet will remain intact for another year. Secretary
of State Rex Tillerson is likely to leave (or be relieved), and it would not be
a surprise if AG Jeff Sessions, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Defense
Secretary James Mattis, or Chief of Staff John Kelly decided to throw in the
towel. The whispers are also growing louder that Jared Kushner is a short
- The Midterms: At the moment, the midterm
elections—which will be held on November 6—are the story of
2018. By all indications, a Democratic wave is building, and it could hand the
blue team control of the House and maybe even the Senate. But if a week in
politics is a lifetime, then it means there are approximately 46 lifetimes
between now and Election Day.
- Special Elections, Primaries and Retirements: We
cannot know for certain what will happen in the midterms until the votes are
counted on November 6. However, there will be some very useful clues throughout
the next 10 months, as we see what kinds of candidates are winning their
parties' respective nominations, who is winning special elections, and which
members of Congress will throw in the towel and step down. Key events in the
next few months include the February 27 primary in AZ-8 (to fill Republican
Trent Franks' former seat), the March 6 primary in Texas, the March 13 special
election in PA-18 (to fill Republican Tim Murphy's former seat), the March 20
primary in Illinois, and the six Tuesdays between May 8 and June 26, when a
total of 21 states will hold their primaries.
- Voter Suppression: From Donald Trump's voter fraud
commission on down, the GOP is doing what it can to stop Democrats from voting
(the latest strategy, incidentally, is trying to
take away the vote
of anyone who does not show up for jury duty). Democrats and civil rights
organizations like the ACLU and the NAACP are pushing back through the court
system. The situation may well reach its denouement in 2018, and the icing on
the cake—one way or another—could be a SCOTUS decision in
Gill v. Whitford,
which asks the justices to consider the legality of partisan gerrymandering, and
of a mathematical formula for identifying "illegal" gerrymanders.
- The 2020 Presidential Election: Each presidential
cycle, the campaign starts a bit earlier. The Democrats will have a huge group
of candidates, probably even larger than the GOP had in 2016. Meanwhile, Donald
Trump is certainly going to draw at least one serious "traditional" Republican
challenger (Gov. John Kasich, R-OH?), who is going to face an uphill battle
trying to take down a sitting president. Both circumstances argue for an early,
running start. Meanwhile, Trump himself is already holding campaign rallies. In
short, the 2020 presidential election is already underway, and it will heat up
as the year unfolds.
- Russiagate: In theory, Robert Mueller has as much
time as he needs to investigate whatever it is that he wants to look into. In
reality, he's going to have to come up with the goods sometime before the
calendar turns again, at risk of being fired on Donald Trump's orders, or else cut
off at the knees by Congressional Republicans. According to reporter Carl
Bernstein, the President's lawyers are already
telling him what he wants to hear
about Russiagate in a desperate attempt to keep Trump from shooting himself in
both feet by terminating Mueller.
- North Korea: It is clear that both the United
States and North Korea would prefer to avoid a hot war. It is also clear that
neither side is much interested in diplomacy. One of these two inclinations is
likely going to have to give in 2018, and it could well be the former. On
Sunday, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Adm. Mike Mullen opined
that the U.S. is "closer to a nuclear war with North Korea" than it has ever
- Iran: Donald Trump refused to certify the Iran
nuclear deal at the last deadline in October, and kicked the can to Congress.
Congress, in turn,
it right back. Another deadline looms (January 20), and Trump has not generally
been the type of president to swallow his pride and backtrack. Meanwhile, mass
protests in Iran are
their fifth day.
- Venezuela: Venezuela has both oil and an unstable government.
The U.S. would like the oil, and would like to be rid of the unstable government.
The President has threatened to invade; the leaders of the other South American
countries would prefer he did not. Of course, Donald Trump takes his own counsel
on such matters.
- The Unknown Unknowns: Most of the items above are
known knowns (there's going to be an election in November), or known unknowns
(something is going to happen with the economy, we just don't know what). But of
course, some of the biggest stories of 2018 will not be known until they happen.
At this point in 2017, who knew a Democrat would claim a Senate seat in Alabama,
that people would finally start to take sexual harassment seriously, or that
Michael Flynn would lose his job and then turn state's evidence? Those, of course,
are three of the biggest stories of the year.
An old Chinese proverb (or curse) says, "May you live in interesting times." For better or worse, we've got 'em in 2018. (Z)
People to Watch in 2018
Whether Donald Trump admits/knows it or not, Time's Person of the Year designation is not an "honor," per se, it's a judgment of impact, for better or for worse. Further, there is supposed to be some significant shift in newsworthiness. The Donald Trump of 2018 is likely to be the same Donald Trump we saw in 2017, and so unless he lobs a nuke at Kim Jong-Un, he's not really a candidate for the title. With those ground rules in mind, here are 10 people who could take a major step forward in their importance to American politics in 2018:
- Vice President Mike Pence: In the last hundred years,
the record for most tiebreaking votes cast in the Senate by the vice president is
nine—a total compiled by Thomas R. Marshall (of "five-cent cigar" fame) over
the course of 8 years, 1913-21. Mike Pence has already
cast six,
and the GOP's margin of error just shrunk by one Senator. The Veep should leave Marshall
in the dust this year, and he could begin to challenge the all-time champions,
John C. Calhoun (31, from 1825-32) and John Adams (29, from 1789-97). Of course, ties
happened much more easily when those men served, given how many fewer senators there
were back then. Meanwhile, a lot of Republicans are going to need a high-profile member
of the government to appear at their rallies, but will want to avoid the toxicity of
Donald Trump. So, Pence
to be a very popular fellow on the campaign trail in 2018. Finally, depending on
how things unfold, it's not impossible that he finishes the year as the
President of the United States.
- Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT): Neither the Senator
nor anyone at the DNC will say it openly, but he's currently the frontrunner for
the 2016 nomination. That means he's got a target on his back, whether he likes
it or not. He's also going to have to show, during the midterms, that he has
some coattails and can help power candidates to victory. Health is also a
question for someone who turns 77 in September. Add it up, and Sanders has a
chance to put the Democratic nomination firmly within his grasp this year. He
also has a chance to become yesterday's news.
- Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY): If Sanders
falters, then the Democratic mantle is—at the moment—most likely to
fall to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). The rising star, however, is Gillibrand.
Although she currently has a lower national profile than Warren, she's 17 years
younger (68 vs. 51), she appeals to both the moderate and progressive wings of
the Party, and she's emerged as the leader of the #MeToo movement among members
of Congress. Oh, and she's battled Donald Trump, which thrills the base. At the
moment, the highest
available for Sanders to win the presidency in 2020 is 20:1, while for
Gillibrand it's 50:1. At those numbers, put $100 on Gillibrand.
- Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA): Nunes has spent much of the last year
dealing with an ethics inquiry, which has been resolved in his favor. He's now ready to
his management of the House Intelligence Committee's Russia probe, and he's
signalled that he will be Congress' #1 cheerleader for Donald Trump and its #1
critic of Robert Mueller. That may not sit well with all the wealthy old-school
Republicans in his R+8 district, where a lot of folks are going to be paying
higher taxes thanks to the tax bill Nunes voted for.
- Chief Justice John Roberts: Anthony Kennedy, as
the current swing justice, remains one of the two or three most powerful men in
Washington. But what happens if Ruth Bader Ginsburg can no longer serve? Then
Roberts becomes the swing justice, and in a term filled with momentous
decisions. Undoubtedly, the prospect makes conservatives giddy, but not so fast.
Roberts' institutionalist tendencies (he doesn't want the Court to seem
hyperpartisan), as well as the past history of swing justices, both suggest
a leftward movement
is possible, and even likely.
- Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ): To the extent that any
one person is a linchpin of Democrats' hopes for retaking the Senate right now,
it's Sinema. With the victory of Senator-elect Doug Jones (D-AL), they blue team
needs one seat to make it a 50-50 tie, and two seats to render the tie-breaking
vote of Mike Pence moot (assuming the Democrats can remain unified). The easiest
seat for the Democrats to take is the one currently held by Dean Heller (R-NV).
The next easiest is the one being vacated by Jeff Flake (R-AZ). If Sinema can
take that one, in a fairly red state, then it suggests a wave or semi-wave in
which the Democrats held serve in the states they are defending, and also took
Nevada. Ergo, Sinema is the linchpin.
- Sen. John McCain (R-AZ): One of the lions of the
Senate is entering the winter of his career. He may hold on until the end of the
year, but the odds are that he does not. If he passes away, or is forced to
resign, then it will set off a frenzy in Arizona. Almost $200 million was spent
on last year's Pennsylvania Senate race. If both Arizona Senate seats are open,
a total of $300 million or more pouring into the state is not out of the
- Mitt Romney: If Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) retires,
Romney will run for and win his seat. If Hatch does not retire, Romney may still
run for and win his seat. If he is elected, Romney will: (A) Become the leader
of congressional NeverTrumpers and a huge thorn in the President's side, (B)
Start laying the groundwork for a 2020 presidential run, or (C) both of the
- Chancellor Angela Merkel: In theory, the President
of the United States is the leader of the free world. Donald "America First"
Trump doesn't seem to want that job, however, which means that it defaults to
Merkel. She does not like Trump, and is furious over his decisions to withdraw
from the TPP and the Paris Accord, and his declaration that Jerusalem is the
real capital of Israel. It's probable that someone connected to Merkel
the information that the Chancellor had to lecture Trump on the basics of
European trade several times when they met back in May. It's also probable that
Merkel is going to be less circumspect in her criticism of and her opposition to
The Donald in the next year.
- Rex Tillerson: Tillerson's head is likely to roll,
he doesn't like Trump, and the feeling is mutual. If any administration insider
is likely to respond to a termination by going on all the talk shows and dishing
dirt, it's T-Rex.
And so ends another year in American politics. Thanks for reading, and see you next year! (Z)
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