• Clinton Continues to Lead in the Electoral College
• National Polls Give Clinton a Small Lead
• Prediction Models Agree that Clinton Will Beat Trump
• Betting Markets Say Clinton Will Win
• Trump's Aides Block His Twitter Access
• Reid's Machine Could Be the Deciding Factor in the Election
• Is Michigan in Play?
• Libertarian Veep Candidate Weld Kinda, Sorta Endorses Clinton
• Pope Francis Kinda Endorses Clinton, Too
• Judge Says that RNC Is Not Working with Trump
• The Nine Races that Will Determine Control of the Senate
• Today in Donald Trump Takedowns
• Wikileaks Makes Another Dump
• Today's Presidential Polls
• Today's Senate Polls
Comey: After Reviewing New Emails, Clinton Will Not Be Charged
FBI Director James Comey took a tremendous amount of heat for announcing a new batch of Clinton's emails only 11 days before the election. In a desperate effort to save his job, late yesterday he announced: "Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July." Whether this will cancel out the effect of the Oct. 28 announcement will never really be known, unless some pollster calls up a bunch of people after tomorrow and reads this script:
Hello. This is the Foobar polling company. I have a few questions I'd like to ask you:
- Who were you planning to vote for before the FBI Director said he had found more of Clinton's emails?
- After his letter, but before Nov. 6 when he said there would be no charges, who would have voted for?
- Who did you actually vote for?
Don't count on any pollster running this poll, though.
Politically, Clinton's team is saying that Comey has simply confirmed what she has been saying all along: There is nothing new in the emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop except duplicates of her old emails and more pictures of his lap. Trump's campaign is saying Comey's second announcement proves that the system is rigged, after all. (V)
Clinton Continues to Lead in the Electoral College
As you can see from our Electoral vote graphs page, at no time during the entire year has Donald Trump led Hillary Clinton in the electoral college. Here is the graph, including all the states that are within the margin of error:

If we count all states, Clinton is leading 317 to 221, although if she wins Nevada, as expected, that becomes 323 to 215. If we exclude the 11 states that are within the margin of error, the score is Clinton 237 to Trump 161. So it is certainly possible for Trump to pull this one out of the fire, but he would need to win nearly all the close states. (V)
National Polls Give Clinton a Small Lead
Three new national polls released yesterday give Hillary Clinton leads of 1 point, 5 points, and 5 points, respectively, for an average of 3.7 points. Here are the numbers:
Sponsor | Pollster | Clinton | Trump | Johnson | Stein |
Investor's Business Daily | TechnoMetrica | 45% | 44% | 5% | 2% |
WSJ/NBC | (Not stated) | 48% | 43% | 6% | 2% |
Washington Post/ABC News | Abt-SRBI | 48% | 43% | 4% | 2% |
With a lead of almost 4 points, it is almost certain that if these numbers hold, she will also win the Electoral College. (V)
Prediction Models Agree that Clinton Will Beat Trump
We don't deal in probabilities here because that only makes sense when you can repeat the experiment to validate the model. If a weather forecaster predicts an 80% chance of rain tomorrow, the forecaster can be rated by looking at the most recent 100 times that the prediction was 80% chance of rain and see if it indeed rained on about 80 of them. With elections that doesn't work, so we just stick to looking at the state polls. Based strictly on state polls, it looks as though Clinton will win tomorrow.
Nevertheless, other election forecasters do deal in probabilities, which always involves some model, and the models differ. The simplest model looks at the state polls and runs a Monte Carlo experiment. For example, if a poll says Hillary Clinton is going to get 47% ± 4% in Florida, on each run a number is chosen from the range 43% to 51% either uniformly or according to a Gaussian (normal) distribution. This is done for each state based on the polls of that state and the electoral votes are tallied for that run. Then a million runs are made and the fraction of runs in which she gets 270 electoral votes is called the probability that she wins. But even in this model, there are many choices to be made. Does only the last poll count? How about the last three polls or the last week of polls? Are the pollsters weighted for past performance? Is a uniform or Gaussian distribution used? Are other factors used? The wide varieties of choices the modelers make account for the differences in predictions. That said, here are some current predictions.
Predictor | Chance Clinton wins |
FiveThirtyEight | 65% |
New York Times | 84% |
Daily Kos | 87% |
PredictWise | 89% |
Huffington Post | 98% |
Princeton Election Consortium | 99% |
All the models say Clinton will win, but the range is 65% to 99%. This rather broad spread, with FiveThirtyEight the outlier, has been the source of much commentary in recent weeks. And the commentary reached something of a fever pitch this weekend, when the Huffington Post's Ryan Grim slammed FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver, accusing the polling guru of "unskewing" polls in Trump's favor, through what Silver calls a "trend line adjustment." Grim writes that, "He may end up being right, but he's just guessing. A 'trend line adjustment' is merely political punditry dressed up as sophisticated mathematical modeling." Grim thinks that Silver is motivated to overstate Trump's chances because (1) A horse race drives traffic to the site, and (2) Silver was embarrassed by messing up on Trump's nomination, and doesn't want to get caught with his pants down again in case of a close contest. Silver was not happy about this criticism, and took to Twitter Saturday night to defend himself in four-letter terms, and then made a more PG-rated Sunday appearance on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" to reiterate the point.
Grim is certainly right about one thing (see below), but otherwise he's probably overstating the case. Silver isn't pulling his numbers from thin air (as the original unskewer, Dean Chambers, was). The results that the FiveThirtyEight model produces are, as the New York Times' Josh Katz points out, primarily the product of two major assumptions that Silver has made. The first is that his model is ultra-sensitive to daily changes in the polls (aka "shiny object chasing"). The second is that his model assumes that shifts in one state tend to result in equivalent shifts in similar/neighboring states (aka "correlation"). This means that the FiveThirtyEight model would be expected, for example, to change rapidly in response to James Comey's announcement 11 days ago (as it did). And it will likely change rapidly again, now that Comey has said there was nothing on the laptop.
Katz, for his part, is mildly critical of the choices Silver has made, explaining that the Times prefers to be a bit more conservative. Princeton's Sam Wang—who has done battle with Silver before—is a bit more critical, arguing that FiveThirtyEight's model likely double-counts swings in polls. Vox's Andrew Proskop, by contrast, defends Silver's approach.
As we note above, these aren't the only assumptions and decisions that a pollster makes. And this brings us to the part that Ryan Grim is 100% correct about: Polling is a science, yes, but it also incorporates a fair bit of art. Anyone who suggests otherwise (as Silver is sometimes wont to do) is not being 100% forthright with the audience. (V & Z)
Betting Markets Say Clinton Will Win
While the polls lag behind the news, the betting markets are real time. The instant important news appears, bettors can place or sell bets so this might give a more up-to-date picture, although in the past, betting markets have gotten it wrong on occasion. Here is what some of the betting markets say:
Market | Chance Clinton wins |
Iowa Election Markets | 69% |
PredictIt | 81% |
Election Betting Odds | 82% |
Paddy Power | 83% |
William Hill | 83% |
Here the range is narrower than what the mathematical models say, but again, Clinton is the strong favorite. (V)
Trump's Aides Block His Twitter Access
Scared to death of what Donald Trump might tweet in the final two days, his top aides cut off his access to his Twitter account. Today and tomorrow, all of his tweets will be carefully written by his campaign staff, most likely by campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. Trump's rallies are also much more scripted, with him reading his speech from the dreaded teleprompter. All of this is intended to make him look like a more conventional candidate, or at the very least preventing him from causing even more damage to his campaign just as Election Day approaches. (V)
Reid's Machine Could Be the Deciding Factor in the Election
It could very well be that Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)'s parting gift to the Democratic Party is the state of Nevada. Reid has built a powerful political machine in the Silver State and it is running full blast now. Reid's power comes from his incredible ground operation, especially getting Latinos to vote in unprecedented numbers. In 2008, Latino turnout was 15% of the electorate. In 2012 it was 18%. This year it is likely to be at least 20%. Latinos favor Hillary Clinton over Trump by at least 4 to 1, maybe more. Early voting has just concluded in Nevada, and Clinton has a lead of 73,000 votes. With so many votes already cast, Trump is going to have to win the vast majority of the votes cast on election day, and there is no evidence that any such thing will happen.
A side-effect of Reid's machine is that it may propel the person he wants to succeed him in the Senate, Catherine Cortez Masto, to victory. The argument to the Latino voters (that she would be the first Latina in the Senate) may prove irresistible. Reid's effort is not exactly rule from the grave since he is still the Senate minority leader, but it could be quite a last hurrah. (V)
Is Michigan in Play?
In 2012, Mitt Romney made a desperate last-ditch effort to win Michigan, a state that his father once governed, but it didn't do him any good. This year, Donald Trump is also doing a Hail Mary in the Wolverine State. Hillary Clinton visited Grand Rapids just two days after she spoke in Detroit, and Bill is going to visit Michigan today. But these visits could be just to trick Trump into wasting his time on a lost cause. Democrats have done precisely that before. In 2012, former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell practically begged Barack Obama to campaign in Pennsylvania, saying he could lose the state. In response, Romney made an futile effort in Pennsylvania in the final months. Obama won the state by 5 points and Rendell knew very well that it was never in danger. Feigning weakness to get your opponent to waste time and resources is an old trick but it still works. (V)
Libertarian Veep Candidate Weld Kinda, Sorta Endorses Clinton
The Libertarian candidate for vice president, William Weld, defended Hillary Clinton again and said she has been receiving a "raw deal." He said she is "a perfectly reputable, professional, responsible candidate for president of the United States and deserves to be treated as such." He also said that Donald Trump is "totally unfit to be president." (V)
Pope Francis Kinda Endorses Clinton, Too
The Pope has not been shy about sharing his opinions this election season, referring repeatedly to Donald Trump and/or his ideas as "unchristian." For those who forgot, however, Francis delivered a speech on Saturday reiterating his views. Railing against "false prophets," the Bishop of Rome declared:
Walls that enclose some and banish others. Walled citizens, terrified on one side, excluded, exiled, and still more terrified on the other. Is that the life that our Father God wants for their children? Dear brothers and sisters—all walls fall. All of them. Do not be fooled.
Trump was not mentioned by name, but the Vicar of Christ's message was nonetheless crystal clear. (Z)
Judge Says that RNC Is Not Working with Trump
Normally it is a forgone conclusion that a presidential candidate's party is working closely with the candidate. Not this year, in the case of the Republicans, and now it is official, according to U.S. District Court Judge John Michael Vazquez of New Jersey. The case in question goes back to the early 1980s, when the RNC hired armed off-duty police officers wearing arm bands reading "Ballot security task force" to "patrol" (English translation: intimidate) minority voters. After the election the RNC signed a consent decree not to do this any more. But Donald Trump has called for volunteer monitors to "watch" (English translation: intimidate) minority voters. The legal question Vazquez faced was whether the RNC consent decree covers Trump.
At the hearing on Friday, the DNC argued that Trump and the RNC were working together, so the consent decree covered Trump as well. The RNC lawyer, Bobby Burchfield, asked the DNC if it was "really contending that the RNC has control over Donald Trump? That would be a newsflash." In an unusual weekend ruling, Vazquez said that Trump was not working with the RNC and so the consent decree did not apply to him. As a consequence, he is free to ask volunteers to monitor polling places, as long as they obey all state and federal laws. (V)
The Nine Races that Will Determine Control of the Senate
While the presidential race has sucked nearly all the oxygen out of the air, the Senate is also up for grabs. We have a map and run-down of each race on our Senate page, but here is a quickie rundown, listed in order of most likely to flip to least likely. Incumbents are marked with an asterisk.
State | Democrat | Republican | Notes |
Illinois | Tammy Duckworth | Mark Kirk* | Duckworth is the very heavy favorite |
Wisconsin | Russ Feingold | Ron Johnson* | Feingold is ahead by about 3 points and is the favorite |
Pennsylvania | Katie McGinty | Pat Toomey* | If Clinton wins big in Pennsylvania, meet Sen. McGinty |
Indiana | Evan Bayh | Todd Young | Bayh is well known but Todd is attacking mercilessly |
Nevada | Catherine Cortez Masto | Joe Heck | If Latino turnout is high, we will have a Latina senator |
North Carolina | Deborah Ross | Richard Burr* | With three high-profile races in NC, it is a muddy tossup |
New Hampshire | Maggie Hassan | Kelly Ayotte* | If Clinton wins big here, she'll pull in Hassan |
Missouri | Jason Kander | Roy Blunt* | Kander made the best ad of the year, but Blunt still leads |
Florida | Patrick Murphy | Marco Rubio* | It would take a massive Clinton win to save Murphy |
If Hillary Clinton wins the White House, the Democrats need to flip a net of four seats to control the Senate and give Vice President Tim Kaine something to do all day; if Donald Trump wins, the Democrats need a net pickup of five. The Hill has more on the Senate today.
Politico also has a story on the Senate, and concludes that the Democrats are the slight favorites to capture the Senate despite the $37 million the conservative Senate Leadership Fund has poured into the most competitive races in the past 2 weeks.
On the House side, the expectation is that the Republicans will lose something like a dozen or more seats, but will maintain control of the lower chamber. Democrats need to flip 30 seats to take over. (V)
Today in Donald Trump Takedowns
More than a few people have written articles excoriating Donald Trump, but few of them have known The Donald for 30 years, and are as skilled a writer as Graydon Carter. In this month's issue of Vanity Fair, Carter shares a number of Trump anecdotes for his readers' amusement.
For example, Carter has firsthand experience with Trump's approach to women. As a gag (that Trump was not in on), Carter invited The Donald to join Vanity Fair's table at the White House Correspondents dinner. The billionaire was seated next to model Vendela Kirsebom, who came to Carter in tears after just 45 minutes, complaining that Trump spent the entire time evaluating women's body parts, and describing him as "the most vulgar man I have ever met."
Less serious, but equally unsurprising, is the story of the time that Carter was working for Spy magazine and conducted a little experiment. He sent checks for $1.11 to 58 well known, wealthy people. Those who cashed the checks got a second check for 64 cents, and those who cashed those got a check for 13 cents. Only two people received and cashed the final checks: arms trader Adnan Khashoggi and Donald Trump.
It's worth reading, if for no other reason than a laugh or two. (Z)
Wikileaks Makes Another Dump
Apparently, cutting off Julian Assange's Internet access was not enough to stop Wikileaks from releasing more material. On Sunday, they made what is presumably their last dump of the campaign, unleashing another 8,000 DNC emails, to bring the total to 50,000.
The people behind Wikileaks may be good hackers (or, at least, they may know good hackers). And they may be good at rabble rousing. But if their goal was to disrupt the election, they've done just about as poor a job as can be imagined, given the resources at their disposal. Their first error was one of timing; they released the first batch of e-mails in the midst of p***ygate, and have maintained a steady stream of releases since then. This is an excellent way to minimize the impact of your first blow, and then to cause people to lose interest. Their second error is, for want of a better term, a lack of focus. If they had been wise, they would have curated the emails, so as to draw attention to the juiciest and most nefarious messages. Instead, it's a mass of stuff, with the juicy e-mails mixed in with forwarded jokes, and baby pictures, and spam, and birthday greetings, and other detritus.
There's no doubt that the Wikileaks e-mails had some impact, at least in the short term. But when the postmortems begin on Wednesday, they are going to be way down the list of things that shaped this election. (Z)
Today's Presidential Polls
To hear SurveyMonkey tell it, Donald Trump's rust belt strategy is working, since they believe he's keeping it close in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and is ahead in Ohio. We'll soon know if they are right. We don't believe the closenss of the Nevada poll as too much of the early voting campaign occurred during the poll and it went strongly for the Democrats. In addition, Nevada and Alaska are very difficult states to poll because a large fraction of the population is transient. Also keep in mind that SurveyMonkey is an Internet poll sponsored and supervised by NBC. We have to hope that NBC is really keeping close tabs on SurveyMonkey to make sure the sample is valid and the corrections are proper. We are a bit nervous, but earlier this year we decided to count all polls from major media outlets, so to keep our promise, these go into the database. (Z & V)
State | Clinton | Trump | Johnson | Start | End | Pollster |
Alaska | 31% | 47% | 13% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Alabama | 36% | 54% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Arkansas | 34% | 55% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
California | 56% | 30% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Colorado | 43% | 39% | 11% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Connecticut | 51% | 37% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
D.C. | 88% | 7% | 2% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Delaware | 49% | 39% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Florida | 45% | 45% | 4% | Nov 02 | Nov 04 | YouGov |
Florida | 47% | 45% | 5% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Georgia | 45% | 45% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Hawaii | 52% | 29% | 9% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Iowa | 37% | 47% | 9% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Idaho | 29% | 47% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Illinois | 52% | 35% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Indiana | 35% | 52% | 10% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Kansas | 36% | 48% | 10% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Kentucky | 35% | 53% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Louisiana | 38% | 52% | 4% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Massachusetts | 56% | 29% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Maryland | 60% | 29% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Maine | 47% | 39% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Michigan | 44% | 42% | 8% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Minnesota | 46% | 37% | 10% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Missouri | 40% | 48% | 8% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Mississippi | 41% | 50% | 4% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Montana | 31% | 53% | 10% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
North Carolina | 48% | 41% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
North Dakota | 29% | 57% | 10% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Nebraska | 34% | 52% | 8% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
New Hampshire | 49% | 38% | 6% | Nov 03 | Nov 06 | U. of New Hampshire |
New Hampshire | 49% | 38% | 8% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
New Jersey | 53% | 37% | 4% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
New Mexico | 40% | 36% | 16% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Nevada | 44% | 43% | 10% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
New York | 51% | 34% | 5% | Nov 03 | Nov 04 | Siena Coll. |
New York | 58% | 31% | 5% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Ohio | 42% | 45% | 8% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Ohio | 45% | 46% | 3% | Nov 02 | Nov 04 | YouGov |
Ohio | 48% | 47% | Oct 27 | Nov 05 | Columbus Dispatch | |
Oklahoma | 32% | 56% | 10% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Oregon | 51% | 35% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Pennsylvania | 47% | 42% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Rhode Island | 49% | 36% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
South Carolina | 44% | 46% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
South Dakota | 31% | 53% | 12% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Tennessee | 40% | 49% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Texas | 42% | 47% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Utah | 31% | 34% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Virginia | 49% | 39% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Vermont | 60% | 27% | 6% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Washington | 51% | 34% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Wisconsin | 44% | 43% | 7% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
West Virginia | 27% | 57% | 8% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Today's Senate Polls
Not too many surprises here, though if Ron Johnson really does pull it out in Wisconsin, it will be one of the great comebacks in recent memory, and will also be a serious disappointment for the Democrats. We are also suspicious of Missouri. Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) has been a bit ahead all year, but this poll puts Jason Kander ahead by 8 points. Seems fishy to us. (Z)
State | Democrat | D % | Republican | R % | Start | End | Pollster |
Alaska | Ray Metcalfe | 32% | Lisa Murkowski* | 57% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Alabama | Ron Crumpton | 37% | Richard Shelby* | 58% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Arkansas | Conner Eldridge | 42% | John Boozman* | 55% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Arizona | Ann Kirkpatrick | 45% | John McCain* | 50% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
California | Kamala Harris | 51% | Loretta Sanchez (D) | 32% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Colorado | Michael Bennet* | 51% | Darryl Glenn | 45% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Connecticut | Richard Blumenthal* | 62% | Dan Carter | 25% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Florida | Patrick Murphy | 44% | Marco Rubio* | 47% | Nov 02 | Nov 04 | YouGov |
Florida | Patrick Murphy | 49% | Marco Rubio* | 48% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Georgia | Jim Barksdale | 41% | Johnny Isakson* | 47% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Hawaii | Brian Schatz* | 67% | John Carroll | 29% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Iowa | Patty Judge | 39% | Chuck Grassley* | 56% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Idaho | Jerry Sturgill | 36% | Mike Crapo* | 58% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Illinois | Tammy Duckworth | 56% | Mark Kirk* | 39% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Indiana | Evan Bayh | 43% | Todd Young | 52% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Kansas | Patrick Wiesner | 38% | Jerry Moran* | 58% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Kentucky | Jim Gray | 46% | Rand Paul* | 51% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Maryland | Chris Van Hollen | 64% | Kathy Szeliga | 33% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Missouri | Jason Kander | 51% | Roy Blunt* | 43% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
North Carolina | Deborah Ross | 47% | Richard Burr* | 44% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
North Dakota | Eliot Glassheim | 24% | John Hoeven* | 73% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
New Hampshire | Maggie Hassan | 49% | Kelly Ayotte* | 45% | Nov 03 | Nov 06 | U. of New Hampshire |
New Hampshire | Maggie Hassan | 50% | Kelly Ayotte* | 41% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Nevada | Catherine Cortez-Masto | 49% | Joe Heck | 46% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
New York | Chuck Schumer* | 67% | Wendy Long | 25% | Nov 03 | Nov 04 | Siena Coll. |
New York | Chuck Schumer* | 71% | Wendy Long | 25% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Ohio | Ted Strickland | 37% | Rob Portman* | 58% | Oct 27 | Nov 05 | Columbus Dispatch |
Ohio | Ted Strickland | 39% | Rob Portman* | 52% | Nov 02 | Nov 04 | YouGov |
Ohio | Ted Strickland | 39% | Rob Portman* | 57% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Oklahoma | Mike Workman | 38% | James Lankford* | 60% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Oregon | Ron Wyden* | 64% | Mark Callahan | 32% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Pennsylvania | Katie McGinty | 50% | Pat Toomey* | 45% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
South Carolina | Thomas Dixon | 39% | Tim Scott* | 58% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
South Dakota | Jay Williams | 31% | John Thune* | 64% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Utah | Misty Snow | 36% | Mike Lee* | 60% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Vermont | Patrick Leahy* | 75% | Scott Milne | 24% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Washington | Patty Murray* | 59% | Chris Vance | 37% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
Wisconsin | Russ Feingold | 48% | Ron Johnson* | 49% | Oct 31 | Nov 06 | SurveyMonkey |
* Denotes incumbent
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---The Votemaster and Zenger
Nov06 ABC News/WaPo Tracking Poll Growing Bullish on Hillary Again
Nov06 Early Voting Continues to Presage Trouble for Trump
Nov06 Clinton's Free Music Concerts Aren't About Music at All
Nov06 Supreme Court Bans People from Collecting and Submitting Absentee Ballots
Nov06 Strange Incident at Trump Rally in Nevada
Nov06 Trump's Final Ad Is Rather Antisemitic
Nov06 Maybe There Is A Good Reason Giuliani Is Supporting Trump
Nov05 Clinton Indictment Story Falls Apart, Sends Everyone Scrambling
Nov05 Melania Trump Violated Immigration Law
Nov05 Unemployment Down, Wages Up
Nov05 Clinton's Ground Game Could Sink Trump
Nov05 Latino Early Voting Is Way Up This Year
Nov05 Judge Orders Voters Restored to North Carolina Rolls
Nov05 What Will Trump Say If He Loses?
Nov05 How Would a Contested Election Work?
Nov05 Catholics Voting for Democrats Risk Eternal Damnation
Nov05 Ryan Might Step Down as Speaker
Nov05 Polarization Has Become Geographic
Nov05 If Clinton Wins, She Will Face a Tough Choice on the Supreme Court
Nov05 More Nails Pounded into Christie's Coffin
Nov04 There Will Not Be a Surge of Hidden Trump Voters
Nov04 Uncomfortable Questions Being Asked About FBI's Ties to Trump
Nov04 Early Voting in Nevada Dominated by Democrats
Nov04 Trump Promises in Federal Court Not to Intimidate Voters
Nov04 Trump May Not Be as Rich as He Claims to Be
Nov04 Eric Trump Wants David Duke Shot
Nov04 Vote Trading Is Back
Nov04 Trump Tower in Toronto Is Bankrupt
Nov04 Trump International in Las Vegas Violated Labor Laws
Nov04 Vote by Text Message? Not So Fast
Nov03 Top Democrats Have No Confidence in Comey
Nov03 Obama: We Don't Operate on Innuendo
Nov03 Clinton Indictment Reportedly Likely
Nov03 GOP Congressmen Predict a Constitutional Crisis
Nov03 Trump Viewed as More Honest than Clinton
Nov03 Trump Raised $100 Million in Small Donations in October
Nov03 Judge to Rule on Voter Purges in North Carolina
Nov03 Republicans Have Given Up Trying to Win in the Cities
Nov03 Newspaper Owned by Trump's Son-in-Law Won't Endorse Him
Nov03 Trump vs. Tur
Nov03 Legality of Ballot Selfies Depends on Where You Live
Nov03 Bettors Are Betting on Trump
Nov03 Cubs Win the World Series
Nov02 How Predictive Are the Polls One Week Out?
Nov02 Don't Read Too Much Into Polling Changes
Nov02 Seven Questions about Turnout Could Determine Who Wins
Nov02 Early Voting Tells Some Important Tales
Nov02 Another Former President May Be Voting for Clinton
Nov02 Weld Defends Clinton