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New polls: GA NV RI
Dem pickups: (None)

Sorry, today's post is on the short side (and on the late side). One of us is still traveling, and the other is recovering from a double root canal. We still have two pretty substantial items; we're just missing the shorter items that would otherwise round out the posting.

Lots of Drama in Tuesday's Primaries

Voters in four states cast ballots yesterday, and they managed to produce enough storylines for a whole month's worth of primaries. Let's get to them:

That's all the primaries for a while; the next big event on the calendar is the rapture that is the Republican National Convention, from July 15-18. (Z)

It's Debate Week! (Part III)

This week's presidential debate continues to be a subject of much interest. Here's the news from yesterday:

That's the latest. Expect a mega-item on this subject tomorrow. (Z)

Today's Presidential Polls

The most worrisome of these, by far, for Joe Biden is that Georgia poll. The University of Georgia knows what they are doing, and 5 points is a pretty big gap in what's supposed to be a swing state. That said, we will point out again that it virtually never happens that a double-digit percentage of voters votes third-party/independent, much less 19% of them. Not to mention the 27% in Rhode Island. (Z)

State Joe Biden Donald Trump Start End Pollster
Georgia 38% 43% Jun 11 Jun 20 U. of Georgia
Nevada 45% 48% Jun 12 Jun 18 Fabrizio + Anzalone
Rhode Island 40% 33% Jun 05 Jun 14 Salve Regina U.

Click on a state name for a graph of its polling history.

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