News from the Votemaster
Conservative Republicans Fight Back
For 2 weeks, Republican leaders have been blaming their election defeat on lack of party unity and on Mitt Romney's gaffes. Now conservatives are starting to chafe at these explanations. They say the problem is that Republicans lost in 2008 and 2012 to someone they consider extremely weak because their candidates were not full-throated conservatives. A lot of these people don't want the candidate to waste time opposing gay marriage. They want the candidate to openly quote Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." These people point out that real conservatives, such as Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Sen.-elect Ted Cruz (R-TX), have won. What they fail to point out is that they won in states where any Republican can beat any Democrat. In purple states, like Colorado, Nevada, and Missouri, conservative Senate candidates who won primaries in 2010 or 2012 were roundly trounced in the general election. In 2012 in Indiana, a red state, a conservative Senate candidate was defeated for trying to defend a ban on all abortions, including for pregnancies resulting from rape. That was not a slip of the tongue. It is enshrined in the 2012 Republican platform, forcing candidates to defend it.
If conservatives continue to speak up--and there is every indication they will--there will be a civil war within the Republican Party, as the nonideological leaders, like Speaker John Boehner and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell understand the demographic and issue problems the Republicans have. They are under no illusion that Latinos are really secret conservatives and if the immigration issue can somehow be dealt with, they will suddenly all vote Republican. The battles are only starting and they are going to be very messy.
Saxby Chambliss May Face a Primary Challenge
Although Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) is an extremely conservative southern senator, he is not conservative enough for some people and may face a primary challenge in 2014, possibly from the ambitious Rep. Tom Price (R-GA). It is unlikely, however, that Georgia 2014 will be a repeat of Indiana 2012 because Chambliss is much more acceptable to conservatives than Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), who lost a primary to Richard Mourdock. Also, the Democratic bench is thin in Georgia. In Indiana, Democrats had blue dog Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-IN), who ran a stellar campaign and was helped enormously by Mourdock's extremism. Nevertheless, with this year's Senate races in Indiana and Missouri still fresh, there is more than the normal amount of attention being given to the possibility of Chambliss being primaried.
West Tosses in the Towel
Firebrand conservative Rep. Allen West (R-FL) has now conceded defeat to Patrick Murphy in a close Florida House race. West has said many inflammatory things this year, including a claim that 80 House Democrats are secret Communists. Both parties will be glad to see him go.
Eliminating Loopholes Won't Get Us Off the Fiscal Hill
The next month will be filled with talk of the "fiscal cliff"--which is not a cliff at all. If it isn't dealt with until January, nothing terrible will happen. Tax cuts can always be made retroactive to Jan. 1. President Obama says he wants to raise $1.6 trillion in new revenue as part of a balanced deal. Republicans are willing to go along only if the revenue can come from closing loopholes, not raising rates. Politico has a nice story today listing all the "loopholes" (technically "tax expenditures") that affect individuals and how much revenue eliminating each one would generate. The top 10 don't even get half way to $1.6 trillion, and nobody in Washington is smacking his lips at making hamburgers out of sacred cows like the mortgage interest deduction. Also noteworthy in discussions like this is that the only tax expenditures anyone ever talks about are those that affect individuals. The thousands and thousands of genuine loopholes that benefit specific industries are never even on the table.
It is important to understand that raising rates and closing loopholes--even if enough could be found--affect different income groups differently. For the truly wealthy (as opposed to the simply rich), the rates are far more important. Consider someone with $10 billion in assets who is getting a 3% return from dividends. That amounts to $300 million a year, which is now taxed at 15%. If that rate were to go to 39.6%, the billionaire's tax bill would go up by $73.8 million. Even if that person has uncountably many houses (like John McCain), with or without car elevators (like Mitt Romney), there is almost no way his deductions from mortgage interest, employer-paid health insurance, etc. could be anywhere near there. Thus billionaires, if they have to give ground somewhere, would rather give up deductions than face higher tax rates, especially on dividends and capital gains. So when the Republicans dig in their heels at raising the tax rates, under the radar it is clear whose interests they are defending.
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---The Votemaster
Nov19 Rural White Voters Having Trouble Understanding the Election
Nov19 Republicans Want to Avoid More Bitter Primaries
Nov19 Republicans Are Attacking Charlie Crist Already
Nov19 Even after Recount, Allen West Refuses to Concede
Nov19 The End is Near
Nov18 Marco Rubio Now Campaigning in Iowa
Nov18 Republicans Are Warming to Immigration Reform
Nov17 Republican Attacks on Romney Continue Unabated
Nov17 Obama Campaign Was Data Driven
Nov17 Final House Results Are Coming In
Nov17 Congressional Gender Gap Grows
Nov16 Republicans Condemn Romney's Remarks about Gifts
Nov16 What Kind of Candidates Will Jerry Moran Recruit in 2014?
Nov16 Bennet May Take Over DSCC Chairmanship from Patty Murray
Nov16 How Did the Democrats Make Gains in the Senate?
Nov16 Five House Races Still Undecided
Nov15 Senate Republicans: Candidates Matter
Nov15 House Republicans Elect a Woman to Leadership Position
Nov15 Polling Cell phones Is Increasingly a Problem
Nov15 Results of the Poll Taken Here on Nov. 5
Nov15 Gerrymandering for Beginners
Nov15 Immigration Reform Could Help the Democrats in 2014 and 2016
Nov14 Exit Polls Showed Expected Results
Nov14 How Can the Republicans Win Elections Again?
Nov14 Republicans Openly Lobbying for Kerry as Secretary of State
Nov14 Michael Bloomberg To Become a Political Force
Nov14 Jerry Moran Expected to Lead NRSC
Nov14 Final Senate Results
Nov13 Polling for 2014 Gubernatorial Races Has Started
Nov13 Polling for 2016 Democratic Caucuses Has Started
Nov13 Polling for the Iowa Republican Caucuses Has Also Started
Nov13 Goode Didn't Swing Virginia
Nov13 Final Election Results
Nov12 Fight Breaking Out Between Conservative Pundits and Republican Politicians
Nov12 Congress Now Turns Its Attention to the Fiscal Hillock
Nov12 Congress Begins to Address the Voting Process
Nov12 What Happens to Losing Presidential Candidates?
Nov11 Democrats Fear Losing a Senate Seat
Nov11 Conservative Columnist Speaks the Truth about the Election
Nov11 Rundown of Congressional Races by Region
Nov10 Gender Gap Was the Largest Ever Measured
Nov10 Conservatives Try To Invent Reasons Why Romney Lost
Nov10 Election Results by County
Nov10 Supreme Court to Hear Case on the 1965 Voting Rights Act
Nov10 David Petraeus Will Not Run for President in 2016
Nov09 Romney Concedes Florida
Nov09 How Did Each Pollster Do?
Nov09 Long Lines Mar the Voting Process
Nov09 What Can the Republicans Do To Recover?