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New polls: PA
Dem pickups: (None)

Thanks for the many kind messages in response to yesterday's posting! It's a good community, even if a few Blue Meanies sneak in on occasion. Anyhow, no day off, because there was some news we just couldn't let pass. Today's post is on the short side, but something is better than nothing, right?

Trump Legal News, Part I: Stormy Weather (aka The Trial, Day 13)

Monday's testimony was pretty bland. Tuesday's testimony was not. Here are the main storylines:

They had a relatively short day yesterday, and they are off today, of course. Cohen has to be up pretty soon, right? (Z)

Trump Legal News, Part II: Always and Forever

Because there is so much Trump legal news on the Stormy front, this one almost snuck in under the (doppler) radar. In fact, it's almost like it was designed to sneak in under the radar. In any event, Judge Aileen Cannon announced yesterday that she has decided to indefinitely postpone Donald Trump's classified documents trial.

It was exceedingly unlikely that the original trial date would hold, as the original trial date was May 20. That's less than 2 weeks away, of course, and there are many pre-trial matters that have not been decided. Of course, a big part of the reason they haven't been decided is because Cannon has been dragging her feet. That said, even if she was a model of efficiency and competence, Trump is rather busy elsewhere right now, so that would presumably have killed the May 20 start date anyhow.

Special Counsel Jack Smith has proposed that the new start date be July 8, but Cannon also issued an order yesterday that lays out a timeline for addressing the many, many unresolved pre-trial questions, and that timeline goes through July 10. She also implied that she's not going to calendar the trial until everything is addressed. So, not only will the trial not start on July 8, there probably won't even be a trial date by July 8.

At this point, whether it's incompetence, or being in the bag for Trump, or both, you have to assume Cannon is not going to let this thing get to trial before November. Maybe she'll surprise us, but we doubt it. That leaves Scott McAfee in Georgia, who's given no indication of what timeline he will follow (Fulton DA Fani Willis wants an August trial date), and Tanya Chutkan, who is waiting to learn if presidents are, or are not, above the law.

Our guess, keeping in mind that we are not lawyers, is that the Chutkan trial is going to happen before the election. The Supreme Court is not going to give Trump blanket immunity, and Chutkan is a no-nonsense judge, and seems likely to decide that if Trump really wanted to be out campaigning in July or August or September, that's unfortunate for him, and he should not have gotten himself in the position of being on trial in the summer. We shall see how prescient our crystal ball is, here. (Z)

Hoosiers Head to the Polls

The good people of Indiana, who get very unhappy if we slip up and call them Indianans, headed to the polls yesterday. Here are the most interesting results:

Not too much, and yet more news than you might expect out of what is essentially a one-party state. Three more states take their turns next week: Maryland, Nebraska and West Virginia. (Z)

Greene Party on Hold

Welcome to America's most boring soap opera. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) really does not want to back off of her threat to try to deprive Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) of his gavel. After all, she feeds off of stupid stunts like this, in the way a vampire feeds off of blood. However, she's under a lot of pressure from her Republican colleagues, even many of the nutty ones, not to do it. Plus, if she does pull the trigger, she's going to fail, and end up with egg all over her face.

Johnson, who continues to display far, far more political acumen than his predecessor, met with Greene to discuss the situation yesterday. At that meeting, she laid out a list of demands:

These are, on the whole, kinda dumb. Ukraine already has its money, which will last until after the election. Defunding small slices of one executive department is a near impossibility. Johnson already doesn't bring bills to the floor unless they are supported by at least half his caucus. And Marge Greene is most certainly not going to be the one to break Congress of its habit of passing the budget late every damn year.

Nonetheless, Johnson's listening to Greene and hearing her demands allowed her to save face, and to declare that she got something valuable out of her threat to vacate the chair. She said yesterday that she's putting it on the back burner for now. A smart politician would know to let the matter drop. We'll see if one of them tells Greene that. (Z)

Scavenger Hunt, Part VIII: Punchlines...

There are many reasons that a little cheer is called for right now. And readers will recall that last July 4, we invited scavenger hunt submissions. As a reminder, these were the prompts for things readers were asked to send in:

  1. The single photograph or image that best encapsulates the Trump presidency. (click here and here)
  2. Something that would make a terrible Christmas gift for Joe Biden. (click here)
  3. A book that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would never, ever read. (click here)
  4. A t-shirt that would be very apropos for Chief Justice John Roberts to wear. (click here and here)
  5. The wisest, most insightful, or most pithy quote ever to be uttered by a politician or political figure (need not be limited to Americans). (click here)
  6. The worst bumper sticker, button, yard sign or other campaign-related ephemera in U.S. history. (Still time to submit here)
  7. A portrayal of a key figure in U.S. history—image, song, verse, book, etc.—that is even more ridiculous than Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. (Still time to submit here)
  8. This isn't exactly a scavenger hunt type question, but we're going with it anyhow. Finish this joke: "Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Hillary Clinton walk into a bar..." (Still time to submit here)

We still have those responses on file, waiting for the right time to return to them. Today is that day, especially since we plan to do the same THIS July 4, and need to clear the decks. We'll work through everything, but we felt today like jumping to the end of the list. So, "Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Hillary Clinton walk into a bar..."

We'll have more responses in the near future. (Z)

Today's Presidential Polls

Both results are within the margin of error, and both pollsters have a Republican lean. So, it works well that these results cause our map to rate Pennsylvania as barely GOP. (Z)

State Joe Biden Donald Trump Start End Pollster
Pennsylvania 41% 44% Apr 15 Apr 25 Muhlenberg Coll.
Pennsylvania 45% 49% Apr 24 Apr 30 Fabrizio + Anzalone

Click on a state name for a graph of its polling history.

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