Jan. 06

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War with Iran?

After the assassination of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani last week, many media outlets are talking about military escalation leading to full-blown war. This has gotten young men so nervous that they went over to the Selective Service System's website in such large numbers that it crashed. The military draft was abolished in 1973 and it would require an act of Congress to reinstate it. That means that House Democrats would have to approve it, something that seems exceedingly unlikely. Nevertheless, under current law, all American men are required to register with the Selective Service System at 18 so the government can find them in the event the draft is reinstated.

A lot of this anxiety is overblown. To start with, now that women can perform just about every function in the military, including flying combat missions, as Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ) has done, any attempt to revive the draft only for men will instantly generate a lawsuit claiming that the draft discriminates for/against women, depending on your point of view. Such a lawsuit could take years to resolve. If the new draft law includes both men and women, the Selective Service System will have the problem that while it has a database of men, it has no database of women. Finally, the draft is extremely unpopular and if there is one issue that might motivate young voters to show up at the polls in November to end the career of any member of Congress voting for it, it is this one.

Panic aside, it is very unlikely that there will be a full-scale war between Iran and the United States requiring millions of soldiers, because Iran doesn't want one. It knows that the U.S. could bomb it back to the stone age and the ayatollahs aren't stupid enough to give Donald Trump an excuse to try. Iran is likely to retaliate for the killing of Soleimani, but in a way that doesn't provoke a full-scale war. The only danger here is a gradual step-by-step escalation on both sides that leads to a war that no one wants. Retaliation is a certainty and Iran has already taken the first step. It has announced it has begun enriching uranium to the point it can be used in nuclear weapons. Now it is up to Trump to make the next move.

Tops among groups that absolutely do not want a full-blown war with Iran, including an invasion whose purpose is regime change, is the U.S. military. They know that while achieving air superiority would be easy and the U.S. could destroy military bases, airports, power stations, and oil fields without much difficulty, subduing Iran would require a ground invasion. They also know that Iran is a big country. It is three times the size of Iraq and bigger than France, Germany, and Spain combined. It also has a natural geography that makes it hard to invade. Here is a map of Iran and the surrounding area:

Map of Iran

Trying to land large numbers of Marines along Iran's southern border on the Gulf of Oman would make them sitting ducks, and would result in a tremendous number of casualties. Besides, there are mountains near the southern coast and the distance from the landing point to Tehran in the north could be 800 or 900 miles, depending on where the Marines land. And much of that is inhospitable territory.

A land invasion from Turkey would be the easiest, but when the U.S. asked Turkey for permission to invade Iraq in 2003, Turkey said "no" and would almost certainly say "no" again. An invasion from Afghanistan, where the U.S. already has troops, looks easy on the map, but not so easy on the ground. Much of the land of eastern Iran is the Dasht-e Kavir desert, which consists of a layer of salt covering thick mud. Tanks would sink in the quicksand-like material and not be able to move. It would be a nightmare. Iran's only vulnerability is in the southwest, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers meet to form the Shatt-al-Arab waterway. This is the route Saddam Hussein used in his invasion of Iran in Sept. 1980.

However, as Saddam discovered to his dismay, the area is swampy and pretty easy to defend. Iran knows this spot is its Achilles heel, and has built up huge defenses there. In addition, there are mountains between a potential landing point and Tehran, which is 600 miles away. Finally, getting thousands of Marines to the Shatt-al-Arab waterway would require them to pass through the narrow and very heavily defended Strait of Hormuz. That could be accomplished safely only after all of Iran's military in the area had been bombed into oblivion, which could result in U.S. aircraft being shot down.

In short, Iran's geography gives it significant natural defenses, such that a land invasion would result in thousands of U.S. casualties. This would hardly help Trump's reelection chances, if he were foolish enough to order a full-scale invasion. (V)

Congress May Clash with Trump over War Powers

The Constitution is somewhat ambiguous about which branch of the government gets to run foreign policy. Only Congress is granted the power to declare war or levy tariffs. Treaties with other nations must be ratified by the Senate. On the other hand, the president is the commander-in-chief. The dominant reading of the Constitution is that it is (only) Congress that can declare war, but once it has done so, the president is free to prosecute the war as he sees fit. The 1973 War Powers Act was passed to make this more explicit. It gives the president the power to deploy the U.S. armed forces without the consent of Congress, but requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of doing so. Furthermore, it forbids the armed forces from remaining deployed for more than 60 days without congressional approval. The purpose of the law was to check the president's power to act unilaterally.

That law may soon be tested, as Donald Trump doesn't like the idea of Congress telling him what he can and cannot do. Yesterday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that Senate Democrats are preparing a resolution asserting Congress' authority. Schumer further said: "We do not need this president either bumbling or impulsively getting us into a major war." Senate rules make it possible for Schumer to force a vote with a simple majority needed for passage. The resolution would also have to pass the House. However, Trump could veto it and it would require a 2/3 majority in each chamber to override the veto. Even if a veto can't be overridden, having Republican senators on record supporting Trump's actions could hurt the GOP if things go south and Americans are killed as a consequence of Trump's ordering the assassination of Qasem Soleimani. (V)

Will the Iran Situation Help Buttigieg?

The U.S. may or may not go to war with Iran, but the situation there could affect the Democratic primaries. The only veteran in the top tier of candidates is Pete Buttigieg. Furthermore, he served in the Middle East, specifically as a Navy intelligence officer in Afghanistan. He undoubtedly understands the area as well as any of the other candidates, and is the only one with substantial experience on the ground there. Consequently, he is now making his military experience and ability to be commander-in-chief on Day 1 a major part of his campaign, claiming that his work as an intelligence officer on the ground gives him insight none of the other candidates have. To the extent that Iran comes to dominate the news in the coming months, it will work in his favor (and also to some extent in the favor of Joe Biden, the only other candidate who can claim foreign affairs expertise).

On the other hand, if Iran dominates the headlines in January, voters in Iowa and elsewhere may decide that long experience with many facets of foreign policy is the key ingredient to being a succesful president. That view would certainly help Biden. On the other hand, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is emphasizing his vote against the Iraq War. His pitch is essentially that although Biden might be better at managing a war, with Sanders at the helm we could avoid unnecessary wars in the first place. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has little to gain from Iran being in the news since she is focused on domestic matters. (V)

Sanders Soars

New polls taken in Iowa and New Hampshire have good news for Bernie Sanders. According to a CBS/YouGov poll released yesterday, Sanders has moved into a three-way tie for first place in Iowa and into the lead in New Hampshire. Most of his gains come at the expense of fellow progressive Elizabeth Warren. Here are the numbers for the candidates polling above 3%:

Candidate Iowa New Hampshire
Bernie Sanders 23% 27%
Joe Biden 23% 25%
Pete Buttigieg 23% 13%
Elizabeth Warren 16% 18%
Amy Klobuchar 7% 7%

Sanders' support in New Hampshire is solid, with 65% of his backers calling themselves "enthusiastic" about their support for him. Iowa is a bit trickier due to the nature of a caucus. In New Hampshire, you come in, vote, and go home. There is no one who is likely to change your mind during the process. In Iowa, the caucusgoers spend hours discussing the candidates, typically in multiple rounds, and people often change their minds during the process.

However, one thing that might work against Sanders in the end is that only 20% of Iowa Democrats regard Sanders as a safe choice for the general election, while 53% described Joe Biden as safe. If the discussions during the caucuses turn to "who can beat Trump?" then Biden may pick up votes on caucus evening. Another point working for Biden in Iowa is that 38% of Iowa Democrats think he would probably beat Trump but only 29% think Sanders could unseat the president. (V)

Appeals Court Hears Arguments in McGahn Case

On Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia heard oral arguments in the case of whether Donald Trump could kill a subpoena for former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before the House. Judge Thomas Griffith, a Republican appointee, asked tough questions of a government lawyer defending the administration's blanket prohibition of any current or former government employees from cooperating with the House. Judge Judith Rogers, a Democratic appointee, questioned the administration's position that the House lacked standing to enforce its own subpoena. The third judge, Republican appointee Karen Henderson, didn't ask much.

The appeal is a result of District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackon's ruling that McGahn must obey the subpoena. No matter how the appeals court rules, the case is almost certain to end up in the Supreme Court. (V)

A Report from Trumpland

In the aftermath of the 2016 election, some national news outlets set reporters off on safaris to hang out in diners in rural areas so they could find out how Donald Trump won. Having a coastal reporter spend 3 days interviewing locals suspicious of outsiders—especially reporters—probably isn't the way to do it. Three years later, The Bulwark has published a more detailed report from Trumpland by John Ziegler, a former right-wing talk radio host, who at the very least has a lot more credibility on the subject of Donald Trump than liberal reporters who parachuted in for a couple of days. Here is his report.

According to Ziegler, Trumpers come in four basic varieties:

During the holidays, Ziegler spent time with people at each level, but specifically wanted to relate his interactions with two people, who he calls Matt and Sue, and who are at level 3. Matt is highly educated, a teacher, and a strong Christian. When Ziegler pointed out that Trump wasn't so great because he didn't carry out his campaign promises (build a wall, drain the swap, lock Hillary up, reduce the deficit, release his taxes, etc.), Matt got quite agitated and blamed the Democrats. When Ziegler pointed out that for the first 2 years of his presidency, the Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress and the White House, so the Democrats had no power to block him, Matt got angry and left.

Sue is an older, wealthy, very Christian woman who used to be a big fan of Ziegler's radio show. She wanted to know how someone with such a proven track record as a conservative could question Trump at all. She seemed to sincerely not understand it. As an experiment, Ziegler asked her some questions:

Sue is an avid news watcher. She loves OANN, yet she knew nothing about any of these things and was genuinely surprised to hear about them. She lives in the proverbial bubble. By the end of the conversation, Ziegler was convinced that if she had watched CNN once in a while, she might not be a Trump supporter at all. In other words, he believes that as long as Trump's supporters get their news exclusively from Trump-supporting sources, they will remain loyal, but if a bit of truth ever gets to them, they could waver. (V)

Who's Ahead? 2024 Edition

For some people, all the talk about the 2020 presidential election is getting a bit boring. So let's look forward: Who's winning the 2024 race? Politico is on the ball with that and has picked the following folks as contenders. Needless to say, the mix changes depending on who is elected president in 2020. If it is Donald Trump, there will be no incumbent in 2024 and both parties will have wild free-for-all primaries. If a Democrat wins in 2020 and runs for reelection in 2024, only the Republicans will have a wild primary.

SurveyMonkey ran a poll among Republican voters asking about who their 2024 favorite was. Here are the results:

2024 race

But just remember, people who seem like obvious candidates now may not be in 4 years and people who are not on the radar now may suddenly be big stars in 4 years. (V)

Another House Republican Retires

Rep. David "Phil" Roe (R-TN) has announced that he will not run for reelection. His district in northeast Tennessee is R+28 and Donald Trump won it by 57 points, so he could have stayed in Congress until he died if he wanted to. He had prostate cancer in 2017 and considered retiring in 2018, but after his surgery, he (somewhat reluctantly) decided to go for another term. Now he has had enough. Being in the minority in the House is no fun at all and he decided that playing with his grandchildren would be more fun. Given the tilt of his district, there is likely to be a big fight in the Republican primary because all the local politicians know that whoever wins the primary can serve in Congress the rest of his life. There is no chance this seat will flip. So far, 26 House Republicans and 9 House Democrats have said they will not run for reelection this year. See the "House retirements" link to the left of the map above for the full list. (V)

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