Jan. 19

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Trump Taps Perdue for Agriculture; Cabinet Is Now Complete

Finding the right person to run the Department of Agriculture has been surprisingly difficult for Donald Trump, with name after name mentioned and then dropped over the course of the last several weeks. Now, however, the President-elect has his man: Sonny Perdue. Perdue is a former governor of Georgia, and is cousin to Sen. David Perdue (R-GA).

Besides being the son of a veterinarian, and coming from a state with a lot of farms, Perdue's resume does not seem to have a lot of experience relevant to running Agriculture. However, it was not his background that raised eyebrows on Wednesday. It is the fact that, with the selection of Perdue, Trump's cabinet will have no Latinos. Indeed, it's the least diverse cabinet in recent history, with 13 of the 16 slots filled by white men (plus a white woman in Betsy DeVos, an Asian woman in Elaine Chao, and a black man in Ben Carson). If Trump's goal really is to return America to the way it was in the 1950s, he's off to a good start. (Z)

Pruitt Faces Withering Fire; Admits Climate Change is Man-made

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt went before the Senate on Wednesday, seeking confirmation as administrator of the EPA. Pruitt has, in the past, been skeptical that climate change is real, and/or that it is man-made. This made it fortuitous, perhaps, that the World Meteorological Organization released its annual report on Earth's climate just hours before Pruitt's hearing began. It revealed that 2016 was the hottest year on record. This broke the record set in...2015. Which broke the record set in...2014.

Presented with this evidence, and under aggressive cross-examination from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Pruitt broke with his boss-to-be Donald Trump, saying, "I do not believe climate change is a hoax. Science tells us that the climate is changing, and that human activity, in some manner, impacts that change."

Despite the Senator's prodding, Pruitt would not go further, and pointedly refused to say that man is the primary cause of global warming. Nonetheless, for those who are concerned about this issue, it's a start. Indeed, there's a case to be made that only a Republican administration has the capacity to build a consensus on climate change action, since they have credibility with deniers that Democrats do not. Just as only Nixon could go to China, maybe only Trump (or Pruitt) can cool the planet. (Z)

Price Says Stock Purchases Were Legitimate

On Tuesday, news broke that HHS Secretary-designate Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) acquired stocks whose price could be affected by non-public knowledge that he had about bills pending before Congress. This comes dangerously close to the textbook definition of insider trading. In fact, it explicitly violates the STOCK Act, which prohibits members of Congress from profiting from information they have gained from their official duties. On Wednesday, Price was questioned about his stock portfolio by Sens. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Al Franken (D-MN). The Congressman declared that, "everything that we have done has been above-board, transparent, ethical and legal." He also noted that the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) had reviewed the situation and signed off on his dossier.

Ironically, Price's invocation of the OGE was itself dishonest, as department officials took to Twitter to point out—while the hearings were still underway. They noted that their job is to evaluate executive branch employees, and to make judgments on fitness to serve going forward, not to consider the past behavior of appointees while they served in another branch of government. Consequently, as Price certainly knows, they have offered no opinion on the propriety of his stock trades. Someone might also point out to him that referring to oneself in the third person (e. g., "everything that we have done") is a common sign of deception. So, overall, Price is not doing a great job of selling us on the idea that he's blameless here. (Z)

More Questions Arise About DeVos

Secretary of Education-designate Betsy DeVos has had a rough time getting confirmed. She faced uncomfortable questions about her family's donations to the Republican Party (acknowledging that $200 million is well within the realm of possibility), about her understanding of standardized tests (she has no real understanding), and about guns in the classroom (which she suggested are essential for protecting students against grizzly bears). She was also asked about her role as vice president of the Focus on the Family foundation, a stridently anti-LGBT organization that—among other goals—promotes "gay conversion" therapy. DeVos said that she had nothing to do with the family-run foundation, and that if she was listed as an officer, it was a "clerical error."

On Wednesday, Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH)—who is getting her Senate career off to a very fast start, and leading the charge against DeVos—got her hands on 17 years' worth of tax returns for Focus on the Family, and found that DeVos was listed as vice president on all of them. The Senator observed that it's "concerning" to blame a clerical error for 17 straight years. Thus far, DeVos and the Trump camp have refused to comment, though this matter will undoubtedly come up very quickly when DeVos faces the Senate again. (Z)

Dozens of Democratic Representatives Now Boycotting Inauguration

Following the lead and the encouragement of Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), a large number of Democratic members of the House of Representatives are going to skip Friday's inauguration. A partial list, along with their stated reasons:

In total, more than one in three Democratic representatives will be sitting this one out. This kind of mass abstention is unprecedented; generally speaking, the whole Congress is present (excepting those who miss the ceremony due to illness and/or other mitigating factors).

The question that many are asking is whether not this is appropriate behavior. That is to say, do these individuals owe at least token respect to Trump on Friday, simply due to the office he will be assuming? The media are dealing with a similar kind of question right now: Do they owe it to Trump (and his subordinates) to try and cover their side of whatever story or issue may arise? Or is there a point that Trump & Co. yield that privilege as a consequence of dishonest, disrespectful, or discriminatory behavior? Consider some historical examples: At what point is red-hunting Wisconsin senator Joe McCarthy no longer entitled to respectful treatment from his colleagues, or "we must cover both sides" stories from the media? What about segregationist governor George Wallace, or felonious congressman Jim Traficant? These are not easy questions, but there's certainly a case to be made that Trump—though not even inaugurated yet—has already passed the point where he is entitled to the benefit of the doubt. (Z)

Five Areas Where Democrats Could Make a Deal with Trump

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has said that on subjects where the Democrats agree with Donald Trump, they will work with him, rather than opposing everything he does. The Hill has compiled a list of five areas in which cooperation between Trump and the Democrats is possible, as follows:

There are a lot of maybes here, but there's almost no question that on occasion it will be (the former Democrat) Trump and the blue team vs. the red team. (V)

Why Not Al?

Back when he was merely a comedian and pundit, Al Franken wrote a book entitled, Why Not Me?: The Inside Story of the Making and Unmaking of the Franken Presidency. The volume imagined, with much humor, what it would look like if Franken ran for and won the White House.

Since then, of course, there have been some interesting developments in Franken's career. He became a U.S. Senator, and one with a reputation for hard work and being able to reach across the aisle. He earned kudos for the reasoned discussion he had with anti-Obamacare activists at the Minnesota State Fair. He's taken a leading role in asking tough questions of Donald Trump's cabinet picks. He's an excellent public speaker, witty, intellectually gifted, comes from a Midwestern state, and has the potential to unify the progressive and centrist wings of the Democratic Party. Oh, and the main criticism lodged against him when he began his political career—that his background is in television and not in governance—is kind of a dead issue these days. The point is that Franken should be viewed as, at very least, a dark horse for the Democratic nomination in 2020—and maybe even more than that. It's possible that, one day, that book he wrote will prove to be quite prescient, and that he'll be America's first Jewish president. (Z)

Canada Gets Its Own Trump

Speaking of television stars, Canadians are going to have an opportunity to follow America's lead and put their government in the hands of a wealthy businessman best known for starring on a reality TV show. Specifically, entrepreneur Kevin O'Leary, from the venture capital-based show "Shark Tank." Like Trump, O'Leary plays something of a villain on the show, where he goes by the ironic nickname "Mr. Wonderful."

Like Trump, O'Leary has no political experience. Nonetheless, he will stand for the leadership of Canada's Conservative Party, dueling for the honor with at least a dozen other challengers. Though the Conservatives are right-leaning, O'Leary has already made a point of outlining how his vision is different from Trump's—no walls, pro-choice, pro-legalization of drugs, etc. He's smart, well-heeled, and well-connected, so his candidacy is being taken very seriously by the Canadian media and political establishment (who may have learned a lesson from what happened with Trump, who was consistently underestimated). It is worth noting, however, that O'Leary would only become Canada's leader if (a) he takes over the Conservative Party, and (b) the Conservatives take over parliament. Since the next parliamentary election is not scheduled until October 21, 2019, it would take a while for Mr. Wonderful to become Mr. Prime Minister, even if everything goes as planned. (Z)

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