News from the Votemaster
Washington Post Model Gives Republicans 95% Chance of Capturing the Senate
Many media outlets have models that assign probabilities of each party capturing the Senate, but none are as extreme as that of the Washington Post, which gives the Republicans a 95% chance of capturing the Senate. Nate Silver's model puts it at 58% and the New York Times says it is 66%.
In our view, 95% is very extreme. Both Iowa and Colorado are tossups and Alaska is quite difficult to poll correctly. If the Democrats can win two of those three and if Greg Orman wins in Kansas and caucuses with the Democrats, they will barely hold their majority. Furthermore, while the Republicans are ahead in Georgia, Kentucky, and South Dakota, none of them are in the bag yet. We don't assign probabilities, but 95% seems very extreme. The Republicans are definitely ahead right now, but it is not a done deal yet.
Denver Post Endorses Cory Gardner
The Denver Post, Colorado's largest newspaper, has endorsed Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) for the Senate. Newspaper endorsements may not be worth a lot, but the Post has a strong track record. Of its most recent 11 endorsements for President and Senate, 9 of them have won, so it is something of a bellwether. Eight of the 11 picks have been Democrats.
Blank-Slate Candidates Are on the Rise
Independent Senate Candidates Greg Orman (KS) and Larry Pressler (SD) won't say which party they will caucus with. Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes won't say who she voted for in 2012. Angus King wouldn't say which party he preferred during his 2012 Senate run. While some politicians define their position on every issue, others are finding that staying intentionally vague even on basic issues--like which party they prefer--resonates with the voters. Maybe this is a bit of a throwback to earlier days when some voters would say: "I don't care about party labels; I vote for the best candidate for the position." Nowadays, it sometimes seems that all that matters is the (D) or (R) after the candidate's name. Nevertheless, we are starting to see candidates who prefer being a blank slate and who hope the voters will see in them what they want to see.
Federal Election Commission Has Stopped Functioning
The Federal Election Commission, which is supposed to enforce federal election law, is completely deadlocked. It consists of three Democratic appointees and three Republican appointees and they do not agree on anything. For five years it has written no important regulations and not made any attempt to enforce the nation's election laws.
This week Democratic commissioner Ann Ravel made a concession to the Republicans allowing them to draft rules consistent with the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision. She is hoping for concessions from the Republicans in return, but many observers think this is unlikely. In particular, one thing that the Republicans absolutely do not want under any conditions is rules that require political organzations to disclose their donors. One of Republican commissioners said that the commission shouldn't achieve through regulation that which could not be achieved through legislation. It seems doubtful any rules are forthcoming.
Hillary's Potential Opponents Won't Attack Her
Although Hillary Clinton is the odds-on favorite to win the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, the race might attract a few challengers. It is expected that none of them will hit her hard and that is already starting to be the case. Former Virginia senator Jim Webb, who is mulling a completely hopeless bid, had the opportunity to criticize Clinton on Meet the Press and declined it. He would be running to her right. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who would be running to her left, also passed up the chance to say anything critical of her. Gov. Martin O'Malley (D-MD), who would be running for running mate on a ticket headed by her has never said anything critical of her and certainly won't going forward. He has substantial accomplishments in Maryland and will simply showcase them to demonstrate to her that he is a loyal Democrat and a good campaigner. At 51, he can wait 10 years until his turn comes.
Today's Senate Polls
State | Democrat | D % | Republican | R % | I | I % | Start | End | Pollster |
Iowa | Bruce Braley | 39% | Joni Ernst | 38% | Oct 04 | Oct 07 | Lukens Company | ||
New Hampshire | Jeanne Shaheen* | 49% | Scott Brown | 46% | Oct 03 | Oct 03 | New England College | ||
New Jersey | Cory Booker* | 48% | Jeff Bell | 39% | Oct 05 | Oct 08 | Stockton Polling Institute | ||
Virginia | Mark Warner* | 47% | Ed Gillespie | 37% | Oct 01 | Oct 06 | Princeton Survey |
* Denotes incumbent
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---The Votemaster
Oct10 Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law
Oct10 Study: Voter ID Laws Reduce Turnout
Oct10 Roberts and Orman Debate in Kansas
Oct10 Landrieu Fires Her Campaign Manager
Oct10 Republicans' End-game Strategy Comes into Focus
Oct10 Have the October Surprises Already Happened?
Oct10 Huckabee Threatens to Leave Republican Party over Same-Sex Marriage
Oct09 Supreme Court Reinstates North Carolina Voting Restrictions
Oct09 Could There Be a Real Horse Race in South Dakota?
Oct09 Pollsters Predict Republican Senate--Maybe
Oct09 Brownback Tries to Blame the Media for His Troubles
Oct09 Could Colorado in 2014 Be the Prototype for America in 2016?
Oct09 Politics Affects the Response to Ebola
Oct09 Conservatives Attack Karl Rove
Oct08 Republicans Abandon Terri Lynn Land
Oct08 Rural Voters Abandon Roberts in Kansas
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Oct08 Gubernatorial Contests Could Affect House Races
Oct08 Ted Cruz Poaching on Huckabee/Santorum Territory
Oct08 Republican Presidential Candidates Audition before Donors
Oct07 The Battle about Who Can and Will Vote
Oct07 The Election Is in a Month and Nobody Cares
Oct07 Sparks Fly in Colorado Debate
Oct07 Republicans Don't Want to Talk about Supreme Court and Same-Sex Marriage
Oct07 Tillis Accused of Conflict of Interest in Real Estate Deal
Oct07 Republicans Brace for a Free-for-all in 2016
Oct07 Will the Democrats Have Their Own Adelsons and Friesses in 2016?
Oct07 Conservatives Attempting to Build a Permanent Ground Force
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Oct06 Obama Will Speak on the Economy Thursday
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Oct06 Bill Clinton to Campaign in Arkansas
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Oct06 Democrats Pouring Money into Firewall States
Oct06 $100 Million Could Pour into a Georgia During a Runoff
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Oct05 Could Control of the Senate Be Decided in Quinhagak?
Oct05 It May Take a Long Time to Count All the Votes in Alaska
Oct05 Democrats Starting to Rely on Super PACS
Oct05 Early Voting Is Already Underway in Iowa
Oct05 A Business Career Is Not Always a Plus
Oct04 What Will Orman Do If He Wins?
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Oct04 2016 Candidates Are Campaigning Already--for Other Candidates
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Oct04 Republicans Push the Ebola Story for All It Is Worth
Oct04 Kobach's Actions in the Chad Taylor Case Could Cost Him His Job
Oct03 Wisconsin Voter ID Case Goes to the Supreme Court