absentee ballot for overseas voter

Donations to Electoral Vote Predictor 2004

Quite a few people have said they like the site so much they would like to contribute to the cost of running it. I have paid all the costs of running this site myself, including DNS registration ($20), hosting service ($129/mo), and the first batch of advertising ($1000 on blogs, $500 on Google), etc. I strongly believe artists are entitled to be paid for their work so I always get the cartoons from www.politicalcartoons.com and pay for them rather than just taking them off the net. I see this website as a community service and since it is funded (in part) by my share of the Bush tax cut, why not? The money came from politics, so let it go home. Numerous companies and individuals have asked to run ads on the site but I don't really want ads, not even Google ads. The many hours required to build and run the site have actually been a much bigger drain than the money.

The site is doing fine but I would like to increase its popularity more. Many people think the electoral college is where you can get a bachelor's degree in political science and the media are not doing a good job getting the truth out. Therefore I would like to do more advertising on other websites, blogs, etc. I asked for donations earlier, and got quite a bit. Here is the list of ads I have run so far with their effectivity. A week on a single blog can easily run $400, so it adds up quickly. Here is the ad I am using. If there are any people in the advertising or graphic design business who can do a better ad in a 150x200 .gif file, please let me know.

Donations can be made by clicking on the PayPal icon below. If you have an account at PayPal you can use it. If not, PayPal takes all major credit cards. You do not have to open a PayPal account first. If you don't know what PayPal is, click here. Basically, it is a division of the auction website E-Bay designed to allow you to make payments to individuals and small businesses in a secure way without giving the recipient your credit card number. PayPal has 50 million customers and executes millions of secure transactions per day. Your browser must accept cookies from PayPal to use it. If you get a "Session expired" error message, this is due to cookies being disabled. Just enable them and try again. I tried using the Amazon Honor System earlier, but there were endless problems with it so I stopped. Besides, it is much simpler to receive all the money via PayPal and pay for the ads using PayPal so I don't have to mix personal and EVP 2004 funds. For that reason, I don't want checks.


Ads on the following major blogs

www.rawstory.com , www.politicalwire.com , www.politics1.com , drudgeretort.com , www.dcpoliticalreport.com , www.thismodernworld.com, www.bartcop.com, instapundit.com, www.utopiatemple.com, https://atrios.blogspot.com, www.talkingpointsmemo.com, www.wonkette.com, www.mydd.com, www.weirdspot.com, smirkingchimp.com, www.metafilter.com, reason.com/hitandrun, www.jossip.com, www.talkleft.com, www.scienceblog.com, www.sterogum.com, althouse.blogspot.com, towleroad.typepad.com, www.swingstateproject.com, www.rooftopreport.com, www.whistlestopper.com, www.socialitelife.com, www.collegeslackers.com, www.actforlove.org, www.ohlalaparis.com, www.photographyblog.com, noted.blogs.com, www.mathewgross.com, www.changeforamerica.com,

Ads on the following small blogs

A Socialite's Life, Act For Love, alicublog, Althouse, AngryFinger, baldilocks, Banterist, Baseball Crank, Ben Maller, Brutally Honest, Cathy's World, Change For America, Cleveland Indians Report, College Slackers, Daimnation!, David Corn, Digital Photography Blog, DrunkasaurusRex.com, EdCone.com, Health Supreme, Hot Sauce, InTheBullpen.com, iowahawk, Jane Galt's Strip, Mathew Gross, Michael Williams, Mystery Pollster, New Media Musings, OhlalaParis, Pardon My English, PhotographyBLOG, Political State Report, Rooftop Report, Say Anything, Seeing the Forest, Shot In The Dark, Slice, Swing State Project, TechWhack, The Command Post, The Laughing Wolf, The Mahablog, The Museum of Hoaxes, The Rittenhouse Review, The Sassy Lawyer, ToGawp Premium Ad, Tour de France 2004, Towleroad, Transvigor, treehugger, Webjay, Westcoast Music Blog, Whistle Stopper, witz
FL University of Central Florida 42,000 students
University of South Florida 41,000 students
Florida State University 37,000 students
PA Penn State University 41,000 students
University of Pittsburgh 34,000 students
University of Pennsylvania 22,000 students
Indiana University 14,000 students
OH Ohio State University 48,000 students
University of Cincinnati 24,000 students
Bowling Green State University 17,000 students
Wright State University 15,000 students
MO University of Missouri 62,000 students
Washington University 13,000 students
St. Louis University 11,000 students
MI Central Michigan University 28,000 students
Western Michigan University 26,000 students
University of Michigan 25,000 students
WI Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison 41,000 students
Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 22,000 students
Univ. of Wisconsin, Barron County      200 students
MN University of Minnesota 63,000 students
HI University of Hawaii 50,000 students
AZ Arizona State University 57,000 students
NM University of New Mexico 30,000 students
IA Iowa State University 27,000 students
CO Colorado State University 25,000 students
NH University of New Hampshire 12,000 students
AR Arkansas State University 10,000 students


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