Harris 278
image description
Trump 260
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Click for Senate
Dem 51
image description
GOP 49
image description
  • Strongly Dem (162)
  • Likely Dem (51)
  • Barely Dem (65)
  • Exactly tied (0)
  • Barely GOP (36)
  • Likely GOP (107)
  • Strongly GOP (117)
270 Electoral votes needed to win This date in 2020 2016 2012
New polls: (None)
the Dem pickups vs. 2020: NC
GOP pickups vs. 2020: GA NV PA
Political Wire logo Trump Disputes Report that Queen Found Him ‘Very Rude’
The Backstory of Obama Mocking Trump
JD Vance Quietly Scored an $8 Million Book Deal
Where Kamala Harris Gained Support Compared to Biden
Trump to Rally at Same Arena Kamala Harris Used
Model Predicts Close Election

TODAY'S HEADLINES (click to jump there; use your browser's "Back" button to return here)
      •  DNC, Day Two: Obama Nation
      •  DNC Diary: Day Two
      •  Voters in Alaska, Wyoming and Florida Cast Their Ballots
      •  Scavenger Hunt, Part X: Pithy Quotes, Redux
      •  Today's Presidential Polls

We've had some discussions about possible meet-ups of folks who live in the same basic geographical area. We dropped the ball on this, by virtue of being pretty busy with other site-related (and non-site-related) stuff. However, we've had a few e-mails recently pointing out that people might like to meet up with their fellow readers ASAP, so that discussions of the election can be had. It's a good point.

For the moment, we are trying to wrestle with the question of how to organize the various meet-ups. If readers have suggestions on that point, please let us know at comments@electoral-vote.com.

Also, we regret that these postings are going live so late. However, the Conventions are the literal definition of late-breaking news.

DNC, Day Two: Obama Nation

The headliners yesterday were Michelle and Barack Obama, arguably the two biggest rock stars in the Democratic Party right now. They were not the whole show, however, by any means.

If you wish to watch Day Two, you can do so here:

Note that the links we provided yesterday to specific portions of the video—which, by the way, take some fair amount of time to compile—were working correctly when the page went live yesterday, but broke later in the day. We think we know why that is, and hopefully have corrected for it. Anyhow, here are the 10 most notable storylines on Day Two:

  1. A Masterpiece by Raphael: The single most common comment we got in the mailbag yesterday was "How come you didn't mention the speech from Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA)?" And the answer, such as it is, is that we linked to 8 speeches in yesterday's item, and gave high marks to at least six of them. We didn't want to get too repetitive, and we thought the other speeches were more worthy of mention, either because they illustrated the Democrats' goals (the speech from the ALS sufferer; the speech by Gov. Andy Beshear, D-KY), or they could propel the speaker to greater heights (the speech from state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, D-MI; the speech from Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-TX), or they were delivered by the sitting President of the United States. We recognize that Warnock could also be a rising star, in that he's certainly presidential/vice-presidential material one of these days, but he's not really a secret. All of this said, Warnock was very, very good, just as good as the half-dozen others we gave good reviews to yesterday. If you want to go back and watch, his address is linked in the title of this section.

    The interesting question that this all raises, for us at least, is why the DNC has so many more really good speakers than the RNC did. There were certainly some very successful speeches at the RNC, but the number of really good speakers at that entire convention is almost certainly less than the number we saw just on Day One or just on Day Two of the DNC. While we accept that, perhaps, the things the DNC speakers have to say are more pleasing to our ears, we really don't think that's the answer. We thought about it a fair bit yesterday, and here are the alternative theories we came up with:

    • Background: A very large percentage of Democratic politicians were previously lawyers, teachers, religious leaders, community activists, etc.—jobs that require significant amounts of public speaking. A fairly large percentage of Republican politicians come from a business or military background, where public speaking is less important.

    • Age: Democratic politicians (at least, the ones who spoke at the Convention), tend to be younger than Republican politicians (at least, the ones who spoke at the Convention). Perhaps younger people have more energy, or a better command of current idiom, or a better sense of how to present oneself on TV/video.

    • Big and Small: Democratic politicians are drawn disproportionately from big states and, in particular, big cities. When you're competing with 35 million other people for a political office (as a would-be U.S. Senator from California has to do), maybe you have to be better at all phases of the game than when you're competing with 600,000 other people (as a would-be U.S. Senator from Wyoming has to do). Even if we are generally right about this, though, the effect is clearly not universal. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is from a big state, and he's a godawful public speaker.

    • Yin and Yang: The tone of the Democratic convention is almost entirely upbeat. The tone of the Republican convention, at least after the first day, was overwhelmingly negative. It's generally easier to nail a "hope and joy" speech than a "the world's going to hell" speech.

    • Sycophant Elephants: On the whole, we have the impression that the Democratic speakers really believe what they are saying. Many of the Republicans, by contrast, gave off the sense that they were saying what they had to say to keep the base happy. Or, alternatively, to keep Donald Trump happy. When a speaker has real conviction, the audience can sense that. They can also sense when a speaker does not have real conviction.

    That's what we've got with a few hours' reflection. We are open to other explanations; send them to comments@electoral-vote.com. We are also open to being told that we're wrong about the RNC, and that the speakers there were stellar. Especially Ted Cruz.

    Incidentally, we took a look at the reviews of Joe Biden's speech after yesterday's post went live, and many commentators and readers agreed with us that it was a home run. Some commentators and readers were much less impressed, perhaps most obviously The New York Times' David Brooks, who put his nose to the grindstone and wrote 301 whole words explaining that the speech was "Lackluster" for... reasons? If we produced so few words, we'd actually get these things posted on time. But, for some reason, we insist on producing twenty times as much. Oh, well. In any case, it's just another reminder that Brooks is no longer worth reading. And we don't say that because he's a 'Nade. At least, not ONLY because he's a 'Nade.

  2. Boring?: Yesterday, we noted that Day One went an hour longer than it was supposed to, and we opined that wasn't a big deal. What we were anticipating (correctly) was that there would be a bunch of pieces slamming the Democrats for their incompetence/lack of organization.

    Some readers thought we were actually speaking to a rather different issue, namely "Is the DNC boring?" We have watched every minute of the first 2 days, and our opinion is: No, at least not for politics junkies. The Democrats tend to dominate the entertainment and tech industries. That means they have an advantage in terms of stagecraft, in terms of producing slick video content, and in terms of getting interesting entertainers. The blue team is leveraging all of these advantages to the hilt (see below for several good examples).

    The DNC also has fewer speakers per day than the RNC, and most of the speakers are honoring a pretty tight time limit. More important, perhaps, is something that (Z) learned in his first week of teacher training: You have to change gears if you want to keep your audience's attention. The Democrats are doing a good job of mixing things up—a typical sequence might be speech-speech-video-speech-musical performance-video-speech. The Republicans did not shift gears nearly as often, at least in part because they were trying to get SO MANY PEOPLE on stage for their bright, shining moments.

  3. Stirring the Pot: When the Republicans were holding their convention, the Democrats (especially party leadership) largely shut their yaps. Maybe they were observing the general custom of letting the other party have its moment in the sun. Maybe they didn't feel they could say anything because Donald Trump had just survived an assassination attempt. Maybe they were hoping that if they remained silent for a week or so, voters might forget about Joe Biden's debate performance. Who knows?

    Whatever the case might be, the Republicans are not returning the favor, and are doing whatever they can to try to derail the Democrats' momentum. We'll run down a few examples, some of which are really bat**it crazy. First up, since there aren't too many cool Trumpublican celebrities, Donald Trump is doing everything he can to steal some of the Democrats' coolest celebrities. For example, he posted AI-generated images to "Truth" Social this weekend, making the claim that he's been endorsed by Taylor Swift. Yesterday, he posted a video of himself with "Freedom" playing in the background. That, of course, is the Beyoncé/Kendrick Lamar song that played when Kamala Harris appeared onstage at the DNC on Monday. We're not sure we understand the point here; is anyone really going to believe that Swift or Beyoncé is a Trumper?

    The right-wing media are also doing their part. Yesterday, in preparation for the Obamas' speeches, the folks on Fox dusted off both the Obama tan suit thing and the Obama birth certificate thing yet again. They also claimed that Obama is the puppetmaster behind the Democratic throne, and that he'll be pulling the strings for at least the next 25 years.

    J.D. Vance, for his part, is trying to make hay out of something that Andy Beshear said during an MSNBC hit on Tuesday. The Governor was asked about the Trump/Vance ticket's position on abortion, and answered:
    It's just fear tactics and it's just lying to people. I mean, think about what some people have had to go through because of these laws. I mean, J.D. Vance calls pregnancy resulting from rape inconvenient. Like inconvenience is traffic. I mean, it is—make him go through this! I mean, it is someone being violated, someone being harmed and then telling them that they don't have options after that. That fails any test of decency, of humanity. But here's the thing, it also shows they don't have any empathy at all. And a president and a vice president has to have empathy. You got to be able to put yourself in a position that you've never been in to try to understand somebody else, because you've got to be a president and a vice president for all of America, not just where you're from, not just for your friend group, but for all of America.
    The claim that Vance is making is that Beshear called for him (Vance) to be raped. That is clearly not the case; Beshear was not speaking literally. And obviously, a literal interpretation is not even possible, as Vance is male, and not in a position to literally carry an unwanted pregnancy due to rape. Nonetheless, the Trump/Vance campaign is demanding an apology, and they also insist that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz repudiate Beshear. Don't hold your breath, fellas.

    And finally, because Tim Walz led students on multiple trips to China, the Republicans are working on a narrative that he is a Chinese sleeper agent. To that end, Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has announced a formal investigation into Walz' ties with China. And as loony as that is, it gets a little crazier. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), who is apparently all-in on the Walz-is-a-Chinese-agent narrative, is claiming that Walz deliberately chose his wedding date (June 4, 1994)... to coincide with the fifth anniversary of Tiananmen Square. We think the Senator's tinfoil hat might be on a bit too tight.

    That said, we would be remiss if we did not point out that Johnson's wedding anniversary was actually yesterday. That means he was married on the date that right-wing bushwhackers from Missouri, under the leadership of William Quantrill, commenced a raid on the town of Lawrence, KS, which was that era's version of San Francisco—liberals everywhere. Quantrill and his men ultimately slaughtered 150 innocent left-wing citizens of Lawrence. Did Johnson think we would not notice that he chose to get married precisely 114 years later? Please.

    Reportedly, a major motivation behind all this noise is that Donald Trump is scared witless that Kamala Harris' convention speech will get better ratings than his did. His relatively strong ratings are a major source of self-worth for him, and he apparently is having trouble sleeping thanks to the thought that Harris might do better. He has good reason to worry; the first night of the DNC drew 20 million people. That's better than any of the first three nights of the RNC (which drew 18.1 million, 14.8 million and 18 million people, respectively). Plus, his speech was long-winded and his act is stale, whereas Harris' speech is kind of like her debutante ball. Also, keep reading.

  4. Diversity v2.0: We noted yesterday that a clear motif of the Democratic Convention is diversity. Day One highlighted the Party's ethnic diversity, and Day Two continued with that theme. Yesterday, religious diversity was another point of emphasis. The Invocation was done by a rabbi and an imam; the Benediction was done by a bishop from the African Methodist Episcopal Church and an archbishop from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Can you imagine, in particular, an imam being invited to speak to the RNC? We can't.

    The speakers last night also featured Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) in order. That's three members of the tribe, back-to-back-to-back, and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff followed not long thereafter. We seriously doubt that was a coincidence; the Democrats don't want to aggravate the protesters, but they do want to connect with Jewish voters.

    Another form of diversity, arguably, is diversity of thought. Last night featured a bunch of rank-and-file former Trumpers talking about why they just can't vote Trump anymore. There were also several Republican speakers, including pundit Ana Navarro, Mesa (AZ) Mayor John Giles and, in a particularly devastating former-insider-who-has-details-to-share takedown, former Trump White House insider Stephanie Grisham. There are going to be more disaffected Republicans on Days Three and Four.

    There wasn't much of anything like this at the RNC—people who once voted for Joe Biden, but just can't do it anymore. Maybe the Republicans couldn't find people like that. Maybe they didn't think to find them and put them on stage. Maybe the construction "I can no longer overlook Trump's ______________" works a lot better than "I can no longer overlook Biden's ______________."

  5. In Memoriam: We do not recall ever seeing this at a previous convention, Democratic or Republican. And now that we HAVE seen it, we can't believe it's taken so long. We assume it will become de rigueur at future conventions, on both sides of the aisle.

    What the Democrats did was borrow one of the most popular features of the Oscars (and other awards shows), namely an "In Memoriam" segment remembering the people who have passed since the previous ceremony. With the Oscars, to take the most famous example, it is a real juggling act to fit in as many people as possible within the allocated time. With a political convention, you've got four times as long a time period to cover (4 years instead of 1) and a much broader variety of human endeavors (the tribute included politicians, soldiers, entertainers, activists, etc.). That meant they had to put up a dozen names at a time, on a giant screen, as opposed to giving 1-2 seconds per person. Still, it was a nice touch (with Patti LaBelle providing the musical accompaniment). See what we said above about stagecraft.

  6. Presidents Night: The Democrats would like to remind everyone that they are the party who brought you such popular presidents as John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. The latter was on stage last night, of course, while the former two could not be present, for obvious reasons. Nonetheless, the blue team worked around that by having Jason Carter, grandson of Jimmy, give a brief speech, followed by Jack Schlossberg, grandson of John. Bill Clinton was not represented, as he will speak tonight. Nor was Lyndon B. Johnson; maybe Luci Baines Johnson was busy.

  7. IVF Night: The Democrats highlighted abortion access on Monday night, and on Tuesday, a major theme was IVF access. We are a little surprised that didn't wait for the night Tim Walz is speaking. Maybe the IVF videos and testimonials will continue for a second night tonight, or maybe the Democrats have some other aspect of reproductive rights they want to highlight.

  8. Roll Call: If you want to see stagecraft, then you should watch some (or even all) of the Democrats' roll call. It was entirely symbolic, as the nominations were made official before the convention. Still, the blue team pulled out all the stops.

    It was not especially practical to replicate the pandemic-era shtick, where votes were cast from notable landmarks within each state. After all, the delegates did not travel hundreds or thousands of miles, just to watch a video. So, what the Democrats did this time was put a picture or two from each state up on the giant screen on stage. Then, the blue-suited DJ Cassidy played a song (or more than one, in some cases) chosen by each delegation. And then, the delegations, all of them wearing concert-style lighted bracelets, cast their votes. Quite often, the 4-5 people visible on screen included a celebrity. For example, Lil Jon helped Georgia cast its ballots, while Spike Lee was part of the New York delegation, Sean Astin was there to assist Indiana and Eva Longoria was a member of the Texas delegation. In other cases, states put together megawatt collections of political star power. For example, California's votes were cast by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and activist Dolores Huerta.

    Tomorrow, we'll have a rundown of the songs that all the delegations chose, and why, because it's an excellent example of political stagecraft/branding in action. We wanted to do it for today, but time did not allow. For now, reader B.M. in Chico, CA, has brought to our attention this Spotify playlist, which has all the songs that were played.

    Also, let us quickly anticipate two questions. First, since Democrats Abroad don't have a specific home state or territory to show off, their pictures were... the Arc de Triomphe and the Roman Forum. Second, California skipped its place in the roll call and did not cast its ballots until the very end. That is because it is customary for the presidential candidate's home state to go last.

    Back to stagecraft, for a moment, none of the stars of Day One were present yesterday. Hillary Clinton was presumably in her hotel room helping Bill prepare his speech. Joe Biden flew to California for a holiday in the wine country. And Kamala Harris was holding a rally while the DNC was underway. Why did she counter-program her own convention? Well, part of it is that the candidate does not really need to be present for all 4 days. The much bigger part of it, however, was the place where the rally was staged.

    Once the roll call was official, Harris and Walz appeared via satellite link, from the rally, to formally accept the Democrats' nomination. They weren't too terribly far away; the rally was held at... Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, WI. In other words, the same venue where the RNC took place. That means that when Harris and Walz appeared onscreen to accept their nominations, you could see the site of the DNC, jam-packed with Harris supporters, and also the site of the RNC, jam-packed with Harris supporters. If that is not a flex, we don't know what is.

  9. Doug Emhoff: Last night was the Second Gentleman's turn to speak; he was the lead-up to the Obamas. And he was a very good appetizer. As one of those Democrats with a public speaking background, he was excellent, with remarks that were alternately touching, self-deprecating, pointed, amusing and thoughtful. He will be a big asset to the Harris campaign, especially since his counterpart has made only two appearances this entire cycle, and doesn't figure to make many more.

  10. Michelle and Barack Obama: Did we mention the Obamas are rock stars? Particularly when appearing before a crowd of devoted Democrats? There could be no doubt of it if you watched their appearances last night. Barack is one of the five or six best public speakers ever to serve as president. Michelle is one of the two or three best public speakers ever to serve as first spouse. It's possible they are the best speaking duo ever to occupy the White House. It's between them and Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, we'd say.

    Both Obamas have the "soaring rhetoric" bit down pat. This part, from Michelle's speech, got a huge response (no surprise, given the nature of the crowd):
    We only have two and a half months, y'all, to get this done. Only 11 weeks to make sure every single person we know is registered and has a voting plan. So we cannot afford for anyone, anyone, anyone in America to sit on their hands and wait to be called. Don't complain if no one from the campaign has specifically reached out to you to ask you for your support. There is simply no time for that kind of foolishness. You know what you need to do. So consider this to be your official ask. Michelle Obama is asking you—no, I'm telling y'all—to do something.
    Similarly, the crowd quite liked this from Barack:
    I'm feeling hopeful because this convention has always been pretty good to kids with funny names who believe in a country where anything is possible. Because we have the chance to elect someone who's spent her whole life trying to give people the same chances America gave her. Someone who sees you and hears you and will get up every single day and fight for you: the next President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris.
    For those who don't recognize it, this is an obvious callback to the 2004 DNC speech that made Obama famous.

    Perhaps of greater interest, and almost certainly likely to get more attention today, is that both Obamas decided that maybe "going low" is the right call sometimes (we'll have an item on this tomorrow). As we have noted before, the dozens is a game rooted in Black culture, in which participants fire off biting insults. You might not have known it while Michelle was First Lady, but she's clearly a skilled practitioner. "His limited and narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who also happened to be Black," she decreed, before moving in for the kill: "Who's going to tell him that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those 'Black jobs'?" Zing!

    Barack, for his part, said: "Here's a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator 9 years ago. It has been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that's actually been getting worse now that he's afraid of losing to Kamala. There's the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession with crowd sizes." Here, the punchline was visual, as the former president talked about crowd sizes, he put his hands together and moved them closer to each other, such that they were eventually just 3-4 inches apart. The very clear implication is that crowds are not the only thing whose size concerns Trump.

The DNC is now halfway over, and the party keeps rolling on. They've only gotta keep it up for 2 more days. (Z)

DNC Diary: Day Two

Reports from both of our reader-delegates today. First up, A.S. in Fairfax, VA:

I didn't provide a lot of my impressions on the speeches from night one as I figured (V) and (Z) had all that covered, and I must say that your reaction to the whole first night was right in line with my perspective. "Best speech of his career" (referring to Biden) was said several times by people riding the bus back to the hotel.

To start Day Two, we got to hear from both of our Virginia Senators, Tim Kaine (D) and Mark Warner (D), a couple of our Representatives, and some of our party leaders. It is fun to hear the banter between politicians when they are in a comfortable setting. We also heard from Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD). I've been in the room for his speeches a few times now and he always gets the crowd going. So much so that I believe he also spoke to another state's delegation in the next room, and they were cheering and laughing so loud that it interrupted part of our program.

People were skeptical of the logistics because of the issues on Day One, but everything ran much better today. I wasn't able to go to any of the daytime events at McCormick Place because the Virginia delegation had a luncheon near the hotel. We were also told to make sure we were at the United Center by 5:30, even if we had to skip other daytime events to get there on time. That created some major buzz about what surprises were in store. Getting through security was much easier, though still a long wait. Word of a Patti LaBelle appearance had leaked to some delegates, but many of them were totally surprised.

Speaking of surprises, I cannot say much more about the roll call ceremony other than "Wow!" Lil Jon walked right past me on his way to Georgia; the lighted bracelets were a beautiful touch, Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA) came through our section and took a picture with us before heading over to Pennsylvania; and being in Virginia, I learned: (1) It takes way longer to get through all of those states than you initially think and (2) very few people can actually put the states in alphabetical order as there were several times we failed to identify which state was next.

We were instructed to remain in place for the entire roll call because: (1) We need to be ready for our state's turn and (2) it is pretty much the biggest duty we have as delegates. Having to stay in place for that hour-plus ceremony then led to a lot of restlessness and commotion during the next several speakers as delegates went to the concourse for food, bathroom breaks, and started conversing about what we'd just experienced. The Virginia delegation also got distracted when we got to meet Iain Armitage, star of Young Sheldon, who is originally from Virginia. He was incredibly kind and took a bunch of pictures and videos with some starstruck delegates.

But Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff and Michelle and Barack Obama completely captivated the audience. I'm sure you will say plenty about their speeches. Through two nights, Hillary, the Bidens, and the Obamas left this crowd energized and inspired, and now the torch is passed to our official vice-presidential and presidential nominees.
And C.L. in Boulder, CO:
Former Colorado governor Roy Romer is a DNC delegate, in the Distinguished Party Leader category. He has been to every Democratic National Convention since 1952! A longtime politically active person, who is more than 3 billion seconds old, can accomplish this amazing record. I amused him tonight by reminding him of the time he was getting on a flight and had left his ID behind, but he had a newspaper and showed the airline staff that his picture was on the front page. They let him on the plane. You don't see many physical newspapers these days.

On Day One, I felt like the evening experience was not necessarily much better than just watching it on TV. Today, the energy of the ceremonial roll-call vote and the participatory nature of each state—some close to us, others on the far side of the arena—made the in-person experience very much worth it. I detected extra cheers for certain states—of course, for California and Minnesota, home states of the nominees—but also for Illinois (hosting the DNC), New York (where Donald Trump was convicted), and Florida (where Trump lives).

Colorado is in the middle of section 110. New York is below us, including some delegates on the floor. Louisiana is in section 109. Washington state is in section 111:

Section 110 is on the
second level, at roughly 7:00 as compared to the stage. Same for 109 and 111.

I haven't seen a complete seating chart for the state delegations.

A surprise highlight of the night was soon after the roll call, when we saw a live stream of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz at a huge rally in Milwaukee, and Harris spoke to us in Chicago about the honor of being nominated. I really appreciated the power of technology at that moment.

Michelle Obama gave a great speech, and it is a rare event, since she has been trying to avoid politics in recent years. (Her husband started his speech by saying, "I am the only person stupid enough to speak after Michelle Obama.") In her speech she asked, "Who's going to tell [Trump] that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those 'Black jobs'?" "Black jobs" is a big theme here. I've seen five different t-shirts. Today, shirt #4 had a definition of "Black Job." Then I saw three women with identical shirts that read, "Our Black Job is to VOTE."

At our 7:00 a.m. breakfast, some of our speakers were:
  • Lynne Fox, first female Chair of the Board of Amalgamated Bank, a financial sponsor of the convention. I learned that the bank is a labor-union-owned bank.

  • Senate and White House. Later, in the elevator, I said to him that I would like to talk with him about proportional representation sometime, and he was agreeable.

  • Former U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn, who fought the insurrectionists on January 6, went on to run unsuccessfully for Congress, testified in support of Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D) when the Republicans tried to impeach her, and was gut-punched when the U.S. Supreme Court declared that Trump has immunity for actions while president.
The surprise speaker making the rounds of the daytime meetings today was Gwen Walz. The Rural Council is very excited about a rural guy like Tim Walz being on the ticket; his wife also had a small high school graduating class—bigger than Gov. Walz' but smaller than 45 people. She identifies strongly as a teacher and may have been trying out material for her speech later in the convention! The crowd warmed up with these speakers before hearing from the Minnesota First Lady:
  • Former U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), who lost reelection because she voted against confirming Brett Kavanaugh.

  • Andy Beshear, who was a contender in Kamala Harris' veepstakes.

  • Rev. Chris Jones, chair of the Dirt Road Democrats—a Black man with a Ph.D. from MIT and who ran unsuccessfully against Gov. Sarah Sanders (R-AK) for Arkansas governor.

  • Gov. Laura Kelly (D-KS), who inherited the leadership of the Democratic Governors Association when Tim Walz stepped down this month.

  • Caroline Gleich, a professional ski mountaineer and candidate for U.S. Senate in Utah.

  • Deputy Secretary of Agriculture and former representative Xochitl Torres Small (D-NM).
Today, I was interviewed by three different radio organizations. First it was Swiss journalists based in Washington, DC, who work for SRF and RSI. The interview will be translated into German and Italian and will air in a couple of days. In college, I babysat some Swiss children once a week and spoke French with them so the reporters wanted me to share that story on the air. The female reporter had lived in Durango for a while, and was appreciative of my Mesa Verde National Park t-shirt; we were supposed to wear something that showed off Colorado for the roll-call vote. I also told the Colorado Democrats Executive Director that I had been interviewed by SRF and RSI; she wanted them to contact her! She was born Swiss and told me that they wouldn't find any other Swiss people at the convention.

Later in the afternoon I asked Joel Heitkamp, brother of Heidi, about the politics of passing the Farm Bill. He had been part of a discussion in the Rural Council, which prompted my question. He also is a talk show host whose show airs on several rural radio stations. None of the stations are in Colorado (but a heck of a lot closer than Switzerland). After answering my question, he interviewed me, first for one minute (a test?), then for longer.

Finally, at the arena this evening, Colorado's KOA 850 AM radio interviewed me and a delegate from Grand Junction and asked us about our experiences in the arena.

If I hadn't had COVID a month ago—my first time—I'd probably be wanting to wear a mask all the time, but it's nice for talking in a very loud arena or to reporters to not feel the need to wear a mask!

Thanks again to both of you! (Z)

Voters in Alaska, Wyoming and Florida Cast Their Ballots

Why would a state hold a primary on the same day as a political convention? We don't know, but three states did it yesterday. Is it a coincidence that all three states are run by Republicans, who might like to take a little tiny bit of thunder away from the DNC? Maybe, maybe not. We do know there were no primaries the week of the RNC. Anyhow, here are the most notable results from yesterday:

  • U.S. Senate, Florida: As expected, Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL) easily dispatched her challengers, taking 68.5% of the vote. She will now face off against Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), who dispatched HIS challengers with 84.4% of the vote. Scott is a terrible campaigner and, to be blunt, a terrible human being. He will hope that incumbency and Florida's purple-but-mostly-red color will provide him with the insurance he needs against the abortion amendment and potential Kamala Harris coattails. Do keep in mind that his LARGEST margin of victory in three previous statewide runs was 1.07%, and that he won by only 0.13% in 2018 when facing a somewhat weak opponent (Bill Nelson).

  • U.S. Senate, Wyoming: Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), who is potentially in line to become Senate Majority Leader/Senate Minority Leader John Barrasso, easily outpaced two challengers with 67.9% of the vote. Scott Morrow (D) didn't even have to campaign, as he was unopposed. There's no need to hit the road now; campaign or no, he's going to get crushed by Barrasso in November.

  • U.S. House, AK-AL: Rep. Mary Peltola (D-AK) won this R+8 seat in 2022, in part, because she's a talented politician who is very good at reaching across the aisle. And she won it, in part, because she was up against an obnoxious opponent in Sarah Palin. Now, Peltola will hope that incumbency and her track record will make up for the fact that she's not up against Sarah Palin this time. Two of her opponents will be Republicans; Nick Begich, who took 27.2% of the vote, and Nancy Dahlstrom, who took 20.3%. The fourth candidate will probably also be a Republican; there are a couple of them hovering at 0.5% of the vote. Peltola, for her part, took 50.1%, so if this was the general election, she would have won outright, without needing to process the ranked-choice ballots.

  • U.S. House, FL-01: Despite pretty aggressive gerrymandering, Florida has six districts that are reasonably competitive. FL-01, at R+19, is not one of those. It's the western portion of the panhandle that is currently represented by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL). And... it will continue to be represented by Gaetz, who beat his non-crazy Republican challenger by 45 points, 72.6% to 27.4%. Clearly, the voters of FL-01 like crazy. Gaetz will try to use this district as a springboard to become Florida's next crazy governor.

  • U.S. House, FL-07: At R+5, FL-07 is on the outer boundary of "competitive." Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) found out last night that his opponent will be entrepreneur and community organizer Jennifer Adams (D). We would tend to assume that a woman, running in Florida in the year 2024, would have abortion, abortion and abortion as her top three issues. Apparently not, in this case. Her website says nothing about... any issue, while her Ballotpedia candidate statement talks about protecting families through better childcare and preventing child abuse. Maybe that's the better messaging in a district that's pretty red.

  • U.S. House, FL-13: At R+6, this district is ostensibly a bit less competitive than FL-07. However, the incumbent, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), is a show horse. Sometimes, Republican voters like that (see Gaetz, Matt; Greene, Marjorie Taylor). Sometimes, some Republican voters don't approve (see Boebert, Lauren). The person who will try to figure out which category the GOP voters of FL-13 are in is Whitney Fox, a moderate Democrat with a background in public transit who defeated two challengers with 57.9% of the vote. Fox says her top priorities are affordable healthcare and reproductive freedom. So, maybe abortion access isn't a loser in a red Florida district.

  • U.S. House, FL-15: Rep. Laurel Lee (R-FL) represents this R+4 district; she had a minor scare when Donald Trump turned against her and recruited an opponent. But then, perhaps reading the writing on the wall, he flipped back to Lee. Gotta keep that batting average up, you know. In any event, Lee got 72.3% of the vote, as compared to the 18.1% that Trump recruit James Judge got. The Democrat in the race is Hillsborough County Commissioner Pat Kemp, who was unopposed. Kemp is building her campaign on reproductive freedom, saving Social Security and Medicare, and healthcare costs. We sense some recurring themes here.

  • U.S. House, FL-25: And now, a district that is barely competitive in the other direction, the D+5 FL-25. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) easily won her primary, with 83.2% of the vote. Her opponent will be Chris Eddy, an Air Force veteran and former FBI official. All you need to know, we would say, is that Eddy has been endorsed by Michael Flynn.

  • U.S. House, FL-27: By the numbers, the EVEN FL-27 is the most competitive district in Florida. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) lost a nail-biter in 2018, and then won nail-biters in 2020 and 2022. She's a moderate, to the extent that's possible in the modern GOP, though she's got some new baggage in the form of possible stock trading that benefited from insider information. Challenging Salazar will be educator Lucia Baez-Geller (D), who is, like Salazar, of Cuban descent. That matters in a district that covers much of Miami. Baez-Geller is going to make better, and more accessible, education the cornerstone of her campaign.

  • U.S. House, FL-28: Another competitive district, at R+2. Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) will try to win election for a third time, facing off against Navy veteran Phil Ehr (D). Ehr is very Blue Doggy in some ways (he says border control is a priority) but he's pretty lefty in some ways (gun control, abortion access). The DCCC will spend a few million here to try to get Ehr elected.

  • State Attorney, Tampa: Technically, this is Florida's 13th Judicial Circuit, but it is basically the city of Tampa and its suburbs. Andrew Warren, the State Attorney who was fired by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), easily won renomination for his old job, with 70% of the vote. Warren won his first election, in 2016, by a slim margin of 0.88%. He won the second one, in 2020, by almost 6%. Our guess is that Democrats will turn out in large numbers for the opportunity to poke DeSantis in the eye, and Warren will improve on that 2020 result. Then, DeSantis will probably fire him again.

Oklahoma is up next, on Tuesday, if you count primary election runoffs. If you don't, then it's Massachusetts, which will be choosing candidates for the House and Senate on September 3. Inasmuch as the Bay State hasn't sent a Republican to the lower chamber since 1994, and has sent just one Republican to the upper chamber since 1978 (and that was in a wonky special election), the Massachusetts primary is de facto the general election. (Z)

Scavenger Hunt, Part X: Pithy Quotes, Redux

Here are the prompts for our first "annual" scavenger hunt:

  1. The single photograph or image that best encapsulates the Trump presidency. (Click here and here)
  2. Something that would make a terrible Christmas gift for Joe Biden. (Click here)
  3. A book that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would never, ever read. (Click here)
  4. A t-shirt that would be very apropos for Chief Justice John Roberts to wear. (Click here and here)
  5. The wisest, most insightful, or most pithy quote ever to be uttered by a politician or political figure (need not be limited to Americans). (Click here)
  6. The worst bumper sticker, button, yard sign or other campaign-related ephemera in U.S. history. (Click here; there's also still time to submit here)
  7. A portrayal of a key figure in U.S. history—image, song, verse, book, etc.—that is even more ridiculous than Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. (Still time to submit here)
  8. This isn't exactly a scavenger hunt type question, but we're going with it anyhow. Finish this joke: "Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Hillary Clinton walk into a bar..." (Still time to submit here)

Today, another round of pithy quotes:

  • P.C. in Yandina Creek, QLD, Australia: Paul Keating (Australia's 24th Prime Minister) once said of John Howard (Australia 25th Prime Minister) that he "...was a shiver looking for a spine to run up."

  • M.F. in Poole, England, UK: Napoleon Bonaparte: "In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."

  • G.S. in Basingstoke, England, UK: Dorothy Parker, on being told Calvin Coolidge was dead: "How can they tell?"

  • A.H. in Atlanta, GA: Attributed to Mark Twain: "Conservatism is the blind and fear-filled worship of dead radicals."

  • V.M. in Cleveland, OH: Attributed to Joseph Stalin: "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."

  • J.B. in Aarhus, Denmark: John Bright, speaking about Benjamin Disraeli: "He is a self-made man, who worships his creator."

  • R.B. in Santa Monica, CA: Attributed to Winston Churchill, speaking about Clement Attlee: "He is a modest man, who has a great deal to be modest about."

  • B.H. in Southborough, MA: Philip K. Dick: "We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, 'What is real?' Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms."

  • D.R. in Tetovo, North Macedonia: Mo Udall was asked about running for president in 1984. He replied: "If nominated, I shall run to Mexico. If elected, I shall fight extradition."

  • T.K. in Rochester, NY: Plato: "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."

  • C.J. in Redondo Beach, CA: Herbert Hoover, on the birth of his granddaughter: "Thank God she doesn't have to be confirmed by the Senate."

  • R.E. in Atlanta, GA: Dennis, in Monty Python and the Holy Grail: "Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."

Tomorrow, it will probably be some ridiculous portrayals. (Z)

Today's Presidential Polls

It was getting close in Virginia, and Donald Trump even led in a few polls. Now, it's moving in Harris' direction The Democrats would really like to be able to move the Old Dominion State into the "safe" column, because they would much rather invest those resources in North Carolina. (Z)

State Kamala Harris Donald Trump Start End Pollster
Virginia 47% 44% Aug 12 Aug 16 Roanoke Coll.

Click on a state name for a graph of its polling history.

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---The Votemaster and Zenger
Aug21 DNC, Day Two: Obama Nation
Aug21 DNC Diary: Day Two
Aug21 Voters in Alaska, Wyoming and Florida Cast Their Ballots
Aug21 Scavenger Hunt, Part X: Pithy Quotes, Redux
Aug21 Today's Presidential Polls
Aug20 DNC, Day One: Off to a Running Start
Aug20 DNC Diary: Day One
Aug20 Scavenger Hunt, Part IX: Bad Ephemera...
Aug20 Today's Presidential Polls
Aug19 Democratic National Convention Opens Today
Aug19 DNC Diary: Day Zero
Aug19 Harris Goes Digital
Aug19 Vance: The Polls Are Fake
Aug19 Murphy Will Appoint George Helmy to Finish Bob Menendez' Term
Aug19 Three States Hold Primaries Tomorrow
Aug19 The Culture Wars Have Expanded to Include... Municipal Traffic Ordinances
Aug18 Sunday Mailbag
Aug18 Today's Presidential Polls
Aug17 Saturday Q&A
Aug17 Today's Presidential Polls
Aug16 Dueling Banjos: Trump and Harris Each Hold Public Events
Aug16 Debates: Coming to Your TV This Fall (Probably!)
Aug16 Trump Campaign: Lewandowski Is Back; Can Manafort Be Far Behind?
Aug16 Another Walz Mini-Scandal: Initial DWI Story Looks to Have Been a Snow Job
Aug16 Which Side Are You On?: Kennedy Tries, Fails to Make Nice with Harris Campaign
Aug16 The Media: What's with the DeLay in Publishing the Purloined Documents?
Aug16 I Read the News Today, Oh Boy: 10 Cloverfield Lane
Aug16 This Week in Schadenfreude: Musk Is in over His Head, No Ifs, Ands, or Butz about It
Aug16 This Week in Freudenfreude: Here's to the "Great White North"
Aug16 Today's Presidential Polls
Aug15 Trump's Super PAC Will Spend $100 Million Attacking Harris Next Week
Aug15 New Poll: Harris Leads in Five Swing States, Is Tied in One, and Behind in One
Aug15 Democratic Registration Is Up in Pennsylvania and North Carolina
Aug15 Trump's Approach to Abortion Is very Unpopular
Aug15 For Some Conservative Christians, IVF Is the Next Battleground
Aug15 Project 2025 Could Be a Millstone around Trump's Neck
Aug15 Inflation Is Down
Aug15 Biden Is Angry
Aug15 Today's Presidential Polls
Aug14 Four More States Cast Primary Ballots
Aug14 Seven Dynamics That Should Have the Trump Campaign Worried
Aug14 Are You Sure the GOP Is the Pro-Labor Party, Sean O'Brien?
Aug14 Abortion Measures Make the Ballot in Arizona, Missouri
Aug14 MAGA County Clerk Convicted
Aug14 Let's Have a Little Fun
Aug14 Today's Presidential Polls
Aug13 X Misses the Spot with Trump
Aug13 More on the Trump Campaign Hack
Aug13 Trump Legal News: Mambo No. 5?
Aug13 Not Taxing Tips Is Popular with Voters, Not with Economists...