Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 02:08 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 36047045
Total Files 20056041
Total Pages 3423404
Total Visits 1057952
Total KBytes 591321172
Total Unique Sites 305877
Total Unique URLs 50511
Total Unique Referrers 65307
Total Unique Usernames 5
Total Unique User Agents 23519
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 48450 266338
Hits per Day 1162807 1859794
Files per Day 646969 1173598
Pages per Day 110432 131845
Sites per Day 9867 52376
Visits per Day 34127 48291
KBytes per Day 19074877 133002672
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.08% 28731
Code 200 - OK 55.64% 20056041
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.01% 5213
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2.13% 769299
Code 304 - Not Modified 41.18% 14842884
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 2700
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.00% 977
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 793
Code 404 - Not Found 0.94% 339729
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 660
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.00% 2
Code 413 - Request Entity Too Large 0.00% 2
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.00% 14

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1180568 3.28% 652156 3.25% 102918 3.01% 33391 3.16% 52376 17.12% 10721324 1.81%
2 1247895 3.46% 705681 3.52% 114813 3.35% 36048 3.41% 36420 11.91% 12573897 2.13%
3 1246221 3.46% 692466 3.45% 123951 3.62% 35992 3.40% 35372 11.56% 15227812 2.58%
4 966486 2.68% 522889 2.61% 103520 3.02% 29639 2.80% 28463 9.31% 9826524 1.66%
5 877623 2.43% 498817 2.49% 82473 2.41% 26105 2.47% 27149 8.88% 14588104 2.47%
6 1147781 3.18% 636529 3.17% 91210 2.66% 34304 3.24% 34647 11.33% 14433053 2.44%
7 1200355 3.33% 662106 3.30% 123050 3.59% 37610 3.55% 35362 11.56% 11204452 1.89%
8 1239429 3.44% 711930 3.55% 104303 3.05% 33947 3.21% 35998 11.77% 14374042 2.43%
9 1597324 4.43% 867826 4.33% 124683 3.64% 48291 4.56% 38508 12.59% 13386247 2.26%
10 1211303 3.36% 645657 3.22% 117259 3.43% 37566 3.55% 35333 11.55% 11049181 1.87%
11 895239 2.48% 479809 2.39% 88667 2.59% 30117 2.85% 28598 9.35% 8514174 1.44%
12 959411 2.66% 552638 2.76% 116533 3.40% 26483 2.50% 26941 8.81% 24939225 4.22%
13 1203350 3.34% 662418 3.30% 96446 2.82% 35499 3.36% 36422 11.91% 12516381 2.12%
14 1182416 3.28% 636211 3.17% 115070 3.36% 37504 3.54% 35627 11.65% 10658450 1.80%
15 1191311 3.30% 648528 3.23% 104227 3.04% 37165 3.51% 36698 12.00% 10277620 1.74%
16 1272515 3.53% 707545 3.53% 127052 3.71% 38575 3.65% 35958 11.76% 10874913 1.84%
17 1126459 3.12% 602655 3.00% 119755 3.50% 38741 3.66% 34632 11.32% 13746185 2.32%
18 976947 2.71% 530814 2.65% 122748 3.59% 33642 3.18% 28598 9.35% 12172065 2.06%
19 898393 2.49% 487096 2.43% 104136 3.04% 29699 2.81% 27200 8.89% 15399083 2.60%
20 1239012 3.44% 707148 3.53% 118945 3.47% 35610 3.37% 33946 11.10% 22842953 3.86%
21 1172401 3.25% 637033 3.18% 105081 3.07% 35213 3.33% 35340 11.55% 18284689 3.09%
22 1141125 3.17% 613729 3.06% 103778 3.03% 33236 3.14% 34110 11.15% 14452303 2.44%
23 1169776 3.25% 641508 3.20% 110782 3.24% 33102 3.13% 34233 11.19% 17487792 2.96%
24 1159789 3.22% 640541 3.19% 106900 3.12% 31707 3.00% 32871 10.75% 21935555 3.71%
25 981441 2.72% 547586 2.73% 99239 2.90% 29159 2.76% 27213 8.90% 15123167 2.56%
26 915892 2.54% 517114 2.58% 101381 2.96% 26698 2.52% 25873 8.46% 21065690 3.56%
27 1047307 2.91% 591176 2.95% 94926 2.77% 29852 2.82% 28846 9.43% 25494607 4.31%
28 1268997 3.52% 717198 3.58% 131845 3.85% 34593 3.27% 34600 11.31% 21212778 3.59%
29 1159966 3.22% 623442 3.11% 112292 3.28% 33702 3.19% 34969 11.43% 15177413 2.57%
30 1310519 3.64% 742197 3.70% 130124 3.80% 35780 3.38% 36472 11.92% 18758821 3.17%
31 1859794 5.16% 1173598 5.85% 125297 3.66% 42111 3.98% 39251 12.83% 133002672 22.49%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Top 100 of 50511 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1498992 4.16% 67768332 11.46% /
2 758369 2.10% 11975662 2.03% /evp2024/style.css
3 370604 1.03% 312598 0.05% /favicon.ico
4 60881 0.17% 2139 0.00% /robots.txt
5 33794 0.09% 1166759 0.20% /phone/
6 19871 0.06% 182552 0.03% /evp2008/RSS/
7 17929 0.05% 182397 0.03% /webstats/
8 15426 0.04% 356634 0.06% /evp2020/style.css
9 14717 0.04% 10445 0.00% /evp2023/RSS/
10 14595 0.04% 72651 0.01% /index2.rss
11 11392 0.03% 31531 0.01% /evp2012/RSS/
12 9963 0.03% 328869 0.06% /phone.html
13 8917 0.02% 11370 0.00% /evp2016/RSS/
14 7921 0.02% 504593 0.09% /evp2024/Senate/senate_races.html
15 7472 0.02% 254154 0.04% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May09.html
16 7010 0.02% 567129 0.10% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May04.html
17 6313 0.02% 932450 0.16% /webstats/usage_202404.html
18 6119 0.02% 182233 0.03% /evp2023/style.css
19 6011 0.02% 20235 0.00% /evp2024/RSS/
20 5872 0.02% 490240 0.08% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May19.html
21 5866 0.02% 336719 0.06% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May18.html
22 5840 0.02% 245148 0.04% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May10.html
23 5803 0.02% 870008 0.15% /webstats/usage_202403.html
24 5536 0.02% 296382 0.05% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May03.html
25 5388 0.01% 209724 0.04% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May07.html
26 5290 0.01% 201091 0.03% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May08.html
27 5232 0.01% 180122 0.03% /evp2024/Pres/tipping_point.html
28 5212 0.01% 161633 0.03% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May16.html
29 5173 0.01% 260027 0.04% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May02.html
30 5138 0.01% 321197 0.05% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May25.html
31 5134 0.01% 361850 0.06% /evp2007/RSS/
32 5124 0.01% 8202 0.00% /evp2020/RSS/
33 5079 0.01% 384696 0.07% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May11.html
34 5048 0.01% 241247 0.04% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May14.html
35 4997 0.01% 249857 0.04% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May23.html
36 4821 0.01% 39670 0.01% /evp2011/RSS/
37 4799 0.01% 20410 0.00% /evp2010/RSS/
38 4764 0.01% 401974 0.07% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May05.html
39 4719 0.01% 275575 0.05% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May24.html
40 4707 0.01% 6269 0.00% /evp2021/RSS/
41 4651 0.01% 309066 0.05% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May12.html
42 4602 0.01% 18860 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/pennsylvania.html
43 4591 0.01% 228411 0.04% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May15.html
44 4552 0.01% 227440 0.04% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May01.html
45 4534 0.01% 7891 0.00% /evp2017/RSS/
46 4484 0.01% 197486 0.03% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May17.html
47 4397 0.01% 181017 0.03% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May06.html
48 4372 0.01% 225211 0.04% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May22.html
49 4232 0.01% 208725 0.04% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May13.html
50 4180 0.01% 182874 0.03% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May21.html
51 4164 0.01% 191630 0.03% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May20.html
52 4039 0.01% 14476 0.00% /evp2022/RSS/
53 3929 0.01% 115955 0.02% /evp2006/RSS/
54 3902 0.01% 34785 0.01% /evp2013/RSS/
55 3857 0.01% 333286 0.06% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May26.html
56 3820 0.01% 50958 0.01% /evp2009/RSS/
57 3580 0.01% 155238 0.03% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May27.html
58 3578 0.01% 14693 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/michigan.html
59 3559 0.01% 14545 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/arizona.html
60 3495 0.01% 25648 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/ec_graph-2024.html
61 3368 0.01% 134715 0.02% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May28.html
62 3034 0.01% 144507 0.02% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/Apr30.html
63 3005 0.01% 152530 0.03% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May29.html
64 2965 0.01% 660 0.00% /evp2016/Senate/iphone_Senate_data
65 2964 0.01% 747 0.00% /evp2016/Pres/iphone_Pres_data
66 2855 0.01% 11786 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/wisconsin.html
67 2848 0.01% 75172 0.01% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May31.html
68 2711 0.01% 11561 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/virginia.html
69 2521 0.01% 10482 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/nevada.html
70 2484 0.01% 111731 0.02% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May30.html
71 2453 0.01% 29524 0.00% /evp2023/Items/Jul05-5.html
72 2452 0.01% 32943 0.01% /evp2008/style.css
73 2436 0.01% 7295 0.00% /evp2018/RSS/
74 2186 0.01% 9187 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/maine.html
75 2031 0.01% 8345 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/georgia.html
76 1912 0.01% 10448 0.00% /evp2014/RSS/
77 1881 0.01% 102936 0.02% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/Apr29.html
78 1825 0.01% 7743 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/indiana.html
79 1821 0.01% 7695 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/north-carolina.html
80 1812 0.01% 8927 0.00% /evp2004/Pres/info/style.css
81 1760 0.00% 10007 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/all.html
82 1757 0.00% 7319 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/iowa.html
83 1707 0.00% 50001 0.01% /evp2016/style2.css
84 1638 0.00% 6975 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/minnesota.html
85 1615 0.00% 22985 0.00% /evp2024/Info/banners.html
86 1558 0.00% 43437 0.01% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/Apr28.html
87 1520 0.00% 6521 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/texas.html
88 1439 0.00% 15013 0.00% /evp2024/Info/welcome.html
89 1414 0.00% 19022 0.00% /evp2024/Items/May15-5.html
90 1373 0.00% 5891 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/florida.html
91 1338 0.00% 14699 0.00% /evp2023/Items/Jul11-8.html
92 1286 0.00% 38437 0.01% /evp2016/style.css
93 1274 0.00% 174775 0.03% /webstats/usage_202405.html
94 1269 0.00% 5491 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Graphs/new-york.html
95 1227 0.00% 11765 0.00% /evp2023/Items/Jul12-6.html
96 1208 0.00% 35098 0.01% /senate/
97 1198 0.00% 33443 0.01% /evp2012/style.css
98 1165 0.00% 10977 0.00% /evp2024/Items/May09-1.html
99 1162 0.00% 14876 0.00% /evp2024/Items/May07-1.html
100 1153 0.00% 27403 0.00% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/Apr27.html

Top 10 of 50511 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1498992 4.16% 67768332 11.46% /
2 758369 2.10% 11975662 2.03% /evp2024/style.css
3 3 0.00% 4754495 0.80% /Backup_dir/May31.tar.gz
4 3 0.00% 4673288 0.79% /Backup_dir/May30.tar.gz
5 3 0.00% 4614153 0.78% /Backup_dir/May29.tar.gz
6 3 0.00% 4570032 0.77% /Backup_dir/May28.tar.gz
7 3 0.00% 4515551 0.76% /Backup_dir/May27.tar.gz
8 3 0.00% 4478003 0.76% /Backup_dir/May26.tar.gz
9 3 0.00% 4433546 0.75% /Backup_dir/May24.tar.gz
10 3 0.00% 4406986 0.75% /Backup_dir/May23.tar.gz

Top 10 of 18700 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1498992 4.16% 818851 78.50% /
2 33794 0.09% 12731 1.22% /phone/
3 19871 0.06% 9596 0.92% /evp2008/RSS/
4 9963 0.03% 7473 0.72% /phone.html
5 14717 0.04% 3722 0.36% /evp2023/RSS/
6 4707 0.01% 2714 0.26% /evp2021/RSS/
7 6011 0.02% 2579 0.25% /evp2024/RSS/
8 8917 0.02% 2340 0.22% /evp2016/RSS/
9 3820 0.01% 2287 0.22% /evp2009/RSS/
10 5124 0.01% 2249 0.22% /evp2020/RSS/

Top 10 of 18858 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1498992 4.16% 752586 72.07% /
2 33794 0.09% 25644 2.46% /phone/
3 19871 0.06% 9176 0.88% /evp2008/RSS/
4 9963 0.03% 6906 0.66% /phone.html
5 7921 0.02% 5287 0.51% /evp2024/Senate/senate_races.html
6 14717 0.04% 3637 0.35% /evp2023/RSS/
7 5232 0.01% 3295 0.32% /evp2024/Pres/tipping_point.html
8 7472 0.02% 3117 0.30% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May09.html
9 7010 0.02% 3111 0.30% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May04.html
10 5872 0.02% 2644 0.25% /evp2024/Pres/Maps/May19.html

Top 50 of 305877 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 217042 0.60% 217042 1.08% 12760240 2.16% 3 0.00%
2 84976 0.24% 594 0.00% 27571 0.00% 5 0.00%
3 63231 0.18% 33617 0.17% 1734979 0.29% 36 0.00%
4 58228 0.16% 45498 0.23% 1053562 0.18% 347 0.03%
5 27719 0.08% 594 0.00% 7842 0.00% 11 0.00%
6 24585 0.07% 17684 0.09% 757841 0.13% 31 0.00%
7 21652 0.06% 11454 0.06% 572832 0.10% 55 0.01%
8 21238 0.06% 19280 0.10% 352123 0.06% 195 0.02%
9 20731 0.06% 19221 0.10% 611819 0.10% 5 0.00%
10 18931 0.05% 15930 0.08% 531752 0.09% 271 0.03%
11 18806 0.05% 17353 0.09% 545141 0.09% 10 0.00%
12 18773 0.05% 15827 0.08% 507030 0.09% 275 0.03%
13 17986 0.05% 13942 0.07% 369190 0.06% 56 0.01%
14 17943 0.05% 15148 0.08% 497294 0.08% 275 0.03%
15 17844 0.05% 11867 0.06% 299925 0.05% 131 0.01%
16 17029 0.05% 12164 0.06% 538319 0.09% 56 0.01%
17 16874 0.05% 15981 0.08% 212200 0.04% 120 0.01%
18 16252 0.05% 110 0.00% 2247 0.00% 1 0.00%
19 15748 0.04% 12190 0.06% 367715 0.06% 14 0.00%
20 15285 0.04% 10000 0.05% 239010 0.04% 174 0.02%
21 13462 0.04% 395 0.00% 19302 0.00% 3 0.00%
22 12509 0.03% 11290 0.06% 354876 0.06% 1 0.00%
23 12480 0.03% 8597 0.04% 149689 0.03% 279 0.03%
24 11797 0.03% 5008 0.02% 154643 0.03% 106 0.01%
25 11541 0.03% 5812 0.03% 55203 0.01% 665 0.06%
26 11123 0.03% 8641 0.04% 122966 0.02% 109 0.01%
27 10883 0.03% 10883 0.05% 192399 0.03% 225 0.02%
28 10877 0.03% 10594 0.05% 171697 0.03% 154 0.01%
29 10710 0.03% 7472 0.04% 334936 0.06% 85 0.01%
30 10378 0.03% 7602 0.04% 101282 0.02% 133 0.01%
31 10368 0.03% 9805 0.05% 151182 0.03% 565 0.05%
32 9867 0.03% 3542 0.02% 91951 0.02% 233 0.02%
33 9727 0.03% 7184 0.04% 348009 0.06% 34 0.00%
34 9714 0.03% 9714 0.05% 119930 0.02% 2 0.00%
35 9708 0.03% 8457 0.04% 233280 0.04% 1 0.00%
36 9678 0.03% 1418 0.01% 37351 0.01% 174 0.02%
37 9443 0.03% 324 0.00% 15169 0.00% 1 0.00%
38 9441 0.03% 4387 0.02% 123066 0.02% 180 0.02%
39 9358 0.03% 5145 0.03% 50812 0.01% 23 0.00%
40 9309 0.03% 4549 0.02% 155234 0.03% 165 0.02%
41 9153 0.03% 7900 0.04% 256079 0.04% 46 0.00%
42 9119 0.03% 558 0.00% 11661 0.00% 32 0.00%
43 9088 0.03% 538 0.00% 11734 0.00% 43 0.00%
44 9014 0.03% 5137 0.03% 237875 0.04% 45 0.00%
45 8936 0.02% 8381 0.04% 301204 0.05% 1 0.00%
46 8764 0.02% 7121 0.04% 134578 0.02% 78 0.01%
47 8742 0.02% 2436 0.01% 88359 0.01% 309 0.03%
48 8590 0.02% 4611 0.02% 233471 0.04% 49 0.00%
49 8430 0.02% 5785 0.03% 185970 0.03% 10 0.00%
50 8197 0.02% 7039 0.04% 118857 0.02% 70 0.01%

Top 10 of 305877 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2781 0.01% 2075 0.01% 35324749 5.97% 34 0.00%
2 1871 0.01% 1355 0.01% 21271299 3.60% 18 0.00%
3 217042 0.60% 217042 1.08% 12760240 2.16% 3 0.00%
4 478 0.00% 331 0.00% 7830864 1.32% 7 0.00%
5 394 0.00% 263 0.00% 4368448 0.74% 4 0.00%
6 981 0.00% 870 0.00% 1890861 0.32% 0 0.00%
7 63231 0.18% 33617 0.17% 1734979 0.29% 36 0.00%
8 58228 0.16% 45498 0.23% 1053562 0.18% 347 0.03%
9 5763 0.02% 5763 0.03% 864011 0.15% 1 0.00%
10 24585 0.07% 17684 0.09% 757841 0.13% 31 0.00%

Top 50 of 65307 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 11036297 30.62%
2 9782034 27.14%
3 3577923 9.93%
4 3513178 9.75%
5 3492680 9.69% - (Direct Request)
6 612591 1.70%
7 345915 0.96%
8 184989 0.51%
9 109412 0.30%
10 82083 0.23%
11 73410 0.20%
12 68786 0.19%
13 66400 0.18%
14 65394 0.18%
15 56526 0.16%
16 52655 0.15%
17 52190 0.14%
18 51123 0.14%
19 50411 0.14%
20 50016 0.14%
21 49592 0.14%
22 47799 0.13%
23 47615 0.13%
24 47573 0.13%
25 47095 0.13%
26 46375 0.13%
27 45770 0.13%
28 44959 0.12%
29 43893 0.12%
30 43452 0.12%
31 43428 0.12%
32 43424 0.12%
33 43420 0.12%
34 43397 0.12%
35 43341 0.12%
36 43290 0.12%
37 42521 0.12%
38 42485 0.12%
39 42344 0.12%
40 41542 0.12%
41 41414 0.11%
42 40591 0.11%
43 39891 0.11%
44 39861 0.11%
45 39734 0.11%
46 39716 0.11%
47 39316 0.11%
48 39221 0.11%
49 36638 0.10%
50 36285 0.10%

Top 20 of 60 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2588 80.90%
2 388 12.13%
3 86 2.69%
4 26 0.81% electoral vote .com
5 13 0.41%
6 11 0.34% wga-collective-bargaining-agreement
7 10 0.31% electoral vote
8 4 0.13% harvest time foods
9 4 0.13%
10 3 0.09%
11 3 0.09%
12 3 0.09% wnba season 2024
13 2 0.06% barron trump graduation
14 2 0.06% everett bunker
15 2 0.06%
16 2 0.06%
17 2 0.06%
18 2 0.06%
19 2 0.06%
20 2 0.06%

Top 5 of 5 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 1042 0.00% 856 0.00% 14072 0.00% 39 0.00% sally
2 141 0.00% 88 0.00% 973 0.00% 17 0.00% bob
3 13 0.00% 12 0.00% 230 0.00% 4 0.00% ast
4 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 69 0.00% 1 0.00% guest
5 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 69 0.00% 1 0.00% root

Top 15 of 23519 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4518345 12.53% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Mobile/15E14
2 3955257 10.97% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
3 2277142 6.32% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Safari/605.1.15
4 2264197 6.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
5 1601387 4.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 1478325 4.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
7 1231725 3.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
8 1117397 3.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0
9 986075 2.74% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0
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15 307914 0.85% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 36047045 100.00% 20061254 100.03% 591321172 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

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