We are not sure we've ever had more readers suggest a particular story for "This Week in Schadenfreude" than we had for this item. Thanks to the multiple dozens of folks who sent this story in!
The target of schadenfreude here is Republican Justin Eichorn, who is clearly a very upstanding fellow. In his capacity as a state senator in Minnesota, he introduced an absolutely ridiculous show bill, one that would ostensibly have classified "Trump Derangement Syndrome" as a mental illness under state law. Here's the text of the measure:
'Trump Derangement Syndrome' means the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal persons that is in reaction to the policies and presidencies of President Donald J. Trump. Symptoms may include Trump-induced general hysteria, which produces an inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology in President Donald J. Trump's behavior.
Even if the bill had become law, which was never going to happen given that the state Senate and the governor's mansion are both controlled by the Democrats, it's hard to understand how this could possibly have been relevant. Last we checked, the Minnesota state constitution and the DSM-V are different documents.
Still, after submitting the bill, Eichorn was clearly feeling pretty proud of himself, and was in a mood to celebrate. So, the married father of four hopped online, and resumed the conversation he'd been having with a 17-year-old girl. "I saw your post and [sic] chance you are still available tonight?" he asked. Later, he followed that up with "What's a guy gota [sic] do to get with the hottest girl online tonight." If there's anything worse than a total and complete lech, it's a total and complete lech with bad grammar.
Having made his arrangements, Eichorn headed out with $129 and a single prophylactic in his pocket. He must be pretty low on mojo. And he's also low on luck, because the 17-year-old girl he was conversing with was actually an undercover police detective. Oops!
All of this went down on Monday, and since then, things have gone downhill for Eichorn, to say the least. He was arrested, of course, and is still in prison as of this writing. His colleagues warned him they were going to expel him, so he decided to save face and resign (making a 34D, 33R state Senate into 34D, 32R until a special election can be held). And there are reports that the former senator's wife is going to file for divorce. Good enough for an obnoxious Trump cultist and aspiring procurer of underage sexual partners. Would 'twere Matt Gaetz lived in Minnesota... (Z & V)