Dem 47
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GOP 53
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Where Will the House Be Decided?

As we have mentioned repeatedly, the House is up for grabs in 2026. If history is any guide, maybe the odds favor the Democrats. The Senate is a steeper hill for the Democrats to climb. Consequently, there will be a huge battle nationwide for the House, whereas the Senate battle will be confined to maybe half a dozen states in the end.

Last week, the DCCC announced its frontline members, those vulnerable members who will get extra support. Here is the list. The DCCC has not yet released its list of top targets, those vulnerable Republicans it intends to try defeating.

The NRCC is reversing the order. It has now announced its top Democratic targets, but not yet its list of vulnerable incumbents to be defended. Here is the list of NRCC targets.

District District PVI DCCC list? 2024 Notes on the district
Adam Gray CA-13 D+4 Yes 0.1% Majority Latino district in the Central Valley from Tracy to Fresno
Derek Tran CA-45 D+2 Yes 0.2% Wealthy district running from Yorba Linda to Huntington Beach
Jared Golden ME-02 R+6 Yes 0.5% Nearly all-white very large rural district covering 92% of Maine
Marcy Kaptur OH-09 R+3 Yes 0.7% "Snake by the Lake" south of Lake Erie running west to Indiana
Don Davis NC-01 D+2 Yes 1.7% Urban district running south from Virginia to almost the Research Triangle
Emilia Sykes OH-13 R+1 Yes 2.2% Mostly white district covering Stark and Summit Counties around Akron
Josh Riley NY-19 EVEN Yes 2.2% White suburban district covering mid-Hudson Valley and west to Ithaca
Laura Gillen NY-04 D+5 Yes 2.3% Very wealthy, urban, white and Latino district on western Long Island
Vicente Gonzalez TX-34 D+9 Yes 2.6% Poor urban Latino district on the Gulf of Mexico south of Corpus Christi
George Whitesides CA-27 D+4 Yes 2.6% Wealthy white and Latino district in northern L.A. County and eastward
Eugene Vindman VA-07 D+1 Yes 2.7% Wealthy white, Black, and Latino district between D.C. and Richmond
Dave Min CA-47 D+3 Yes 2.8% Wealthy white and Asian district from Long Beach to Orange County
Susie Lee NV-03 D+1 Yes 2.8% White, Asian, Latino district from south Las Vegas to Bullhead City
Josh Harder CA-09 D+5 Yes 3.6% Latino and white district in the northern Central Valley
Tom Suozzi NY-03 D+2 Yes 3.6% Very, very wealthy urban, white and Asian district on northwest Long Island
Marie Perez WA-03 R+5 Yes 3.8% Predominantly white district in southwestern corner of Washington
Gabe Vasquez NM-02 D+1 Yes 4.2% Urban Latino and white district running from Albuquerque to Mexico
Jared Moskowitz FL-23 D+5 No 4.7% High urban district from Boca Raton to Ft. Lauderdale, majority white
Nellie Pou NJ-08 D+22 Yes 4.9% Urban, well-off district from Fort Lee running northwest for 20 miles
Henry Cuellar TX-28 D+3 Yes 5.6% Heavily Latino district running southwest from San Antonio to Mexico
Kristen Rivet MI-08 R+1 Yes 6.7% Mostly white county running northwest from Flint to Bay City and north
Dina Titus NV-01 D+3 Yes 7.5% White and Latino urban district with eastern Las Vegas and going south
Steven Horsford NV-04 D+3 Yes 8.0% White and Latino district from northern Las Vegas halfway up the state
Chris Pappas NH-01 EVEN No 8.1% Largely white, predominantly urban district in the eastern third of the state
Frank Mrvan IN-01 D+3 Yes 8.5% Gary, IN, and its eastern suburbs, close to Chicago
Darren Soto FL-09 D+8 No 12.5% Majority Latino district south of Orlando

The overlap with the DCCC's list is pretty good, but not perfect. The Republicans see Reps. Darren Soto (D-FL), Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) and Chris Pappas (D-NH) as vulnerable. The Democrats think they are in good shape. On the other hand, the Democrats think that Reps. Janelle Bynum (D-OR), Jahana Hayes (D-CT) and John Mannion (D-NY) are vulnerable but the Republicans don't think they can be beaten. On the other 23, the parties agree these will be the key battles in 2026.

Interesting enough, Erin Covey over at the Cook Political Report, also has a list of districts out, but she did it differently. She looked for Democrats in districts Trump won and Republicans in districts Harris won. As partisanship becomes everything, these folks are definitely targets. Here are the Democrats in Trumpy districts.

Incumbent District Margin Trump's margin Overperformance
Susie Lee NV-03 2.8% 0.7% 3.5%
Don Davis NC-01 1.7% 3.1% 4.8%
Josh Harder CA-09 3.6% 1.8% 5.4%
Adam Gray CA-13 0.1% 5.4% 5.5%
Gabe Vasquez NM-02 4.2% 1.8% 6.0%
Nellie Pou NJ-09 4.9% 1.1% 6.0%
Vicente Gonzalez TX-34 2.6% 4.4% 7.0%
Marie Perez WA-03 3.8% 3.3% 7.1%
Marcy Kaptur OH-09 0.6% 6.6% 7.2%
Tom Suozzi NY-03 3.6% 4.3% 7.9%
Kristen Rivet MI-08 6.7% 2.0% 8.7%
Jared Golden ME-02 0.7% 9.0% 9.7%
Henry Cuellar TX-28 5.6% 7.3% 12.9%

Gee, these names look familiar for some reason. They all occur in both the DCCC and NRCC lists. These are super vulnerable incumbents. On the other hand, with Trump not on the ballot in 2026, maybe not so much. They won even with Trump on the ballot, so without him, it might be easier. Who knows?

Now the reverse list, Republicans in Harris districts. Here it is.

Incumbent District Margin Harris' margin Overperformance
Don Bacon NE-02 1.9% 4.6% 6.5%
Mike Lawler NY-17 6.3% 0.6% 6.9%
Brian Fitzpatrick PA-01 12.8% 0.3% 13.1%

Clearly, the Democrats' target list is a lot smaller than the Republicans' list and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) won by 12.8 points in a district Harris barely carried. Still, all in all, these tables should give you a good idea of where the action is likely to be in 2026. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates