We know how the voters cast their ballots. Those data are out there. However, Axios has partnered with Sago and Engagious to run focus groups in the seven swing states to find out why they voted as they did. Their last focus group invited people in Michigan who voted for Donald Trump to talk about their expectations, their votes, and their attitudes toward Trump now.
In short, what they are getting is not what they bargained for, and they don't like it. They are afraid his policies will hurt their pocketbooks. There is lots of remorse (and not just from Arab Americans in Dearborn).
Among the words that came up spontaneously during the conversation were "erratic," "frightening," and "dictator," and these were all Biden-to-Trump voters. They also did not like Elon Musk, DOGE, the large-scale firings of federal workers, and lack of price relief. Here are some comments.
Sheryl (44) said: "He's so erratic, and it's getting to the point where I'm almost scared to watch the news. I mean, it's a little bit frightening 'cause each day is something new, so you get a little anxious."
Phil (45) said: "I mean, Canada? When have we ever had issues with Canada? We barely have a border. You can go in and out of the country and a lot of places, a lot of states. I think we're just barking up the wrong tree with this."
Therese (55) bristled at the image of a crowned Trump and his "long live the king" remark, saying: "He's acting like a dictator."
Michael (43) said: "Trump campaigned on lowering prices and making things more affordable for working-class people. He's moving in the opposite direction."
Katelyn (26) said: "I was expecting him to do things to better our country and I'm not seeing that."
Malea (34) fears that "that this will eventually turn into a dictatorship... if the people that we elected [to Congress] to be his checks and balances don't check and balance him, then what are they there for?"
However, only one member of the group would vote for Kamala Harris if they could hit the UNDO button, so she is even less popular than Trump is. The moderator summed that up by saying: "Just because these swing voters discovered they don't like the taste of wheatgrass juice, it doesn't mean they long to swallow castor oil." (V)