Dem 47
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GOP 53
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Some Voters Are Souring on Trump Already

James Carville is way past his use-by date, but a few of the things he said back in 1992 are still valid. One of them is: "It's the economy, stupid." It still is. Kamala Harris learned that to her dismay, even though it wasn't her fault. Quinnipiac has run the same poll of registered voters in January, February, and March. It is instructive to compare the results:

Date Approve Disapprove Net
Jan. 29 46% 43% +3%
Feb. 19 45% 49% -4%
Mar. 13 42% 53% -11%

Presidential approval polls are relevant, even when the president is not on the ballot, because historically the vast majority of people who approve of the president vote for other people from his party and the vast majority of disapprovers vote against his party at the next opportunity.

Some of the other questions asked in March are also interesting. On the economy, it is 41% approve and 54% disapprove, for a net -13%. And the effects of whatever tariffs finally get imposed haven't been felt yet (but see next item). More specifically, 23% describe the economy as good or excellent and 76% describe it as not so good or poor. It's those damn eggs again. Voters also say the economy is their top issue. On trade with Mexico, Trump is 10 points under water and on trade with Canada he is 22 points under water. All in all, not a great start.

Trump is also not doing well on the war in Ukraine. There he is 17 points under water. Voters also think Elon Musk is hurting the country by a margin of 54% to 40%.

Voters are unhappy about other officials as well. J.D. Vance is 8 points under water and Robert Kennedy Jr. is 11 points under water. Only Secretary of State Marco Rubio is (relatively) popular, with 39% approval and only 40% disapproval, with 21% not having an opinion, more than with the others. No one likes Congress and everyone thinks members all put party over country. Quinnipiac asked more questions and gave crosstabs in the link above. The biggest number in the crosstabs is 98%, the percentage of Democrats who oppose Trump eliminating the Dept. of Education. The smallest number other than "no opinion" on a approve/disapprove question is 1% of Democrats approve of eliminating the Dept. of Education. Runner up is 2% of Democrats approving of what Elon Musk is doing. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates