Dem 47
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GOP 53
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Thom Tillis Is Also Having a Dustup with Trumpworld

Some key people in Trumpworld have a beef with Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC). Trump adviser Arthur Schwartz saw that Tillis has an approval rating of 25% and tweeted: "We're going to need a new senate candidate in NC unless we want to hand the gavel back to Schumer." Tillis didn't take this too well and told reporters that Schwartz is a "political hack" and a "sh**ty consultant."

Tillis' remark led Andy Surabian, a top adviser to J.D. Vance, to tweet: "What kind of sh**ty campaign is Thom Tillis running that he attacks someone who no one in NC has ever heard of over a tweet?" Some Trumpers noted that the poll was run by PPP, which is based in North Carolina, but which usually works for Democrats and lefty NGOs. But it has a good track record.

Tillis' problem is that if Trump decides to dump him, either due to poor polling or due to attacking Trumpers, he might have trouble winning the Republican primary. However, the GOP's problem is that Tillis is far and away the strongest Republican candidate for his Senate seat in 2026. If popular former governor Roy Cooper (D) jumps in—and Democrats are trying to move heaven and earth to get him to do so—Tillis will have a tough race, but could still win. The PPP poll has Cooper beating Tillis 47-43. If Trump endorses some random-but-Trumpy state senator against Tillis in the Republican primary and he wins the primary, Cooper would probably become the overwhelming favorite in the general election. So a lot rides on what Trump does. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates