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MAGAWorld Is Souring on Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Although Justice Amy Coney Barrett is a staunch conservative on most issues, on a few cases she has shown an independent streak. This has caused some Trumpers to go ballistic. What they want is that she simply votes the way Trump wants her to vote on every case, the Constitution and the law be damned. She is not doing that, so she is suddenly persona non grata in parts of Trumpworld.

Law professor Josh Blackman, of the South Texas College of Law, wrote that Barrett should step down from the court so Donald Trump can appoint someone better, even though he was the president who appointed her in the first place after Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. Blackman said Barrett's appointment was "bait and switch."

Laura Loomer tweeted "Amy Coney Barrett was a DEI appointee." She helpfully included a photo of Barrett with her husband and seven children, two of whom are Black children they adopted from Haiti. Here is her tweet:

Laura Loomer tweet of Amy Coney Barrett's family

Mike Davis, who once clerked at the Supreme Court for Justice Neil Gorsuch, tweeted: "She is a rattled law professor with her head up her a--." He added that she was "weak" and "timid," not great characteristics for people in TrumpWorld. Conspiracy theorist Jack Pozobiec also called her a "DEI judge," presumably because she is a woman.

There was also some complaining about how pained Barrett looked at the not-SOTU speech Trump gave last week. DC_Draino (Rogan O'Handley) tweeted: "Look at how Justice Amy Coney Barrett looks at our duly elected President, the man who put her on the Supreme Court. She looks very bitter." He also included a video of the encounter.

What many of these people ignore is that she has cast conservative votes on many cases. But that is not what they want. They want pro-Trump votes. Those are not always the same thing. Prof. Anthony Kreis, of the Georgia State University College of Law, summed this up by saying: "It seems to me there is this impulse where personal loyalty to Donald Trump in an unquestioned way is seen as a requirement for a sitting justice on the Supreme Court. It doesn't matter how conservative that person might be." (V)

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