Dem 47
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GOP 53
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This Week in Freudenfreude: Ray of Light

Sometimes, we feature Democrats in this space. Occasionally, we feature Republicans. Once in a while, we are able to feature representatives of both parties. Today is one of those (fairly rare) days.

If you follow us, or any news- or politics-centered site, you know very well that Elon Musk and his DOGE underlings are riding roughshod over the livelihoods of millions of government employees. Some people have definitely been fired. Some people have maybe been fired. Some people aren't sure if they have been fired or not. Nearly everyone who is not in those first three groups is feeling put upon, or disrespected, or leery of their future employment prospects, or all of the above.

At least two governors, who have the good fortune to represent states with some amount of largesse, have tried to step in and help citizens whose lives have been turned upside-down. The first of those is Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY), whose efforts were brought to our attention by reader M.W. in Richmond, VA. Hochul has launched a recruitment initiative called "You're Hired." The plan is to hire 7,000 people who were forced out by DOGE for public-sector jobs in New York State. "Here's my message to any public sector worker who suddenly finds himself out of a job: New York does want you, New York needs you; come work in the greatest state in the nation," she declared in a speech announcing the new program. There is also an ad, which has been deployed in Union Station and in other locations, that has a picture of the Statue of Liberty and the tagline: "DOGE said you're fired? We say you're hired! New York wants you!"

On the other side of the aisle, but the same side of the coin, is Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA). Given the party of which he is a member, he's not going to be emphasizing opportunities to work for the state government. After all, as St. Ronnie of Reagan taught the red team, the government is bad. However, the folks in Virginia are particularly hard-hit by DOGE, given the proximity to D.C. And so, Youngkin has launched a website and an initiative called Virginia Has Jobs. Through job fairs, assistance with interviewing skills and résumé writing, and potential re-training, the goal is to try to connect out-of-work federal employees with the 250,000 jobs that are currently available in the state.

We are not naive, and of course we recognize that both of these governors may have some self-interest here, as folks who will, or may, run for office again in the future. However, that does not mean that they aren't also doing a solid for the people of their state, as best they can within the constraints imposed by their political allegiance and their economic resources. So, good on them!

Have a good weekend, all! (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates