Dem 47
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GOP 53
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The Koch Brother Wants to Keep His Tax Cut

The fight about renewing the 2017 Billionaires Tax Cut Act is in full swing, even before Donald Trump has been inaugurated. In particular, the remaining Koch brother—who sat out the 2024 presidential election, much to the annoyance of Donald Trump—is working to make sure that Trump and the Republican members of Congress keep the poor, poor billionaires in mind when Congress works on writing a new tax law shortly. Specifically, Charles Koch's Americans for Prosperity PAC is running the ad on the left below on Politico and probably other news sites:

Americans for Prosperity ad;

Politico is obviously a good place for an ad, since no doubt many members of Congress, lobbyists, and political activists read it daily. If a reader clicks on the ad, it links to with a special URL, so the Koch brother can see which publications give the biggest bang for the buck. The website talks about middle-class families and mom-and-pop businesses and blah blah blah. It doesn't talk much about the fact that the 2017 law gave most of the money to millionaires and billionaires. The website designer must have forgotten about that. Happens sometimes.

We admit, we were curious and clicked on the ad. What caught our attention, though, was not the content of the ad, which was about as expected, but a little disclaimer at the bottom of the page (above on the right). As you can see, if you give them your phone number, you are agreeing to be bombarded with (robo) calls and spam (probably daily if not hourly) until the bill is passed. Furthermore Terms & Conditions apply. We didn't dare check them out, but we are not optimistic about what might be there. At least anyone who signs up was forewarned (assuming they scrolled to the bottom and read the disclaimer). (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates