Dem 47
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GOP 53
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Hochul to Adams: You've Been Very Naughty, Eric

Eric Adams is definitely in the running for the title of "Most Corrupt Officeholder in the History of New York City." That's really saying something for a city that, over the years, has elected such luminaries as William Magear Tweed, George Washington Plunkitt, Richard Croker, and Rudolph Giuliani. But Adams not only engaged in garden-variety grift, taking bribes from Turkey, he also turned around and sold the city out to Donald Trump in order to save his own skin. Most sleazeballs don't add that extra level of shadiness.

As we have written many times, this creates a dilemma for Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY). She very much wants to be reelected in 2026, and she does not want to step on the toes of any voter who would like to see Adams canned (many prominent Democrats, especially the progressive ones) or any voter who would like to see Adams stay (some moderates and Black voters). The Governor would probably have cover if Adams' federal criminal case is actually dismissed (since she would be "the last bastion of justice") but, at the moment, Judge Dale Ho is taking his time as he decides what to do.

This being the case, Hochul yesterday announced a plan that is meant to be very middle-of-the-road. She said she is not going to exercise her right to remove Adams, at least not right now, but that she is going to install "guardrails" to make sure he keeps his nose clean. So, she's going to hire a "special inspector general" to supervise him; she's going to grant additional powers to the city comptroller, the public advocate and the New York City Council speaker that will allow them to do end runs around the Mayor in some cases; and she's going to expand the "oversight" powers of the state comptroller.

This is likely only a temporary reprieve for Adams. Hochul very clearly gave herself room to change course, and she could do so based on what happens in federal court, or simply based on how the political winds blow in the next few weeks or months. Further, even if the Governor does not take action, there is another means by which Adams can be removed. As we have noted a couple of times, New York City's charter allows for the convening of a five-person committee made up of the city's corporation counsel, the city comptroller, the speaker of the City Council, the borough president of Queens and one deputy mayor selected by the mayor. If four of five vote for removal, then the matter heads to the City Council. If two-thirds of them (34 people, assuming all members are present) agree with the committee, then the mayor is out on his rear end.

We are also not so sure that Hochul has actually solved her problem here. Truth be told—and since we are not New York voters, we think we have a freer hand here to share our views—we have been generally unimpressed with the Governor's leadership. She seems, too often, to be in the thrall of the corporate types, such as when she gave $850 million in public money to the billionaire owners of the Buffalo Bills. Even more commonly, she seems generally to lead from behind, guided primarily by what choices will produce the least amount of political fallout. Her 6-month pause of congestion pricing in New York City is one example of this, and her handling of the Adams situation is another. Like John Fetterman (see above), in trying to be everything to everyone, the Governor might end up being nothing to anyone. Her approval rating is in the high 40s, which would be OK for a president these days, but is actually pretty bad for a governor. In fact, among governors who are up next year, Hochul is only outpacing Dan McKee (D-RI), Tina Kotek (D-OR) and Kim Reynolds (R-IA).

Incidentally, on the subject of congestion pricing, the Trump administration announced this week that the new fees would be canceled. It is exceedingly questionable whether the White House actually has the legal authority to do this, particularly the way they did it (without any clear policy justification). It is also a pretty good illustration of how Trump would appear to be out of touch with his former home city. Though there was much carping about the plan before it was implemented (hence the delay from Hochul), it has apparently worked out very well, indeed. Traffic levels and travel times are way down, there are fewer car crashes, and the city is bringing in money that it needs for infrastructure improvements. We will see if the White House fights for the cancellation, tooth and nail, or if a more dialed-in New York Republican—say, one of the House members from Long Island—suggests the administration should quietly drop the matter. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates