Dem 47
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GOP 53
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MuskWatch: Pushing All the Wrong Buttons?

Yesterday, we observed that Elon Musk is not terribly popular, and that "Eat the Billionaires" could be a potential angle of attack for the Democrats in 2026 and 2028. Events of the last 24 hours or so have done nothing to dispel that notion. A rundown:

To return to where this item started, the evidence is mounting that Musk is a liability for Trump, and also that... the Democrats have figured that out. As to the first part of that, poll after poll has shown that the voting public is now decidedly unenthusiastic about Musk's participation in the government. Broadly speaking, in November, about a quarter of independents and Democrats liked the idea of his getting involved. Now, both groups are in the single digits. Among Republicans, about half were enthused about Musk playing a role in the Trump administration. Now, that's down to about a quarter. And again, we're only 3 weeks in. That's a pretty precipitous decline for such a short time.

Undoubtedly taking notice of this, Democrats are calling very loudly for investigations into Musk's activities. It's not entirely impossible that Republicans will comply; it would take just one Republican vote, on most committees, to make it happen. One could imagine a purple-district GOP-er deciding that it's better to be on the Musk-skeptic side than the Musk-enabler side.

In addition, we already have our first anti-Musk messaging bill, courtesy of Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI). We generally roll our eyes at the tortured-bill-names-that-are-also-acronyms, but Pocan's is smoother than most. It's the Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy Act, or ELON MUSK Act. The bill will not become law, not while Mike Johnson (R-LA) is speaker, but what it would do is prohibit people who work as "special" government employees (like Musk) from receiving federal contracts (like the once SpaceX has). Presumably, you can see where this is headed. Once this bill, and others like it, end up in Johnson's trash can, Democrats will scream: "See? The Republicans are more than happy to make the fat-cat billionaires even fatter with YOUR tax money."

And there you have more than 2,400 words on just one day of Muskery(?). We hereby nominate "muskrat" for "Word of the Year." Who could have seen that possibility, say, 6 months ago? (Z & L)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates