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Kennedy Is Still Fighting to Get on and off Ballots

Keeping track of where Robert Kennedy Jr. is on or off the ballot is a project unto itself. Remember, when he and his backers thought his presence on the ballot would help Donald Trump, he fought tooth and nail to get on as many ballots as possible. He did get on a number of them. Good work, Bobby. Now that his campaign turned out to be a total failure and it appears he is hurting Trump, he is fighting to undo much of his hard work getting on the ballots. For the most part, it is the swing states that he cares most about.

In most states, he asked to be removed from the ballot after the deadline, so the secretary of state simply refused, conformant to state law. So Kennedy sued. In some cases, a Republican-friendly Supreme Court ruled that state law isn't so important when following it will hurt Trump, so they removed him. He got off the ballot in Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina. He also got off in Arizona, but there he submitted his request before the deadline, so a lawsuit was not needed.

On Friday, Kennedy got some bad news in Wisconsin. The Supreme Court there, which has a Democratic majority, ruled that the deadline for removal has passed so he must remain on the ballot. Bummer, since Wisconsin is one of the closest states.

In New York, Kennedy is trying to get ON the ballot. The dispute there is a little different from in the other states. A New York voter challenged the validity of his attempt to get on the ballot because his petition used a false New York State address, in violation of state law. He actually lives in California. A state judge ruled in favor of the voter, de facto meaning that Kennedy had violated New York State law by using an in-state address he does not live at.

Kennedy appealed that decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and lost there. Then he appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. On Friday, the high Court ruled against Kennedy. So, his name will not appear on the New York State ballot. NY AG Letitia James urged the U.S. Supreme Court to reject Kennedy's petition because absentee ballots to overseas and military voters have already gone out. By upholding the lower court's decision, those ballots are now legal and there are no problems, except in Kennedy's mind. They are probably right there, next to the worm.

Kennedy is so hypocritical it is beyond belief. It is thought he is hoping Donald Trump will give him a plum job in his administration if he wins. He clearly does not know how Trump thinks. Trump values true loyalists or at least people who can put on a good act. Neither describes Kennedy. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates