Dem 50
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GOP 50
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The DNC [sic] Is Spending Money in Idaho [sic] and Guam [sic]

Yeah, we had to [sic] the headline to avoid getting a thousand e-mails politely informing us of typos in it. The DNC has so much money now that it feels comfortable in not only spending money downballot, but also way downballot and in places that don't normally get much love from the Party. The DNC raised $69 million itself last month, separate from Kamala Harris' campaign.

You might be surprised at the DNC spending money in Arkansas, Kansas, North Dakota, Tennessee, and West Virginia, but it is doing that. Not in the presidential race, mind you, but lower down. For example, in Kansas, Republicans have a supermajority and can override vetoes from Gov. Laura Kelly (D-KS). But if Democrats can flip three seats in the state Senate, the Republicans will no longer be able to override gubernatorial vetoes, and all of a sudden will have lost most of their power. Then Republican leaders in the state legislature will have to negotiate with the governor, something they don't have to do now. In other states, flipping a few seats in the state legislature can change partisan control of a chamber. Arizona and Pennsylvania come to mind here. States are important and who runs them is also important. States do more things that affect people's lives than does the federal government. This has always been true, but it took a while for the DNC to notice this. In the past, all attention went to the top of the ticket and maybe Congress. Everyone below that was shut out. No longer. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates