For every one e-mail we get pooh-poohing the memes, we get five from readers saying how much they enjoy them. As chance would have it, we have enough for one last set, and they are pretty much going to expire on Tuesday. So, it's now or never. Here goes:
Equal Time: This cat apparently disliked the Trump cats and dogs comment even more than the golden retriever who lives with @Tarquin_Helmet.
It's Personal: It would seem that Snoop Dogg was also deeply disturbed, for obvious reasons.
This Guy Must Be British: Only Brits can manage a joke that is this dry.
One More Song: Another bit of musical satire, this time courtesy of the Gregory Brothers, and featuring actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
On the Nose: This actually shows two industries that Trump might well be supporting singlehandedly, fact-checkers and fast food.
Irony: Reader K.R. in Austin, TX explains: "A religious fundamentalist Trump supporter I'm Facebook acquaintances with has posted several memes that I agree with, but she and I interpret them completely differently." This is one of the examples K.R. sent in.
Going Back to the Well, Part I: Adapting the clip of Adolf Hitler losing his sh**, from the movie Downfall, is one of the oldest memes on the Internet:
Going Back to the Well, Part II: And chicken-crossing-the-road jokes are considerably older than that.
Zing!: This may be our favorite.
They Don't All Have to Be Snarky: To end on a more serious note, some folks are using the debate to try to do some good:
Similarly, reader J.R. in San Francisco, CA, tells us: "I have made a donation of $34.34 to the Clark County, OH, SPCA, with its headquarters located in Springfield, OH. I noted it was in honor of Donald J. Trump and his 34 criminal convictions."
Our thanks to readers W.F. in Orlando, FL, A.S. in Renton, WA, P.V. in Kailua, HI, S.K. in Sunnyvale, CA and T.K. in Akron, OH for their suggestions!
And with that, the book on Harris-Trump is really closed. (Z)