Dem 49
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GOP 51
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...And Everyone Hates Project 2025

Hoo boy! If you had any questions as to why Donald Trump is running away from Project 2025 as fast as he can, while Harris is trying to make the platform stick to him like white on rice, the newest Hart Research/Public Opinion Strategies/NBC News should give you your answers. What percentage of respondents disapprove of the plan? How about 57%? And what percentage doesn't have an opinion? That would be 39%. That means that if you weren't too busy celebrating Nat'ion-(al), "Punc"tuat-ion? D*a*y! yesterday, and you're still sober enough to do a little math, the approval for Project 2025 is... 4%. Oof.

There's no doubt that Project 2025 is fringy, but it's not THAT fringy. Surely more than 4% of the population believes in much of this whackadoodle stuff. That means that the Project 2025 folks have not done much of a job of communicating their ideas to the base. It does not help that the candidate is trying to pretend that he knows nothing about Project 2025, but there are still ways to get the word out, like Breitbart and Newsmax.

Just in case we needed a reminder as to how bad the Project 2025 folks are when it comes to interfacing with the general public, key contributor John McEntee has a TikTok channel he uses to promote his MAGA-only dating app. And the channel is almost entirely made up of videos where he sits at a diner and eats junky food and makes "clever" observations with a racist/sexist/phobic tinge. "I can't tell; is Ella Emhoff a boy or a girl?" kind of stuff.

In last week's video, Mr. Out of Touch inquired: "Can someone track down the women Kamala Harris says are bleeding out in parking lots because Roe v. Wade was overturned?" He added: "Don't hold your breath." As it turns out, there was no problem with holding one's breath, because the responses began to roll in almost immediately. Over 11,000 comments, nearly all of them from women who were negatively impacted, in one way or another, by the Dobbs decision. Oops.

In any case, between Mark Robinson (see above), Project 2025, the events of 1/6, his increasingly overt antisemitism, his court cases, and a long list of other demerits, the Harris campaign has plenty of radioactive stuff to tar Donald Trump with. The question is how effectively they are able to do it, particularly given how much "Trump armor" most voters have developed. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates