Dem 49
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GOP 51
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Everyone Loves Crypto...

Yesterday, we had an item about crypto, and how involvement with that "currency" is allowing many American males to feel like "real men." It's a strange dynamic, but that's where we are. We guess it's not that much different from believing that smoking Marlboros or driving a Chevy truck makes you a real man.

In any case, now that Donald Trump has embraced crypto as a way of making nice with young, male voters, Kamala Harris has decided to do the same. During a campaign appearance on Wall Street, she raised $27 million for her campaign, and also announced that she wants to "encourage innovative technologies like AI and digital assets, while protecting investors and consumers." Not only will this theoretically please some subset of young, male voters, it will also gladden the hearts of a certain kind of deep-pocketed Tech Bro.

When we first heard about cryptocurrency, several years ago, we smelled a scam. Nothing we have seen or heard since then has caused us to revisit that opinion. That said, if it's going to be a thing, then it really needs to be regulated. No more of this business where one guy forgets one password, and all of a sudden $100 million is lost forever. It would appear that both candidates are now committed to promoting crypto, while only one of them is interested in also regulating it. So, even after they have both had a come to Jesus moment this week (one that is not necessarily all that believable), there is still some daylight between them on this issue. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates