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Maybe This Is What's Wrong with Trump?

Yesterday, we had an item about some of the wacky things Donald Trump said this week, indicating that the Trump cheese has slid even further off the Trump cracker. We speculated about what is going on, but we missed an obvious (possible) explanation.

The New York Times' Maggie Haberman, a.k.a. The Trump Whisperer, was on CNN yesterday, and she reported that the various attempts/near attempts on Trump's life have really freaked him out. He was having enough trouble processing the first attempt, where he was in real danger. And now, with the second attempt, even though he was not in real danger that time, he is seeing gun-wielding boogeymen everywhere.

Although Haberman did not get out her meerschaum pipe and play armchair psychiatrist, we can see at least two possible dynamics that might be going on here. The first possibility, which we speculated about the day after the first attempt, is that Trump is suffering from PTSD. That's tough for anyone, and he seems particularly ill-suited to bear that particular burden. The second is that even a fully focused Trump is not exactly going to be confused with Abraham Lincoln when it comes to public speaking. If he's spending 20% of his brain capacity watching for potential threats, then it isn't too surprising that something strange or incongruous or really frightening might issue forth on a regular basis.

On the other hand, maybe it's something completely different. Keep reading. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates