Dem 50
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GOP 50
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TrumpWatch 2024: Was There a Full Moon This Week, Perhaps?

As long as we are on the crazypants train (that WAS the name of the Ozzy Osbourne song, right?), allow us to point out ten of the wackiest and most unhinged things Donald Trump said this week:

None of this is normal, and most of it is, to be blunt, kinda weird. We do not presume to know what's going on. Is the Trump campaign machine/BS engine just revving up to full capacity? Is he getting more and more desperate and unhinged because he fears he will lose (and thus, very likely, end up in prison)? Is he demonstrating the effects of age and/or mental decline?

Whatever it is, Trump produces so much of this sort of stuff that it's easy to miss most or all of it. If Joe Biden had said half of these things, or if either Kamala Harris or Tim Walz did so, there would have been wall-to-wall op-eds in The New York Times calling for their ouster from the Democratic ticket. But with Trump, politics-watchers have become so desensitized by his whackadoodlery that it barely gets noticed. We think that, once in a while, particularly after a week like this past one, it's worth taking a moment to pause and remind everyone that something here just ain't right. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates