Dem 49
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GOP 51
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Debate Memes: Bravo, Internet!

On Wednesday, in our debate write-up, we included the observation that, in our view, there weren't "any meme-y moments that will enter the annals of presidential debate lore, like 'There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe' or 'binders full of women' or 'There you go again.'"

Oops. Clearly, we were wrong about that. And really, we should have chosen our words more carefully; what we meant is that there were no game changers. Thanks to the "dogs and cats" thing, it might also have been wrong to say that. But it was definitely wrong to suggest there would be no memes. There are all kinds of them. To make up for our error, we thought we'd run down some of the best and most ubiquitous ones:

Scheisskopf?: Even other countries were piling on Trump after the debate.

A tweet from the German foreign office that
says: 'Like it or not: Germany's energy system is fully operational, with more than 50% renewables. And we are shutting down-not 
building-coal and nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest. PS: We also don't eat cats and dogs.

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Orange Fish: Dr. Seuss may have been dead for 30 years, and yet...

It's a cover that looks like
a Dr. Seuss book called 'They're Eating the Dogs, They're Eating the Cats'; it also has a Trump-looking orange figure
on it

Save the Animals: There are literally thousands of these out there. And they are being posted by both Republicans (un-ironically) and Democrats (extremely ironically).

A picture of Trump carrying
a cat and a goose and running away from a group of Haitians, a cat with an AK-47 and a MAGA hat, Trump riding a giant tabby 
cat, a picture of a big-eyed baby duck, dog and cat holding signs asking you to vote for Trump to save them

What Would Franklin Do?: We think this is a more effective version of the previous bit.

It's a parody of the
'Don't Tread on Me' flag that has a kitten and the phrase 'Don't Snack on Me'

Our Mistake: Several readers wrote in after the debate to point out, quite rightly, that there is one very well-documented example of an alien eating a cat.

Alf the alien, from the
1980s show Alf, with a live cat on a hoagie roll

Otto and Flash Disapprove: And it's not just cats.

A live dachshund 
puppy wearing a hot dog bun

D'oh!: The Simpsons has a meme for all occasions.

Bart Simpson, in
one of the standard pre-episode vignettes, writing 'They're eating the dogs.'

Snoopy Also Disapproves: This video is making the rounds; it's remarkable how well the piano from the Charlie Brown theme lines up with Trump's cat and dogs remarks:

A Song of Ice and Fire?: There are a lot of variants of this bit to be found. We liked this one, with George R.R. Martin (who has been promising to finish the book series that inspired Game of Thrones for years) best. (Though we very nearly went with the one featuring the Tesla truck.)

A tweet quotes
Trump: 'I have the concepts of a plan and you will be hearing more in the near future.' and has a picture of Martin

Phone Home: This one pretty much speaks for itself.

The tweet says 
'illegal transgender alien' and has a screen capture from the scene in E.T. where the alien character tries
to hide by dressing in drag.

Anger Translator: This video, from the Lincoln Project, is sort of reminiscent of the old Key and Peele "Obama Anger Translator" bit. Note that it's PG-13, but that it will also please fans of late-20th-century pop culture.

Thanks, incidentally, to readers R.E.M. in Brooklyn, NY, M.G. in Augsburg, Germany, L.S.-H. in Naarden, The Netherlands, J.L. in Los Angeles, CA, S.A. in Seattle, WA, R.L. in Oakland, CA, M.A. in Albuquerque, NM, B.C. in Richmond, VA and C.S. in New York City, NY for sending in many of these examples. We hope we did not miss anyone. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates