Dem 49
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GOP 51
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It's the Debate You Expected

Last night, of course, was the first (and probably only) presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. If you wish to watch it, you can do so here:

Note that this feed, which is the official ABC News feed, includes roughly one hour of pre-debate commentary. We've set the link to jump to the start of the actual debate, but if that doesn't work, you need to advance to 59:58.

Let us also take this opportunity to remind readers that we write up our comments before reading or hearing what anyone else has to say. So, if we appear to be writing from la-la land, that is why. Also, as best as possible, we try to see things through the eyes of low-information voters. Such folks might learn something new from what they saw on screen. Someone who is high-information enough to read this site? Not so many but there are undoubtedly some well-educated Republican readers who prioritize tax cuts and are torn about who to vote for.

Anyhow, the executive summary of the debate, at least as we see it, is this: Harris clearly won. There is no dominant storyline that will emerge from the debate, like "Joe Biden is clearly falling apart." Nor are there any meme-y moments that will enter the annals of presidential debate lore, like "There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe" or "binders full of women" or "There you go again." Nonetheless, Harris clearly came out on top.

We organized our previous debate write-up around each of the "players" on stage, and we see no reason to change that approach. And so, here we go:

So, there you have it. We tend to agree with the readers/commentators who say that this debate won't change the trajectory of the election all by itself. But could it move 1% of voters? We think something like that is entirely possible. Though, given the vagaries of polling, it would be very hard to know if that actually happened.

Note that we will have bingo results tomorrow. Those require a level of concentration that is not currently available to be summoned. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates