Dem 49
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GOP 51
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Tonight's the Night

For the first, and very possible only, time during this campaign, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will be in the same room. Their job will be to "debate." Of course, neither one has any interest whatsoever in debating the issues. Trump wants to demonstrate that Harris is a pinko Commie a few miles to the left of Leon Trotsky. Harris wants to demonstrate that Trump is a doddering old fool who can't feed himself without drooling all over his bib.

The event is being hosted and broadcast by ABC News, though it will be simulcast by CBS News, NBC News, CNN, MSNBC and a number of other outlets. It will also be streamed on a bunch of platforms. The ABC News stream will be here.

As promised, we have put together our little bits of fun. If you would like to play bingo with friends and family, here are some bingo cards. Alternatively, if you'd like to participate in our "for everyone" game, the link is here.

Also, there's this, from reader B.J. in Arlington, MA:

I created the Electoral Vote space on Slack shortly before the June 2024 debate. 254 people joined and we had a... "lively" isn't the right word(*)... discussion during and after the debate. A smaller group of regulars have ongoing discussions in the #general channel about news of the day or whatever else we feel like. You can join the Slack with this link: All new members will be added to the #general channel and also the #debate-september2024 channel I just created. Privacy note: Everyone is welcome to use whatever name they want in Slack, but I recommend initials and location as we do here so we know "who" we are talking to. The e-mail address you sign up with is hidden from everyone in Slack except the admin. I am the admin. I will not use or share the e-mail addresses. * - "Morose" is a more accurate word, but at least we had people to share our pain with.

And there you have it. The fun starts tonight at 9:00 p.m. ET. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates