Dem 49
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GOP 51
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Take It to the Bank: Harris-Walz are the Kings of Fundraising

Yesterday, we noted a couple of things about the presidential campaigns' fundraising: (1) The Trump campaign's August haul was $130 million, and (2) the Harris campaign has enough money that it's begun passing the bucks onto other Democratic entities.

Late yesterday, the Harris-Walz campaign announced its actual take, and boy howdy is it a giant pile of lucre. They brought in... $361 million. That's absolutely mind-blowing. It's nearly triple Trump's take. It's more than $10 million a day. And since Harris replaced Joe Biden, she's raised a total of $651 million, and has over $400 million in the bank. That's about $100 million more than Trump.

As we have written many, many times, it's neither easy nor cheap to translate money into votes. However, donations are a fairly decent proxy for enthusiasm, and clearly there's a lot of it for Harris-Walz. In fact, it's somewhat difficult to reconcile the neck-and-neck polls with the definitely-not-neck-and-neck fundraising. Plus, keep reading. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates