Dem 49
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GOP 51
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Today's Presidential Polls

Take a good look at the map today. Harris is not winning in Arizona, North Carolina, or Georgia and still gets to 276. If she also loses Nevada, she has 270—assuming she wins both electoral votes in Maine and loses NE-02. That will be a real squeaker. Of course, if she wins NE-02, she can lose ME-02 and still be at 270. In other words, winning Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania plus one of the stray electoral votes is just (barely) enough. Naturally, winning the northern states and any one of the four southern states will make winning either NE-02 or ME-02 unnecessary.

YouGov seems to have a lean toward the Democrats. There is no reason to think this is intentional, though. Their model of the electorate just seems to be more blue than, say, Emerson College's. Hopefully by averaging the different pollsters, we can cancel out this sort of effect to some extent.

State Kamala Harris Donald Trump Start End Pollster
Arizona 45% 47% Aug 23 Sep 03 YouGov
Georgia 45% 47% Aug 23 Sep 03 YouGov
Michigan 48% 43% Aug 23 Sep 03 YouGov
Montana 41% 56% Aug 24 Aug 28 Fabrizio + Binder
Nevada 49% 46% Aug 23 Sep 03 YouGov
North Carolina 46% 47% Aug 23 Sep 03 YouGov
Pennsylvania 46% 45% Aug 23 Sep 03 YouGov
Wisconsin 47% 44% Aug 23 Sep 03 YouGov

Click on a state name for a graph of its polling history.

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates