Dem 48
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Ties 1
GOP 51
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Another Primary Tomorrow

Massachusetts holds its congressional primary tomorrow. Several Republicans are duking it out for the right to be crushed like a bug by Elizabeth Warren for the Senate. It hardly matters which one it is. Why anyone would bother is beyond us. Warren is going to get at least 60% of the vote.

There is a competitive primary in MA-08 for the right to challenge Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA), who is running for his 12th full term. The Boston-based district is D+15 and Lynch has $1.1 million in the bank. None of the Republicans have raised any money. Lynch could well decide to donate some of his money to Democrats in tight races elsewhere and make some new friends. It won't affect his election at all. We'll let you guess how this one will turn out.

Next week, Delaware, New Hampshire and Rhode Island hold the final primaries of the cycle. Talk about a short general-election campaign. We were tempted to say that the general-election ballots will already have been printed before the primary, but that is impossible, of course.

On Sept. 18, there is a special election in NJ-10 to fill the seat of the late Donald Payne Jr. The district is D+30 so another Democrat will fill out Payne's term until Jan. 3, 2025. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates