Dem 50
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GOP 50
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Are You Stressed Out? You Are Not Alone

So many people are stressed out about the election these days, organizations are starting to poll about it. In particular, the American Psychological Association (APA) commissioned a Harris poll to ask people about their stress level. The results were enough to make anyone feel stressed out.

Two of the topline results of the poll are that 77% of Americans are worried about the future of the nation, although not everyone is worried about the same thing. Also, 69% are worried about the election, presumably due to the possibility of their disfavored candidate winning and then "ruining" the country. One California resident interviewed said: "It doesn't help to have your phone buzzing with headlines and stuff. There's always kind of like a background radiation of stress happening." Of course, the ever-increasing partisanship also plays a huge role since many people now feel that their entire lifestyle is on trial and if the "wrong" candidate wins, it will be all over for them. That was not true at all 50 or more years ago.

In addition, there are some specific new fears this year, compared to previous years. One is election violence or the results of the election leading to violence. Over 70% of the respondents mentioned this. They are no doubt thinking about Jan. 6 on steroids this year.

The APA has given two contradictory recommendations for managing the stress. First, stop paying attention to all the news. Just turn it off. Second, get involved in the political process in one form or another, so you feel you have control and it is not just washing over you.

Two mental health providers interviewed for the above article gave other advice. One said to set a timer to limit how much doomscrolling you do on social media. Another said to focus on those parts of your life you can control, not those you can't. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates