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The Obamas Will Campaign with Harris

Barack Obama, who is still very popular with Democrats, has been campaigning hard for Kamala Harris. He is currently on a 6-day tour through five of the swing states. Obama has especially targeted young Black men and tried to convince them that Trump doesn't give a hoot about Black people, whereas Harris does and they should get off their rear ends and vote. He also chastised (some of) them for refusing to vote for a woman. In addition, he addressed the young Black men who like Trump because he is "strong." Obama said that bullying people who can't fight back is not strength. He has come in for some criticism for his tough love.

Of late, Obama has been mocking Donald Trump, calling him a huckster, and saying that he lacks the mental fitness to lead the country. At the University of Arizona on Friday, Obama said: "You would be worried if your grandpa was acting like this. Tucson, we do not need to see what an older, loonier Donald Trump looks like with no guardrails." Obama tries to say things that will get under Trump's skin because he knows his rallies will be well covered in the media. For example, he noted that Trump is always trying to sell supporters stuff. He laughed: "This is my favorite: He's got the Trump Bible—wants you to buy the word of God, Donald Trump edition." Then he noted that the Trump Bibles are printed in China and noted the hypocrisy.

Up until now, Obama has campaigned on his own. That is about to change. Starting this week, both Barack and Michelle Obama will campaign together with Harris, to pull in big crowds with their star power. They will campaign separately. On Thursday, the former president will appear with Harris in Georgia. On Saturday, the former first lady and Harris will appear together in Michigan.

This will be the first time Michelle has campaigned this year. She notoriously hates campaigning. In 2016, when then-Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) was running for reelection after having suffered a major stroke and was barely able to function, many Democrats pleaded with Michelle to run for the Democratic nomination for the Illinois Senate race, which was hers for the asking. She would have crushed Kirk in the general election even if she held just one event a week. But she refused. This allowed now-Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) to jump in and win easily.

No plans have been announced beyond Saturday, but it is expected that both Obamas will appear at more events with Harris as the campaign winds down.

The Obamas aren't the only celebrities out there for Harris. On Saturday, Harris was out in Michigan with rapper Lizzo, who is a Michigan native. She will also do a joint appearance with pop singer Usher. Harris understands that she has to work hard to get young people to vote and appearing at rallies with pop stars might get their attention.

On the other hand, Harris has no plans to campaign with Joe Biden in the final 2 weeks. She is trying to quietly distance herself from Biden, so she doesn't want to be seen with him. She is emphasizing "change," and appearing with him sends the wrong message. Of course, he understands this and is fully cooperating, specifically by talking to labor leaders and others out of view behind the scenes. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates