Dem 50
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GOP 50
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Harris Targets Mormons

Both western swing states, Arizona and Nevada, have many members of the LDS Church, more than 600,000 in the two states combined. Harris sees an opening with them and is trying to take advantage of it.

Mormons have traditionally voted Republican and tend to agree with Donald Trump on many policy issues. But not all. His hatred of immigrants does not sit well with the many Mormons who have done missionary work in Latin America. They also value probity, sanity, and decency, and do not value being divisive, grabbing women by the pu**y, or inciting mobs to riot. For many Mormon voters, weighing these factors will determine their votes. What it boils down to is that they like the message but don't like the messenger. With Harris, it is the other way around.

Harris' campaign is doing phone banking, door knocking, and holding events specifically targeted at Mormons. She has prominent Mormon surrogates out campaigning for her, including Mesa Mayor John Giles (R), former Henderson Mayor Andy Hafen (R), and others. A recent poll shows that a small majority of Mormons (51%) have an unfavorable view of Trump. Not only is there the illegal/unethical behavior, but also his self-aggrandizing nature does not sit well with the Mormon values of humility, modesty, and frugality that the Church teaches. Also, his brand of grievance politics does not go over well with the many educated Mormons with stable families and middle-class incomes. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates