Dem 50
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GOP 50
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Today's Presidential Polls

Yesterday Kamala Harris was winning Georgia and losing North Carolina. Today she is losing Georgia and winning North Carolina. So her EV score doesn't change. If she ultimately wins either one, that will require Donald Trump to win at least one of the Rust Belt states. (V)

State Kamala Harris Donald Trump Start End Pollster
California 61% 37% Oct 12 Oct 14 Emerson Coll.
Georgia 46% 52% Oct 10 Oct 14 Quinnipiac U.
North Carolina 50% 47% Oct 10 Oct 14 Quinnipiac U.
Utah 38% 54% Oct 02 Oct 07 Noble Predictive Insights
Washington 57% 35% Oct 09 Oct 14 SurveyUSA

Click on a state name for a graph of its polling history.

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates