Dem 50
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GOP 50
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The Disaster Money Has Run Out

If people need federal loans to rebuild their homes and businesses after a disaster—like, say, a hurricane—then the money comes from the Small Business Administration (SBA). Yesterday, the Biden Administration announced that the SBA is now broke, and won't be able to issue new loans without an infusion of cash. An infusion of cash like the $8 billion called for in a bill already filed by Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL).

What this means is that the rubber has now hit the road for Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). When he said, about a week ago, that money would not be an issue until after the election, nobody could have taken him seriously. Certainly, we didn't. Now, there are actual victims who will not be able to begin recovery unless Congress convenes and does its job.

So, Johnson is going to have to decide which is worse: (1) Call Congress into session, which means dealing with a bunch of Freedom Caucus squabbling, taking a bunch of vulnerable representatives off the campaign trail, angering Donald Trump, and giving the Democrats a "win," or (2) Refuse to take action, and assume the very real risk that 3 weeks before an election, voters, and in particular voters in three swing/swingy states, conclude the Republican Party is a bunch of heartless bastards unconcerned about the suffering of everyday people.

We do not know what Johnson will do. However, as you ponder this question, keep in mind that he is a man whose head is so far up Trump's... well, you know that he (Johnson) went on Meet the Press this weekend and said, with a straight face, that Trump "has more stamina and mental acumen and strength than any political figure probably in the history of the country." Really! You can see it here. That certainly sounds like someone who is going to do whatever the Dear Leader tells him to do. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates