Dem 50
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GOP 50
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Trump's Enemies List Is Long, and Growing

We've already deployed our favorite Sherlock Holmes quote. Why don't we add our favorite Maya Angelou quote? To wit: "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Last week, we had an item talking broadly about Trump's plans to punish his perceived enemies, should he regain the White House. Trump has shown us who he is, and we have no reason to doubt that he'll try to make good on his threats.

We are not the only ones to think so. Our item last week linked to a Politico article that sounded the alarm. That same day, The New York Times published their own article on the subject, based on their interviews with 50 former federal government employees, most of them having worked for the Department of Justice or the Office of White House counsel. And 42 of them said that Trump would be a threat to keeping criminal enforcement separate from politics, while 39 said he'd likely order the DoJ to investigate a political adversary. They were almost evenly divided on whether the DoJ would play along; 27 leaned in the direction of "yes," 23 leaned in the direction of "no."

It seems pretty clear that the question is not "will he try it?", it's "will he succeed?" That being the case, we thought a rundown of the threats reported in just the last week or so was worth noting:

We don't have anything insightful or pithy to add. He's a scary, scary man, and if he's reelected, he'll be surrounded by hordes of additional scary, scary men. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates