Dem 50
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GOP 50
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Some EXXXtra Help for Harris-Walz

When it comes to defeating Donald Trump and Project 2025, it's all hands on di... er, deck, it would seem. As readers will recall, one of the many elements of the plan is to ban all pornographic websites. This is unrealistic on half a dozen different levels, but there it is, nonetheless.

In view of the threat to their livelihoods, the porn industry is ready to fight back. According to a story in The New York Times yesterday, seventeen of the top pornographic actors have bought $100,000 of anti-Project 2025 and anti-Trump advertising, in service of their "Hands Off My Porn" campaign (Note: that link is safe for work). The online ads will be shown to users whose IP addresses are in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. In other words, the people who swing for a living know exactly which the swing states are.

The pornographers also know how to read a poll. One of Kamala Harris' greatest areas of weakness is with younger, male voters. And you know who consumes the lion's share of online porn? Males between the ages of 18 and 49. So, it's not crazy to think that the "Hands Off My Porn" campaign is going to be able to reach a lot of voters who are not currently supporting Harris, and with an issue that they care about.

And while we are on this general subject, we'll also pass along a different sort of approach to the problem, albeit also one involving artistic product of a mature nature. An anonymous artist has executed, from rubber and rebar, a 43-foot-tall, 6,000-pound effigy of Donald Trump, sans the ill-fitting suit. It is titled "Crooked and Obscene." Here's a safe-for-work shot of the piece being installed in Phoenix:

Trump's nude body is very
pale, has lots of fat and cellulite, and is very saggy

If you prefer a... fuller view of the anatomically correct work, there are several shots here. You might want to have a sharp object on hand, so you are in a position to gouge your eyes out, Oedipus Rex-style.

Before being displayed in Phoenix, the effigy was displayed in Las Vegas, and now it is reportedly en route to a third swing state. We are not so sure it will change anyone's votes, but you never know. MAGA types have been pitching fits online, which at very least means that the work is resonating with some viewers. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates