Dem 50
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GOP 50
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The Heritage Foundation Is Working on Lists of Whom to Fire in Trump v2.0

One of the items in Project 2025 is to reintroduce Schedule F, which would declare about 50,000 civil servants to be political appointees and thus fireable by the president at will. Of course, to be most effective, Donald Trump should fire only Democrats, and not Republicans, otherwise he will be replacing experienced Republicans who can get things done with inexperienced Republicans, who don't know beans about their new job. But how can Trump tell which civil servants are Democrats and Republicans? Ask each one? Probably not.

The Heritage Foundation is coming to his rescue. It has filed dozens of FOIA requests with NASA to get information about which NASA employees have talked to Elon Musk (who is in the space business) or Donald Trump. The Foundation says that NASA is failing to do cool things in space because it is too busy being woke on the ground. Based on what it learns, Heritage could present Trump with a list of people to fire the minute Schedule F goes into effect. Nice to have people working to help you.

NASA isn't the only agency the Heritage Foundation is targeting. It is just the one in the news right now. In recent years, it has filed over 65,000 FOIA requests. This gives it quite a bit of information it could use when advising Trump about whom to fire. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates