Dem 50
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GOP 50
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Hurricane Helene Is Still with Us

We and others have written about this before, but it is really important. Politico has another story about the effects of Helene on the election. The people there are suffering, but the election is going to happen anyway, so we can't ignore this. Here are a few photos of the horrendous damage the storm caused.

Photos of the damage Helene caused

One of the many effects of Helene was to wipe out the Democrats' robust campaign infrastructure in the western part of North Carolina, centered in Asheville. All of the Buncombe County plans were instantly canceled. All the party volunteers switched to doing relief work. The party chair, Kathie Kline, relocated to a hotel in Charlotte temporarily where she has power and Internet. She is doing her best to collect volunteers to do GOTV work but it is a struggle.

Early in-person voting starts statewide in 2 weeks, but many voting sites are unusable and the county election authorities there are trying to find alternative locations, although a recent state law makes that illegal. Do votes from an authorized but illegal polling site count? Beats us. Ask Chief Justice John Roberts, since other folks may be asking him that in a month or so. Of course, the legislature could change the law before Election Day, but there is no guarantee that it will.

In addition to all the logistical problems, misinformation and conspiracy theories are sprouting like fall mushrooms after a good rain. Donald Trump is claiming that the federal government is withholding aid from Republican counties. Far-right groups are saying the government will bulldoze communities and seize their land. Elon Musk claimed that private flights to bring supplies to North Carolina were blocked by the FAA (Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that is absolutely false). Alex Jones posted a note saying that the federal government is stealing aid to keep red areas from voting. The list goes on and on. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) tweeted "they can control the weather." Who's "they"? Democrats? The Harris campaign? The people who operate the Jewish space lasers?

Science fiction and non-science fiction aside, we tried to get a better handle on how Helene might affect the election. Remember that Donald Trump won North Carolina by 74,483 votes in 2020 (out of 5,524,804 votes cast). Keep that in mind. Twenty-five counties have been declared disaster areas. This does not mean that every county was affected equally or that no other counties sustained damage, but it is a starting point. We looked up the 2020 vote by county. Trump won 23 of the counties. The first three columns below give the 2020 election results by county and the fourth column gives the net Trump vote for each county:

County Trump Biden Net Trump 25% vote 50% vote 75% vote
Alexander 15888 4145 11743 2936 5872 8807
Alleghany 4527 1486 3041 760 1521 2281
Ashe 11451 4164 7287 1822 3644 5465
Avery 7172 2191 4981 1245 2491 3736
Buncombe 62412 96515 -34103 -8526 -17052 -25577
Burke 31019 13118 17901 4475 8951 13426
Caldwell 32119 10245 21874 5469 10937 16406
Catawba 56588 25689 30899 7725 15450 23174
Clay 5112 1699 3413 853 1707 2560
Cleveland 33798 16955 16843 4211 8422 12632
Gaston 73033 40959 32074 8019 16037 24056
Haywood 22834 13144 9690 2423 4845 7268
Henderson 40032 27211 12821 3205 6411 9616
Jackson 11356 9591 1765 441 883 1324
Lincoln 36341 13274 23067 5767 11534 17300
Macon 14211 6230 7981 1995 3991 5986
Madison 7979 4901 3078 770 1539 2309
McDowell 16883 5832 11051 2763 5526 8288
Mitchell 7090 1867 5223 1306 2612 3917
Polk 7689 4518 3171 793 1586 2378
Rutherford 24891 9135 15756 3939 7878 11817
Transylvania 11636 8444 3192 798 1596 2394
Watauga 14451 17122 -2671 -668 -1336 -2003
Wilkes 27592 7511 20081 5020 10041 15061
Yancey 7516 3688 3828 957 1914 2871
Total 583620 349634 233986 58497 116993 175490
      Trump loss 175490 116993 58497

In the 25 counties, Trump's net edge was 233,986 votes. Now what? Just suppose the damage is so bad that only 25% of the voters in each county vote (column 5), and the Democrats and Republicans are hit equally hard. Then Trump's edge in the 25 counties will be only 58,497, which represents a net loss for him of 175,490 votes.

Alternatively, suppose half the people in the affected counties vote (column 6). Then his edge is 116,993, which is 116,993 fewer votes than in 2020. Or, assume 75% of the people vote (column 7). Then Trump gets 175,490 votes more than Harris, which is 58,497 less than in 2020. If fewer than about two-thirds of the affected people vote and nothing else changes, Trump's loss in these mostly red counties will allow Harris to eke out a win in the state and get the state's electoral votes. If 70% vote and Trump ekes out a statewide win of a few thousand votes, expect to hear that the hurricane was part of God's plan to have Trump win North Carolina. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates