Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Blue Tent Is Back

In 2020, the progressive organization Blue Tent gave recommendations of where Democrats could donate money for the maximum impact. None of them were for the presidential race or high-profile Senate races. All of those candidates had money out the wazoo and whether a television viewer saw 14 commercials some night for the candidate, or 15, had approximately zero effect. Instead they were pitching things like individual state Senate races in states where flipping a couple of seats could flip the chamber. The amount of money raised for state legislatures is tiny by national standards. For example, the average amount raised for an Arizona state legislative seat 2018-2020 was about $50,000. Ruben Gallego has raised 400x that amount ($20 million) already and he has 5 months to go. In North Carolina, Republicans running for the General Assembly raised about $70,000 and Democrats raised about $60,000. In Wisconsin, another swing state, the average legislative candidate raised about $20,000. Clearly $100 would be welcomed and $1,000 is big money. For $10,000, you own the candidate.

Blue Tent is back this year, but the recommendations are different this time. Instead of recommending individual candidates, the organization is recommending four groups to donate to, each with different goals:

You can donate using Blue Tent's website or ActBlue Express.

We have searched for a Red Tent organization that makes recommendations for Republicans, but haven't found one. If you know of something comparable to Blue Tent, let us know and we'll write it up. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates