Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Herschel Walker Still Has $4.3 Million in His Campaign Warchest

Speaking of folks with a candidate quality problem, let's revisit Herschel Walker, who ran for the Senate in 2022 and lost to Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA). Walker, a former football player, had apparently been hit on the head one time too many and was such a bad candidate that his campaign manager stuffed him in a closet and wouldn't let him campaign. There was plenty of cash, so an all-air-war, no-ground-war campaign was feasible. Now it has been revealed that Walker still has a campaign bank account and it has $4.3 million in it. This does raise the question of why it wasn't spent on even more ads, GOTV operations, and other things that might have allowed him to win the race.

Additionally, the Georgia Republican Party is broke and is asking Walker to donate it to the state party to help Republicans. Walker is apparently not interested. By law, the money can only be used for political campaigns—either Walker's or someone else's—or donated to charity. He has made small donations to the NRSC and some charities, but has kept the bulk of the money in the campaign account. Given how bad Walker is as a candidate, it is unlikely he will run again himself, so why doesn't he give the rest of the money to some other Republican or party committee? He's not saying, which is not making other Republicans happy. A true team player in (in)action. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates