Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Biden Will Spend over $10 Million Wooing Black Voters

Continuing on the theme of money, Joe Biden has seen poll after poll showing that he is bleeding support among Blacks and Latinos, especially men. It has definitely sunk in. He has now announced a drive to reach Black voters and has committed over $10 million to it. Not surprisingly, given the above item, his first stop was in Pennsylvania, specifically Philadelphia, where he spoke at Girard College and met with leaders of Black-owned businesses yesterday. He also made use of his not-so-secret weapon, Kamala Harris, by having a joint appearance with her. Joint appearances of both members of a ticket are rare because it is an inefficient use of a critical resource, the candidates' time. But it demonstrates how serious Biden is about winning back Black voters. Going forward, Harris will surely play a big role in outreach to Black voters.

Biden is not focusing on issues like civil rights, but more on kitchen-table economic issues that many Black voters are concerned about. He is going to talk about how he has lowered prescription drug prices, invested in HBCUs, and is working to close the gaps in wealth and employment between white and Black Americans. Another bit of the campaign is to run ads showing that Donald Trump is a lifelong racist. This is Biden's sixth visit to Pennsylvania this year. There will surely be more, especially to cities with large Black populations that need mobilizing.

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates