Dem 51
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GOP 49
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It Was Twenty Years Ago, Part I: The Quiz

As we noted, Friday was our 20th anniversary. We'll have a few items this week in honor of the occasion, starting with this quiz asking you to recall the world as it was on May 24, 2004. There are 12 questions, plus a tiebreaker. In each case (except the tiebreaker), one of the statements is true and one is not. Here they are:

  1. Politics:
     •   On May 24, 2004, the Republicans had the federal trifecta
     •   On May 24, 2004, Alberto Gonzales was Attorney General

  2. Supreme Court:
     •   On May 24, 2004, three current justices were already on the Supreme Court (Thomas, Roberts, Alito)
     •   On May 24, 2004, only one current justice was already on the Supreme Court (Thomas)

  3. International Affairs:
     •   On May 24, 2004, Kim Jong-il was still leading North Korea
     •   On May 24, 2004, Kim Jong-il was dead, and had been succeeded by Kim Jong-un

  4. The News:
     •   On May 24, 2004, The Washington Post's 1A headline was "Bush Seeks to Reassure Nation on Iraq"
     •   On May 24, 2004, The Washington Post's 1A headline was "Lehman Brothers File for Bankruptcy"

  5. The Economy:
     •   On May 24, 2004, the average gallon of milk cost $3.16
     •   On May 24, 2004, the average gallon of gas cost $3.16

  6. Tech:
     •   On May 24, 2004, Facebook was just a few months old
     •   On May 24, 2004, the iPhone was just a few months old

  7. Television:
     •   On May 24, 2004, the highest-rated program in the U.S. was American Idol
     •   On May 24, 2004, the highest-rated program in the U.S. was Seinfeld

  8. Film:
     •   On May 24, 2004, The Passion of the Christ crossed the $350 million mark at the box office
     •   On May 24, 2004, Gladiator crossed the $200 million mark at the box office

  9. Music:
     •   On May 24, 2004, Britney Spears, Madonna and Paul McCartney were all on tour
     •   On May 24, 2004, Michael Jackson, The Presidents of the United States of America and Johnny Cash were all on tour

  10. Sports:
     •   On May 24, 2004, Oriole Cal Ripken's consecutive games streak was still underway
     •   On May 24, 2004, Oriole Cal Ripken had concluded his streak at 2,632 games

  11. Books:
     •   On May 24, 2004, the #1 book in the country was The Da Vinci Code
     •   On May 24, 2004, the #1 book in the country was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

     •   On May 24, 2004, our map had Michigan going for George W. Bush and Iowa going for John Kerry
     •   On May 24, 2004, our map had Minnesota going for George W. Bush and Missouri going for John Kerry

Tiebreaker Question: How many bills had George W. Bush vetoed as of May 24, 2004?

We will reveal the answers and the top scorers on Friday. If you want to take a shot, click here! (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates