Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Unhappy Birthday, Rudy

Rudy Giuliani will turn 80 on May 28, but the partying has already started. Last Friday, 200 of Giuliani's closest friends showed up at the home of GOP fundraiser and Kari Lake adviser Caroline Wren in West Palm Beach, FL, a 13-minute drive from Mar-a-Lago. It has not been reported what admission tickets cost. One small thing that might have dampened Rudy's mood is that he was recently indicted in Arizona in the fake electors scheme he helped carry out in 2020. On the other hand, he is an optimistic man and earlier in the day had posted this taunt:

Giuliani's taunt to Arizona AZ Kris Mayes

Given that West Palm Beach is 1,900 miles from Phoenix, as the crow flies (assuming the crow doesn't go off course due to heatstroke), Giuliani felt comfy and reveled with the guests as liquids flowed. After all, Giuliani has been actively and successfully trying to prevent being served for weeks. In fact, earlier in the week he said on his YouTube show that Arizona's inability to play a successful game of cat and mouse "is perfect evidence that if they're so incompetent, they can't find me, they also can't count votes correctly."

All that abruptly changed at 11 p.m. when agents working for Arizona AG Kris Mayes (D) formally served Giuliani with his indictment papers. Giuliani's spokesman, Ted Goodman, confirmed that service had occurred. Now all 18 indictees have been served and the legal process can continue.

This indictment may be one of the worst legal problems for Giuliani. He has also been indicted in Georgia, but that is a complex RICO case and Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis shot herself in the foot when she commenced a romantic relationship with the lead prosecutor. The fallout from that hasn't, well, fallen out yet. But the Arizona case is simpler and Mayes hasn't made any legal mistakes. Furthermore, she has said repeatedly that combatting interference with fair elections in Arizona is her top priority. And as all of our readers know, the president cannot pardon state crimes. Gov. Katie Hobbs (D-AZ) has the power to pardon Giuliani, but only after the Arizona Board of Pardons has first approved the pardon, which is not easy.

And in addition to criminal indictments in Arizona and Georgia, Giuliani owes two Georgia election workers $148 million and is being sued by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic USA Corp., among various others. Oh, and he is unemployed and nearly broke except for two properties he is trying to sell. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates