Dem 51
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GOP 49
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This Week in Republican Whackadoodlery, Part II: It's a Conspiracy (Or Maybe Not)

This is a very tricky item to nail down, so please bear with us. We'll start with the one fact that is undisputed: Many Trump supporters fear there is a conspiracy within the Republican Party for some group of delegates to seize control at the convention and impose their will on the proceedings.

There appears to be at least some evidence for this, in the form of a meeting in Arizona that took place a couple of weeks ago. The conspirators are far-right, but beyond that, it's not entirely clear what their goal might be, especially since those attendees who spoke to outsiders gave different answers. One possibility is to foist Trump with a hard-right running mate. Another is to replace Trump with someone even harder-right than he is, like Michael Flynn.

There's also a second conspiracy (or, at least, a second conspiracy theory), this one being propagated on right-wing blogs and websites, like Big League Politics. According to the alternate conspiracy theory, the rebel delegates are actually NeverTrumpers who are looking to depose the Donald and replace him with Nikki Haley.

We think it is improbable—like, Samuel Alito coming out as trans and announcing that she will henceforth be known as Samantha and will be voting with the three liberals unlikely—that Trump's nomination will be in danger. However, we pass this story along for two reasons. First, it appears to be a real thing, and so could at least produce some drama at the RNC. Second, it's a reminder that when you see conspiracies everywhere, you begin to see them even in your own house. This, and "you're not extreme enough" are what tend to break up fringe movements, sooner or later. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates